1、If children eat or breathe lead, they may have many health problems.
2、Petrol, paint and some toys.
3、Because the paint pollutes the air and land.
4、They like to put toys into their mouths.
5、We must ask all companies to stop using lead in petrol, paint and toys.
Because the lead can cause health problems, and the children can even die because of lead.
Petrol, paint, children's toys.
Because the paint pollutes the air and land, people might eat lead in their food.
They may put toys into their mouth.
We must ask all companies to stop using lead in petrol, paint and toys.
Because if children breathe or eat lead , they can have many health problems and they can even die.
Because many kinds of paint have lead in them and the paint pollutes the air and land.
Put toys into their mouths.
Ask all companies to stop using lead in petrol , paint and toys.