请高手翻译电子信息工程的专业英语`比较长...PART 2
It is possible to have two separate memory systems for a hardward archiitecture.As long as date and instructions can be fed in at the same time.then it doesn't matter whether it comes from a cache or memory.But there are problems with this. Comolers generally.embed data(literal pools) within the cide,and it is often also necessary to be able to write to the instruction memory space,for example in the case of self modifying code,or,if an ARM debugger is used,to set software breakpoints in memory.If there are two completely separate,isolated memery systems,this is not possible.There must be some kind of bridge between the memory systems to allow this.
Using a simple,unfined memory system together with a Harvard architecture is highly inefficient.Vnless it is possible to feed data into both binsses at the same time,it might be better to use a ron.Neumann architecture processor.
Use of caches
At higher clock speeds,caches are useful as the memory speed is proportionally slower.Harvard architectures tend to be targeted at higher performance systems,and so caches are nearly always used in such systems.Von Neumann architectures.usually have a single unfined cache,which stores,both instructions and date.The proportion of each in the cache is variable which may be a good thing.It would in prineiple be possible to have separate instruction and data caches,storing data and instructious sepurately.This probably would not be very useful as it would only be possible to everaccess one cache at a time.
Caches for Hardward archhitectures are very useful.Such a system would have separate caches for each bus.Trying to use a shared cache on a Hardward architecture would be very inefficieue since then.only one bus can be fed at a time.Having two caches means.it is possible to feed both buses simultansously...exactly what is necessary for a Harvard architecture. 展开
Using a simple,unfined memory system together with a Harvard architecture is highly inefficient.Vnless it is possible to feed data into both binsses at the same time,it might be better to use a ron.Neumann architecture processor.
Use of caches
At higher clock speeds,caches are useful as the memory speed is proportionally slower.Harvard architectures tend to be targeted at higher performance systems,and so caches are nearly always used in such systems.Von Neumann architectures.usually have a single unfined cache,which stores,both instructions and date.The proportion of each in the cache is variable which may be a good thing.It would in prineiple be possible to have separate instruction and data caches,storing data and instructious sepurately.This probably would not be very useful as it would only be possible to everaccess one cache at a time.
Caches for Hardward archhitectures are very useful.Such a system would have separate caches for each bus.Trying to use a shared cache on a Hardward architecture would be very inefficieue since then.only one bus can be fed at a time.Having two caches means.it is possible to feed both buses simultansously...exactly what is necessary for a Harvard architecture. 展开
这是可能有两个独立的记忆系统的hardward archiitecture.As只要日期和指示可以美联储在同time.then不管它来自一个缓存或memory.But有问题,这。 Comolers generally.embed数据(字面池)内的cide ,往往还必须能够写入内存空间的指示,例如,在自治的情况下修改代码,或者,如果一个ARM调试器使用,以设置软件断点在memory.If有两个完全独立的,孤立的记忆系统,这不是possible.There必须得到某种形式的记忆体之间的桥梁,使这一系统。
使用简单, unfined记忆系统与哈佛结构是非常inefficient.Vnless有可能饲料数据纳入binsses在同一时间,可以更好地使用ron.Neumann架构处理器。
在更高的时钟速度,缓存是有用的记忆速度是slower.Harvard结构比例往往是针对更高性能系统,所以几乎总是缓存中使用这种systems.Von纽曼architectures.usually有一个单一unfined缓存,商店,都指示和date.The比例分别在缓存变量可能是衡岩裤一个很好的thing.It的原理将有可能有不同的指令和数据高速缓存,存储数据和instructious sepurately.This可能不会是咐简非常有用枣州的因为它不仅有可能everaccess一个缓存的时间。
暗藏的Hardward archhitectures非常useful.Such制度将具有单独的缓存为每个bus.Trying使用共享缓存的Hardward架构将是非常inefficieue自then.only一辆公共汽车可美联储在time.Having两个储藏手段。是有可能的饲料都巴士simultansously ...什么是必要的哈佛结构。
使用简单, unfined记忆系统与哈佛结构是非常inefficient.Vnless有可能饲料数据纳入binsses在同一时间,可以更好地使用ron.Neumann架构处理器。
在更高的时钟速度,缓存是有用的记忆速度是slower.Harvard结构比例往往是针对更高性能系统,所以几乎总是缓存中使用这种systems.Von纽曼architectures.usually有一个单一unfined缓存,商店,都指示和date.The比例分别在缓存变量可能是衡岩裤一个很好的thing.It的原理将有可能有不同的指令和数据高速缓存,存储数据和instructious sepurately.This可能不会是咐简非常有用枣州的因为它不仅有可能everaccess一个缓存的时间。
暗藏的Hardward archhitectures非常useful.Such制度将具有单独的缓存为每个bus.Trying使用共享缓存的Hardward架构将是非常inefficieue自then.only一辆公共汽车可美联储在time.Having两个储藏手段。是有可能的饲料都巴士simultansously ...什么是必要的哈佛结构。