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2009-07-27 · 超过19用户采纳过TA的回答



Q:in 104
I want to know what is nipident (sp?) because in series one the said if you were on nipident for a day what would you do then they asked joey and he said kill myself because if little joey's dead then there's no reason for me to live then ross says i'm nipident and joey goes all sympatethic or somthing any way please some explain theis to me????--From chandlermatthew

A:Omnipotent it means all-powerfull, but when Ross says that Joey thinks he's saying that he's Impotent !!
Hope that clears that up--From queenofcheese


Q: in 109, TOW Underdog Gets Away
ross: [trying to talk to his unborn child] Where am I talking to here? I mean, I know one way that seems to offer a certain acoustical advantage. <[what's that?] --From Mrs Chambers

A1:Well no one else dared to tackle this one, so I guess I will. He meant the...uh...easiest way in...--From Plasmatics
A2:To be blunt: Ross was asking if he should talk to (or up, I guess) her vagina. Since the baby obviously got into Carol's uterus through that "passage", Ross was asking if the baby could hear him better through it. --From RoXyIsFoXy55

详解:Ross 想和Carol肚里的BB讲话,并想抄近道:“我是否该从‘你钻进肚里的通道’那里跟你对话?”

Q:in 118: TOW All The Poker
Rachel: Guys! Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what!
Chandler: Um, ok... the... the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident? --From Mrs Chambers

A:That is from the commercial where 4/5 dentists recommend Trident and he was says that now Trident is recommended by all 5 dentists.--From Friends205

详解:Trident, 不含糖的口香糖.其广告为:5个牙医中有4个都推荐Trident.


Q:in 118 TOW All the Poker
Phoebe: "Hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black." ?????-- From FriendsFAN86

A:There's an old saying: "It's like the pot calling the kettle black." It was coined when most pots and pans were made of iron and, therefore, were, black. It means that you're accusing someone of something that really is reflective of you -- much like "It takes one to know one."
Does that help?--From leeni

详解:古语有云,"It's like the pot calling the kettle black."乌鸦笑猪黑,“罐子笑壶黑”,因为很多铁制炊具为黑色。意思是,你在嘲讽别人时,其实自己也一样,就好像说,"It takes one to know one", 彼此彼此。


Q: in 120, TOW the Evil Orthodontist
PHOEBE: Oh, God, just do it! (GETTING PHONE) Call her! Stop being so testosteroney!
CHANDLER: Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat. (CALLS HER, THEN HURRIEDLY HANGS UP) I got her machine.
--From Matthew Perry

A: That was a play on the old Rice A Roni commericals, where their slogan was the San Fransisco treat. There's also a sexual connotation implied there as well.--From Jenn

San Francisco treat,饮料食品广告语:旧金山请客!real San Francisco treat,含有性的暗示,大约是因为那里的同性恋街?

Q: in 209: TOW Phoebe's Dad
it was when it was christmas and it was hott in there apartment, at the end Chandler and Joey were passing out there presents, they got to Monica and then Joey say "there rib, for your pleasure!". Now, what was that gift, and what did that mean?--From LovelyFriends

A1: I think the present Joey and Chandler gave Monica was a pack of condoms, and i think Joey said what was written on the box...But I may be wrong! --From Lady Geller
A2:It was actually " ribbed for her pleasure".They were condoms. They were all the things you could pick up from a gas station, actually I thought they were the best present of the lot. Dunno if it's been on anything else but the first time I saw that "Ribbed for her pleasure" and the cheesy smile was on Waynes World. Hope that's what you meant.--From queenofcheese

详解:" ribbed for her pleasure",避孕套品牌。加油站可买到的“最好的”礼物。我第一次看到这个牌子和送礼人脸上类似的笑容,是在《反斗智多星》里。


Q: in 214: TOW The Prom Video
Joey says "Hello Mr.Cotter!"...who is Mr.COtter?--From Matthew Perry

A: there was a show in the late 70s called "Welcome Back, Kotter" so I kind of wondered if it was in reference to that--From U2Baby
Well, the script is wrong.
Ross in the tape looked very much like Kotter from Welcome Back Kotter.--From Plasmatics

详解:cotter,应为kotter, 1975的电视情景剧《欢迎克特尔归来》"Welcome Back, Kotter"里的教师一角,美国版GTO;
约翰.特拉沃尔塔演学生Vinnie Barbarino、并因此剧走红。

Q: in 719 TOW Ross and Monica's Cousin
Monica: Wafer thin ice!--From ross
A: Wafer thin ice was probably a reference to the saying "You're skating on thin ice!" which basically means you're really close to getting me really mad.--From Plasmatics


Q:in 719
Joey: Barmitsvahed?--From ross

A:A bah mitzvah is a Jewish tradition that takes place with a son turns 13. The joke is funny because they're talking about an Italian Catholic.

