让我们买点水果吧英语是:Let's buy some fruit。
1、Let's buy some fresh fruit for breakfast。(我们买点新鲜水果来当早餐。)
2、Let's buy some tropical fruits to try。(我们买些热带水果尝尝。)
3、Let's buy some fruits that are on sale today。(我们买些今天打折的水果。)
4、Let's buy some organic fruits。(我们买些有机水果。)
5、Let's go to the farmer's market to buy fruits。(我们去农贸市场买些水果吧。)
6、There's a nice fruit stand down the street。Let's check it out。(街道尽头有一家不错的水果摊,我们去看看吧。)
7、Wanna go to that organicfruit store we saw last week。(想去上周看到的那家有机水果店吗。)
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