11个回答
展开全部
1.is
sitting
throws
2.ring
is
doing
sitting
throws
2.ring
is
doing
已赞过
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你对这个回答的评价是?
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1.is
sitting
throws
2.ring
is
doing
3.leave
are
enjoying
4.didn't
go
doesn't
feel
5.went
was
drawing6.breaked
is
playing
7.comes
am
telephoneing
8.was
listening
knocks
9.are
playing
cook
10.rains
are
leaving
sitting
throws
2.ring
is
doing
3.leave
are
enjoying
4.didn't
go
doesn't
feel
5.went
was
drawing6.breaked
is
playing
7.comes
am
telephoneing
8.was
listening
knocks
9.are
playing
cook
10.rains
are
leaving
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
你对这个回答的评价是?
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1.Can
you
tell
me
the
way
to
the
park?
2.Does
the
boy
in
red
sings
better
than
the
boy
in
blue?
3.Who
goes
to
bed
earlier,Mary
or
Helen?
4.How
about
this
blue
skirt?
5.Mike
is
as
tall
as
Ben.
6.Jim
jumped
higher
than
Jack.
1.lower
lowest
2.later
latest
3.slower
slowest
4.faster
fastest
5.earlier
earlist
6.farer
farest
7.better
most
8.more
most
you
tell
me
the
way
to
the
park?
2.Does
the
boy
in
red
sings
better
than
the
boy
in
blue?
3.Who
goes
to
bed
earlier,Mary
or
Helen?
4.How
about
this
blue
skirt?
5.Mike
is
as
tall
as
Ben.
6.Jim
jumped
higher
than
Jack.
1.lower
lowest
2.later
latest
3.slower
slowest
4.faster
fastest
5.earlier
earlist
6.farer
farest
7.better
most
8.more
most
已赞过
已踩过<
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收起
你对这个回答的评价是?
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1.
She
watered
flowers
yesterday.
2.
The
elephant
is
bigger
than
panda.
3.
He
wants
to
be
a
policeman.
4.
Yes,
she
did.
5.
He
saw
a
movie
in
cinema
yesterday.
或者(
He
watched
a
film
yeasterday)都可以
绝对正确无误
trust
me~
She
watered
flowers
yesterday.
2.
The
elephant
is
bigger
than
panda.
3.
He
wants
to
be
a
policeman.
4.
Yes,
she
did.
5.
He
saw
a
movie
in
cinema
yesterday.
或者(
He
watched
a
film
yeasterday)都可以
绝对正确无误
trust
me~
已赞过
已踩过<
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收起
你对这个回答的评价是?
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去买练习和磁带
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你对这个回答的评价是?
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