下课的英语怎么读?
展开全部
动词的话可以用finish
和
end,这两个比较常见。比如:老师还在讲,但其实现在该下课了。The
teacher
is
still
speaking,but
actually
we
should
finish
class
now.历史老师一说下课教室里就乱哄哄的。Our
classroom
was
in
noisy
confusion
the
moment
history
teacher
ended
class.
比较正式的用法应该是dismiss。例句:老师提前了十分钟下课。The
teacher
dismissed
the
class
ten
minutes
early.再给你补充一下“下课”的抽象用法。这种产品没有竞争力,只好下课。This
product
is
competitive
and
has
been
terminated
.
和
end,这两个比较常见。比如:老师还在讲,但其实现在该下课了。The
teacher
is
still
speaking,but
actually
we
should
finish
class
now.历史老师一说下课教室里就乱哄哄的。Our
classroom
was
in
noisy
confusion
the
moment
history
teacher
ended
class.
比较正式的用法应该是dismiss。例句:老师提前了十分钟下课。The
teacher
dismissed
the
class
ten
minutes
early.再给你补充一下“下课”的抽象用法。这种产品没有竞争力,只好下课。This
product
is
competitive
and
has
been
terminated
.
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
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