Here's a little description I found, though I'm sure someone Jewish can answer this MUCH better than this:

The definition is that at thirteen, a Jewish male regardless of whether he has any studies or anything, becomes an independent person, responsible on his own before God, he becomes an adult, where the religion is concerned. Regardless of how much he knows, what he does or what he says. But he's regarded as a person on his own, responsible for his actions. Before God, an action, he has certain responsibilities, and religious practices to perform. Regardless of what he had. . . education, of whether he had a formal celebration. But by the law, they, the old religion is set up, a man at thirteen, a boy at thirteen, becomes independent. Bah Mitzvah means "son of the commandments." He's responsible on his own. Judgment is coming from his own, the parents are not responsible for his sins or good deeds anymore.--From Plasmatics

详解:正确的拼写为bah mitzvah,犹太教的成人礼。这个笑话好笑在于,他们在谈的是意大利天主教徒。

Q: in 813 TOW Chandler Takes A Bath, I dont get a joke .
Chandler says: "The bath salts....they're starting to evervesse!"
What's everesse?-- From Mrs Chambers

A1:ok evervesse it like dissolving, but while it's dissolving, it kinda make those lil'bubles, like when u open sprite, and it kinda pike u a little--From FriendsHolic
A2: evervesse 应该是 effervesce 吧?--From 鱼猫宝宝


Q: in 814, Tow the secret closet
I don't get the joke where chandler says something like, oh my god I married...... and then he says some guy's name. I don't know who that guy is so I don't get it.--From Evilsam

A1:Chandler says to Monica,"I married Fred Sanford!"And then he starts humming the theme song of "Sanford and son", which was another TV show and Fred Sanford was an old man who always left things in a mess... --From Lady Geller
A2:there used to be a show called Sanford and Son. Chandler said "oh my god I married Fred Sanford" because monica's closet was all sloppy and had all junk in it. On the show Fred Sanford is the owner of a junkyard that he runs with his son.--From FriendsFAN86

详解:chandler 发现monica 的整洁有序背后,竟有不为人知的另一面。所以说,“我竟娶了Fred Sanford!” Fred Sanford为另一电视剧"Sanford and Son" 中的老头子,这老头和儿子一起经营一个垃圾场;接着chandler 开始哼那部剧集的主题曲。

Q:in 901 TOW No One Proposes
i don't get this joke when Monica gos ito the room to see rachel and rachels says can i talk to ya and then monica says "sure i'm just going to get my ears cut off" what does that mean?????-- From Rosa

A:basically well she was coming back from the talk she had with her dad... about conceiving babies... and she was all grossed out... and didn't want to hear anything else... So when Rachel told her she needs to tell her something...it was like alright hurry and tell me before i go and cut my ears off--From FriendsHolic


=========================================================================Q:in 919
Ross: We are four short of a bush-o --From Jenny

A1:Ross says they're 4 short of a bushel. which is a unit of volume in the US metric system.--From Queen Green
A2:That was probably "bushel" which is a specific unit of measurement, but is often used to mean "a lot"--From Plasmatics


Q:in 919 TOW Rachel's Dream
Ross: Oh dude, don't worry about it, I found an unattended maid's car--From Jenny

A:Ross said maid's cart, not car, meaning the cart where maids for hotels keep their cleaning supplies and stuff. --From Queen Green

详解:maid's cart,酒店服务员的手推车;unattended,表四下无人。


Q:I didnt get a joke from last night episode, when Phoebe was talking about her job...what is a 4-0-wonk??--From yogal

A1:She meant 401K.- From U2Baby
A2:A 401(k) is like a retirement plan, I believe--From chanoeygirl
A3:Yeah, it was supposed to be funny because she didn't know to call it a "four-oh-one-kay" and instead read it like it was a regular word.-- From Plasmatics
A4:A 401(k) (four-oh-one-kay) is a retirement plan. Your company takes a bit out of your paycheck, and you have the option of investing part of it in the company stock, and usually the company has a matching plan as well.
I have a 401(k)...it has about $4,000 in it.
It's similar to that season one joke when Rachel asked who FICA was, and "why does he get all of my money?" lol. -- From SFGrl

详解:「401(K)」是美国于1981年创立一种延后课税的退休金帐户,由于美国政府将相关规定明订在国税条例第401(K)条中,故简称为401(K)计划。401k在410 TOW The Girl From Poughkeepsie里也出现过。

Q:i din get 921's "who says wine has to cost more than milk"..? --From lyn

A:means he's drinking very cheap wine. If you don't get it then an explaination isn't going to make it funny. It's one of those things. I can't even explain why it was so funny, but I laughed hardest at that.-- From Plasmatics
A2:Yeah, a good indication of how cheap that wine was...the bottle was HUGE! Jugs o' wine are generally pretty crappy, LOL!
It may even be worse than...boxed wine! lol.-- From SFGrl

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2009-07-14 · TA获得超过364个赞
那只能说明楼主的英文水平还不够 要完全看懂老友记除了要具备出色的听力能力之外 还必须了解一些美国的基本国情及常识

我看了老友记有2年了吧 大部分都能看懂 但少许部分明白英文的意思但不明白为什么好笑 这个或许和美国本地的方言或者历史因素有关系

楼主也或许是因为后者的因素 如果你觉得自己能听懂的话。
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老友记 堪称最经典的美剧 你觉得不好笑 不是电视剧的问题 或许你的问题 也许你根本都没看懂什么意思
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