英语学习对于我来说是一件很难的事情,因为工作生活应用的很少,所以很多知识都已经淡忘了。但是英语学习对我来说,又是一件很有兴趣和意义的事情。因为我的家乡日照正在成为国家性的海滨城市,有许多外宾来到这里游玩,作为主人,如果能流利使用英语交流,将是一件很有意义的事情。所以尽管英语学习很难,但是我不准备放弃。 展开
英语学习对于我来说是一件很难的事情,因为工作生活应用的很少,所以很多知识都已经淡忘了。但是英语学习对我来说,又是一件很有兴趣和意义的事情。因为我的家乡日照正在成为国家性的海滨城市,有许多外宾来到这里游玩,作为主人,如果能流利使用英语交流,将是一件很有意义的事情。所以尽管英语学习很难,但是我不准备放弃。 展开
In my life the most important matter pays attention to the little nephew's growth. He places since childhood in my family, I look like mother to love him equally. After going to school, every day I will inquire he the study, will care about his health. I can be redundant every day a few words to him, the child, must study well, is upward daily.
English study regarding me is a very difficult matter, because the work life application are very few, therefore many knowledge already faded from the memory. But English study for me, is also one has the interest and the significance matter very much. Because my hometown sunshine is becoming the country coast city, many foreign guests arrive at here to play, take the master, if can use English to exchange fluently, will be a very meaningful matter. Therefore English study is very freely difficult, but I do not prepare to give up.
English study regarding me is a very difficult matter, because the work life application are very few, therefore many knowledge already faded from the memory. But English study for me, is also one has the interest and the significance matter very much. Because my hometown sunshine is becoming the country coast city, many foreign guests arrive at here to play, take the master, if can use English to exchange fluently, will be a very meaningful matter. Therefore English study is very freely difficult, but I do not prepare to give up.
In my life, the most important thing is growing up showing solicitude for the young nephew. He is entrusted to the care of my family from childhood , I love him looking like the mother. I may ask about his study about every day after being at school, care for his health. Every day I may repeat one words , child to him , need to study hard and make progress every day. English has learned being a piece of very difficult thing as for me , much knowledge has faded from self's memory all already seldom , therefore because of job life is applicative. But English learns coming to say to me thing being a piece of significance interested in drawing. Have a lot of foreign guest to arrive in here going sight-seeing , be a host because of my hometown sunshine becomes country's sea town in course of,communicate with if being able to use English fluently, will be a piece of the highly significant thing. Therefore I do not prepare although English is very difficult to study, give up
参考资料: 进校
In my life ,the most important thing is (that) the growth of my little nephew.He fostered care in my home,when he just a little kid,I loved him just like a mother.After he went to school,I would care about his study and health every day.I repeated a sentence to him,boy,you should study well,and make program every day!!!
My life the most important thing is to be concerned about the growth of small nephew. His childhood foster care in my home, I love him like a mother like. After school, I would ask him every day of the study, concerned about his health. I repeat every day of his word, children can learn, every day up.
Ma vie le plus important est de se préoccuper de la croissance des petites neveu. Son enfance en famille d'accueil chez moi, je l'aime comme une mère, etc. Après l'école, je lui demande chaque jour de l'étude, préoccupé par sa santé. Je le répète tous les jours de sa Parole, les enfants peuvent apprendre, tous les jours en place.
Apprentissage de l'anglais est pour moi très difficile, car très peu de travail et la vie des applications, de sorte qu'un grand nombre de connaissances ont été oubliées. Toutefois, apprentissage de la langue anglaise, pour moi, est très intéressé et de signification d'une chose. Parce que ma maison est en train de devenir un pays de soleil dans la ville côtière, il existe de nombreux clients viennent ici pour jouer, en tant que propriétaire, si l'échange est à l'aise en anglais, serait une chose très significative. Donc, même si il est difficile d'apprendre l'anglais, mais je ne suis pas prêt à abandonner.
Ma vie le plus important est de se préoccuper de la croissance des petites neveu. Son enfance en famille d'accueil chez moi, je l'aime comme une mère, etc. Après l'école, je lui demande chaque jour de l'étude, préoccupé par sa santé. Je le répète tous les jours de sa Parole, les enfants peuvent apprendre, tous les jours en place.
Apprentissage de l'anglais est pour moi très difficile, car très peu de travail et la vie des applications, de sorte qu'un grand nombre de connaissances ont été oubliées. Toutefois, apprentissage de la langue anglaise, pour moi, est très intéressé et de signification d'une chose. Parce que ma maison est en train de devenir un pays de soleil dans la ville côtière, il existe de nombreux clients viennent ici pour jouer, en tant que propriétaire, si l'échange est à l'aise en anglais, serait une chose très significative. Donc, même si il est difficile d'apprendre l'anglais, mais je ne suis pas prêt à abandonner.
The most important thing in my life is taking my attention on the growing of my nephew.he lived in my home when he is little,and i also love he like a mum .since he begins to go to school,i ask about his study and care about his hleath everyday.I repeat one sentence to him ,child,good good study ,day day up.