很简单,打开flash软件,新建一文档,在第一桢打开动作面板,输入以下脚本代码。测试OK //画钟表边线 this.createEmptyMovieClip("bianxian_mc", 1); with (bianxian_mc) { lineStyle(2, 0xCCCCCC); moveTo(Math.cos(0*Math.PI/180)*96, Math.sin(0*Math.PI/180)*96); for (var i = 360; i>=0; i--) { lineTo(Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180)*96, Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180)*96); } _x = 100; _y = 100; } //创建时间动态文本 this.createTextField("my_txt", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); with (my_txt) { autoSize = true; textColor = 0x555555; _x = 70; _y = 60; } //画12个表格 this.createEmptyMovieClip("biaoge_mc", 3); with (biaoge_mc) { lineStyle(2, 0xCCCCCC); moveTo(0, -96); lineTo(0, -92); _x = 100; _y = 100; } for (i=1; i<12; i++) { duplicateMovieClip(biaoge_mc, "biaoge_mc"+i, 3+i); setProperty("biaoge_mc"+i, _rotation, i*30); } //画时针 this.createEmptyMovieClip("shizhen_mc", 16); with (shizhen_mc) { lineStyle(4, 0x666666); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(0, -60); _x = 100; _y = 100; } //画分针 this.createEmptyMovieClip("fenzhen_mc", 17); with (fenzhen_mc) { lineStyle(2, 0x666666); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(0, -75); _x = 100; _y = 100; } //画秒针 this.createEmptyMovieClip("miaozhen_mc", 18); with (miaozhen_mc) { lineStyle(1, 0x666666); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(0, -90); _x = 100; _y = 100; } //让时针、分针、秒针动起来 this.createEmptyMovieClip("time_mc", 19); time_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { my_date = new Date(); shi = my_date.getHours(); fen = my_date.getMinutes(); miao = my_date.getSeconds(); shizhen_mc._rotation = shi/12*360+fen/60*30; fenzhen_mc._rotation = fen/60*360+miao/60*6; miaozhen_mc._rotation = miao/60*360; if (shi<10) { shi = "0"+shi; } if (fen<10) { fen = "0"+fen; } if (miao<10) { miao = "0"+miao; } my_txt.text = shi+":"+fen+":"+miao; }; //画中心圆 this.createEmptyMovieClip("yuan_mc", 20); with (yuan_mc) { beginFill(0x555555); moveTo(Math.cos(0*Math.PI/180)*4, Math.sin(0*Math.PI/180)*4); for (var i = 360; i>=0; i--) { lineTo(Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180)*4, Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180)*4); } _x = 100; _y = 100; }