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玫瑰精油产品简介功效:更年期的克星,不老青春的独家秘籍它仅萃取生长在“神堂头玫瑰园”海拔1,000的大山里,以蒸馏法(这种蒸馏的产油率只有0.02%-0.03%左右)历时... 玫瑰精油产品简介
功 效:更年期的克星,不老青春的独家秘籍它仅萃取生长在“神堂头玫瑰园”海拔 1,000的大山里,以蒸馏法(这种蒸馏的产油率只有0.02%-0.03%左右) 历时24小时萃取,最大限度保证其活性及精纯度,约5000朵玫瑰花才能 蒸馏出1滴极品玫瑰精油,取得数量稀少,极为珍贵。 卓越功效:针对更年期综合症有显著疗效,可平衡更年期女性雌性激素,滋养子宫和 卵巢,击退各种如干燥、皱纹;潮红、盗汗、口干舌燥;乳房变小、松弛、 失去弹性、身材严重变形、肥胖;情绪烦躁、易怒等症状,是延缓女性衰 老的首选。 一、愉悦情怀的快乐天使。 芳香浓郁的甜美气息,能够缓和肾上腺皮脂的分泌,平抚情绪,提振精神,舒缓潜在的紧张与压力,释放一种使人快乐的荷尔蒙Dopamine(多巴胺)。 二、“性福生活”的浪漫天使。 玫瑰是卧室香闺的代表香氛,是浪漫爱情的象征。她能调节荷尔蒙水平,促进分泌,增强性欲,增进两性间的吸引,营造浪漫气氛,是男女间互诉情意的最佳恩物;对性欲下降、性冷淡等有奇妙的改善作用,可提升“性福”生活的质量。 三、滋阴益肾的养生天使。 玫瑰具有很的滋补身心的功效;能提高机体免疫力,调节荷尔蒙水平,促进循环代谢;改善及增强泌尿系统机能、利尿、强肾、促进毒素排解、代谢。 四、护心利脾的健康天使。 活化、促进血液循环,强化血管壁弹性,降低心脏的充血现象,减低心脏病的发生率;改善脾脏功能,利脾益心。 五、排毒养生的净化天使。 玫瑰具有一定的抗菌、抑菌功能;并能促进肠道蠕动,有轻泻作用,净化消化道,帮助毒素排解及代谢. 六、健胃消食的绿色天使。 七、玫瑰精油有美容去斑美化肌肤的作用。 八、玫瑰精油有燃烧脂肪、减肥瘦身的作用。 九、调经止痛的体贴天使、调节内分泌的重要作用。
【主要成分】 玫瑰花蒸馏水,内含大量玫瑰花精华 【主要功效】 1、护肤:保湿、滋润、防皱、适用于任何皮肤,玫瑰花水作为保湿,保持肌肤弹性与活力的很好选择! 2、精神调节:提神、消除疲劳、抗忧郁和恢复活力;
3、具有舒缓、抚慰、静心和抗发炎的特质,是温和的杀菌剂和收敛剂; 4、护发:喷在头发上,保持头发润泽柔顺,使头发飘逸清香。 【使用方法】 1、正常护肤:清洁皮肤后取适量搽于皮肤轻拍至吸收即可; 2、清洁皮肤后喷适量于面膜纸或化妆棉敷于面部或眼部静置15分钟;
3、具有舒缓、抚慰、静心和抗发炎的特质,是温和的杀菌剂和收敛剂; 4、护发:喷在头发上,保持头发润泽柔顺,使头发飘逸清香。
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2009-06-19 · TA获得超过832个赞
An Introduction to the Rose Essential Oil Products
Efficacy: The nemesis of menopause, are not old youth extraction exclusive tips it only grows in the "first Rose Garden" elevation mountains 1,000 to distillation (distillation of this oil was only around 0.02% -0.03%) lasted 24 hours of extraction, the maximum precision to ensure that their activity and purity, rose to about 5000 distillation of the best 1 drop rose essential oil, to obtain the number of rare, extremely valuable. Superior efficacy: for menopausal syndrome with significant efficacy, menopausal women can balance the female hormones, nourish the uterus and ovary, repel all kinds, such as dry, wrinkled; flushing, sweating, dry mouth; breasts have become smaller, relaxation, loss of flexibility deformation is severe obesity; emotional restlessness, irritability and other symptoms, it is preferred to postpone aging women. A pleasant feeling of happiness angel. Rich sweet aromatic flavor, can ease the adrenal secretion of sebum,calm the mood, boost the spirit, relieve tension and pressure potential, the release of a hormone is happy Dopamine (DA). Second, "sex life" angels romantic. Rose is the representative of the bedroom fragrance is a symbol of romantic love. She can regulate hormone levels, to promote the secretion, and enhance sexual desire, enhance the attraction between the sexes, and create a romantic atmosphere, is aware that certain affection between men and women of the best things; decline of sexual desire, such as sex coldness wonderful improvement to upgrade the "sex" quality of life. Third, the health Ziyin-Yishen angel. Rose has a physical and psychological effect of the tonic; can enhance the body immunity, regulate hormone levels, to promote the cycle of metabolism; to improve and enhance the function of the urinary system, diuretic, Qiangshen promote toxin troubleshooting, metabolism. IV Huxin Angel Lee spleen health. Activation, and promote blood circulation, strengthen the vascular wall elasticity, reducing the congestive heart phenomenon, to reduce the incidence of heart disease; improve spleen function, Lei Yixin spleen. V. Purification Angel health detoxification. Rose has some antibacterial, antimicrobial function; and promote intestinal peristalsis, and the role of light spilled, clean up the digestive tract to help troubleshoot and metabolic toxins. VI Jianweixiaoshi green angel. 7, Rose essential oil beauty skin speckle reducing the role of landscaping. 8, Rose essential oil burning fat, thin the role of weight loss. 9, the attentive analgesic Tiaojing angel, an important role in endocrine regulation.
Description Rose Water
【Main ingredients】 roses distilled water containing a large number of rose essence the main effects include 1, skin care: moisturizing, nourishing, wrinkle-free, suitable for any skin, rose water as a moisture and maintain skin elasticity and vitality of the very good choice! 2, the spirit of regulation: refreshing, the elimination of fatigue, antidepressants and revitalization;
3, with ease, comfort, quietly and anti-inflammatory qualities, is a moderate dose of fungicides and convergence; 4, hair care: hair spray on the hair to maintain soft moisturizing so that hair and elegant fragrance. 【Usage】 1, normal skin care: cleansing the skin apply after the check amount to pat the skin can absorb; 2, clean the skin after the spraying in the amount of paper or cotton mask apply mature facial or eye standing for 15 minutes;
3, with ease, comfort, quietly and anti-inflammatory qualities, is a moderate dose of fungicides and convergence; 4, hair care: hair spray on the hair to maintain soft moisturizing so that hair and elegant fragrance.

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