跪求英语大神 这道题怎么做? 50
Your kids will better understand responsibility.
Children shouldn’t grow up stress-ridden, but they need to learn the basics of being responsible. For example, as adults, we might have children or pets to look after. We have housework to do. We have food to cook. If we let our children help with some of these activities, they will learn that responsibilities are a part of lvery day, to help wash up after dinner, to feed the pet goldfish, then you are teaching them that success happens when people work together.
Children shouldn’t grow up stress-ridden, but they need to learn the basics of being responsible. For example, as adults, we might have children or pets to look after. We have housework to do. We have food to cook. If we let our children help with some of these activities, they will learn that responsibilities are a part of lvery day, to help wash up after dinner, to feed the pet goldfish, then you are teaching them that success happens when people work together.