如题,复制别人的,就 别粘了。。希望高手指点一二。。。
百度知道,是一个交流学习的平台,不是来这里赚分数的。。希望大家明白 展开
百度知道,是一个交流学习的平台,不是来这里赚分数的。。希望大家明白 展开
2025-01-01 广告
2025-01-01 广告
-_-# 你要做什么
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 100
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF2) Then
MsgBox "你按了F2键!"
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 100
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF2) Then
MsgBox "你按了F2键!"
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim AddKey
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(13) '回车键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ENTER]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(17) 'Ctrl键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[CTRL]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(8) '退格键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[BKSPACE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(9)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[TAB]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(18)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ALT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(19)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PAUSE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(20)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[CAPS]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(27)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ESC]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(33)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PGUP]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(34)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PGDN]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(35)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[END]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(36)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[HOME]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(44)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[SYSRQ]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(45)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[INS]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(46)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[DEL]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(144)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[NUM]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(37)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[LEFT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(38)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[UP]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(39)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[RIGHT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(40)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[DOWN]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(112)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F1]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(113)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F2]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(114)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F3]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(115)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F4]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(116)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F5]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(117)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F6]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(118)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F7]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(119)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F8]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(120)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F9]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(121)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F10]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(122)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F11]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(123)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F12]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(124)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F13]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(125)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F14]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(126)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F15]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(127)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F16]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = " "
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(186)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = ";"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(187)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "="
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(188)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = ","
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(189)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "-"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(190)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "."
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(191)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "/" '/
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(192)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "`" '`
GoTo KeyFound
End If
'----------NUM PAD
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(96)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "0"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(97)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "1"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(98)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "2"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(99)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "3"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(100)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "4"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(101)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "5"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(102)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "6"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(103)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "7"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(104)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "8"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(105)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "9"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(106)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "*"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(107)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "+"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(108)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ENTER]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(109)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "-"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(110)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "."
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(1)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[LEFTMOUSE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(2)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(220)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "\"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(222)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "'"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(221)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(219)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "["
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(16) 'shift键
If KeyResult = -32767 And TimeOut = 0 Then
AddKey = "[SHIFT]"
LastKey = AddKey
TimeOut = 1
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32) '回车键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[SPACE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyLoop = 41
Do Until KeyLoop = 256 ' 显示其他键
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(KeyLoop)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Chr(KeyLoop)
KeyLoop = KeyLoop + 1
LastKey = AddKey
Exit Sub
KeyFound: '显示键的信息
Text1 = Text1 & AddKey
End Sub
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim AddKey
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(13) '回车键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ENTER]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(17) 'Ctrl键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[CTRL]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(8) '退格键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[BKSPACE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(9)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[TAB]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(18)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ALT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(19)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PAUSE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(20)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[CAPS]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(27)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ESC]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(33)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PGUP]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(34)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[PGDN]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(35)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[END]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(36)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[HOME]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(44)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[SYSRQ]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(45)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[INS]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(46)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[DEL]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(144)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[NUM]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(37)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[LEFT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(38)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[UP]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(39)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[RIGHT]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(40)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[DOWN]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(112)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F1]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(113)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F2]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(114)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F3]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(115)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F4]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(116)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F5]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(117)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F6]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(118)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F7]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(119)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F8]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(120)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F9]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(121)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F10]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(122)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F11]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(123)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F12]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(124)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F13]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(125)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F14]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(126)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F15]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(127)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[F16]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = " "
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(186)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = ";"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(187)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "="
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(188)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = ","
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(189)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "-"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(190)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "."
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(191)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "/" '/
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(192)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "`" '`
GoTo KeyFound
End If
'----------NUM PAD
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(96)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "0"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(97)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "1"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(98)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "2"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(99)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "3"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(100)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "4"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(101)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "5"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(102)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "6"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(103)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "7"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(104)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "8"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(105)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "9"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(106)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "*"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(107)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "+"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(108)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[ENTER]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(109)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "-"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(110)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "."
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(1)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[LEFTMOUSE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(2)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(220)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "\"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(222)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "'"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(221)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(219)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "["
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(16) 'shift键
If KeyResult = -32767 And TimeOut = 0 Then
AddKey = "[SHIFT]"
LastKey = AddKey
TimeOut = 1
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32) '回车键
If KeyResult = -32767 Then
AddKey = "[SPACE]"
GoTo KeyFound
End If
KeyLoop = 41
Do Until KeyLoop = 256 ' 显示其他键
KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(KeyLoop)
If KeyResult = -32767 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Chr(KeyLoop)
KeyLoop = KeyLoop + 1
LastKey = AddKey
Exit Sub
KeyFound: '显示键的信息
Text1 = Text1 & AddKey
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 100
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF1) Then
MsgBox "你按了F1键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF2) Then
MsgBox "你按了F2键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF3) Then
MsgBox "你按了F3键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF4) Then
MsgBox "你按了F4键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF5) Then
MsgBox "你按了F5键!"
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 100
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF1) Then
MsgBox "你按了F1键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF2) Then
MsgBox "你按了F2键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF3) Then
MsgBox "你按了F3键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF4) Then
MsgBox "你按了F4键!"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF5) Then
MsgBox "你按了F5键!"
End If
End Sub