

2020-02-27 · 非著名电竞玩家
定语从句(Attributive Clause)

1. 关系代词和关系副词

who: The man is a model worker. The man will come here.

The man who will cime here is a model woeker.

The man who is a model worker will come here.

whom: The comrade teaches us English. You saw the comrade yesterday.

The comrade (whom) you saw yesterday teaches us English.

whose: We must help the old woman. The old woman's son is in the army.

We must help the old woman whose son is in the army.

Have you got the book? The cover of the book is red.

Have you got the book whose cover is red?

I live in the room. The window of the room faces south.

I live in the room whose window faces south.

which: You may read the book. The book is very intersting.

You may read the book which is very intersting.

This is the book (which) I got yesterday.

that: The man that is talking with Tom is my friend.

The thing (that) we need to breathe is oxygen.

Who is the woman that is talking with our teacher?

 The man (that) I am going to meet at the station is a friend of mine.

when: I'll never forget the day. I joined the League on the day.

I'll never forget the day when I joined the League . (when = on which)

where: This is the room. Premier Zhou worked in the room.

This is the room where Premier Zhou wleked. (where = in which)

why: This is the reason. She will not come for the reason.

This is the reason why she will not come. (why = for which)

2. “介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句 (prep. + reletive pronoun)


⑴ 要注意介词与前面先行词的正确搭配

The earth is ball. We live on the earth. The earth on which we live is a ball.

The speed at which the car travels is 50 kilometres an hour.

I'll never forget the day on which I joint the Party.

⑵ 要注意与后面动词的正确搭配

This is an advanced worker from whom we can learned a lot.

The problemabout which we talked yesterday is difficult to solve.

The PLA man of whom we often heard will come here.

3. 定语从句的种类及其四点不同

⑴ 意义不同 ⑵ 形式不同 ⑶ 翻译不同 ⑷ 所用关系代词不同 (that)

Li Ming, who lives in the same room with me, studies very hard.

He has a son who is in the army. He has a son, who is in the army.

All the books there, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him.

His younger sister, who is studying at Beijing University, is eighteen.

4. 如何选择关系代词

一 who & that

⑴ who

① who可代替人,人格化了的动物,神话故事中的人物。

The dog who is barking is our pet.

② 先行词是人关系代词倾向用who

The girl who dances beautifully gave us a performance that day.

③ 当先行词用泛指代词 he,they或指示代词 those 时, 常用who

He who does no work gets no pay.

We are badly in need of those who can work in real earnet. (真正干活的人)

④ 先行词被不定代词修饰时,多用who

I have found many people who can do this work.

I don't know all the teachers who work here.

Are there any students in your class who want to visit the Great Wall?

⑤ 在 there be 句型中,既作主语又表示人时, 多用 who 或者省略

There is someone outside thie office (who) wants to see you.

⑥ 不定代词one, ones, anyone 等作先行词时, 多用 who

One who woeks without complaint is welcome here.

⑦ 定语从句与先行词分隔,用that 可能引起起义歧义时, 应用who

I saw a man in the street who was surrounded by many people.

⑧ 在非限制性定语从句中, 一般要用who不用that

The soldier, who may feel sorry for the boy, had him stand with his back to his father.

⑨ 在一个句子中有两个定语从句,第一个关系代词用that,第二个宜用用who

The man that I like is the one who is both competent (能干的)and diligent.


I met a Greek who travelled a lot in the world but who knew very little about his own country.

⑵ that

① 以疑问代词who 或which 开头的特殊疑问句,为了避免重复,用that

Who is the man that is shouting there?

Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this?

② 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,多用that

She is not the girl that she was three years ago.

Mary is no longer the girl that she used to be.

③ 先行词被形容词最高级和序数次所修饰时, 用that

She has become one of the best actresses that appear on Chinese screens.

She was the first woman that was laid off.

④ 先行词为两个或两个以上分别表示人或物, 用that

He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.

They were talking about the persons and things that they remembered.

⑤ 先行词被 the only, the very 所修饰时, 用that

He was the only boy that was praised by the teacher.

She was the very teacher that I was looking for.

⑥ 先行词前有指示代词 the same 时, 应用that

This is the same person that I met yesterday.

That is the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday.

⑦ 先行词为who,为避免重复,须用that

Who that you have ever seen can beat him in the chess?

⑧ 一个句子有两个定语从句,第一个用了who , 第二宜用that

The man who is at table is his brother that has been serving in the army.

二 which & that

⑴ which

① 如果先行词是 that, 关系代词应用which

What was that which you said about him?

② 分隔性定语从句, 用which较好

I have some interests outside my professional work which give me great pleasure.

③ 关系代词前出现介词, 只能用which

They had a meeting at which he spoke on the current econmic situation.

如果把介词移到句末, 可用that或省略

This is the book (that) he was looking for.

④ 非限制性定语从句中, 只用which

I'll buy a book, which tells about the use of English idioms.

Beijing , which was China's capital for more than 800 years, is rich in cultural and historic relics.(文物)

⑤ 一个句子有两个定语从句, 第个用了that , 第二个宜用which

This is the book that you bought which you have lost.

Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly opened to us.

⑵ that

① 先行词不定代词时, all, the onne, anything, everything, nothing, little,much, few,

none, 用that. 但somethig多用that也可用which

All that can be done has been done.

That is all tha I know.

We should do all that is useful to the people.

Do you mean the one that was bought yesterday?

There is little that we can do in such a short time.

Everything that the children saw in the zoo was interesting.

Is there anything that I can do for you?

There's nothing that can be saidabout it.

② 先行词被不定代词 any, few, little, noi, all , one of 所修饰时, 用that

You can take any seat that is free.

This is one of the pens that his father bought for him.

⑶ 先行词被序数词, 形容词最高级所修饰时,用that

This is the most wonderful film that I have ever see.

The smallest living thing that can be seen under a microscope are bacteria.

The fiest thing that we should do is to work out the plan.

What was the last song that she sang at the evning party?

⑷ 先行词被the only, the very, the same, just , 所修饰时,用that

The only thing that we could do was to wait.

This is the only way that I can find.

This is the very book that I have been looking for.

This is the very word that is wrongly used.

⑸ 先行词本身为表语, 或关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,宜用that

China is not the China (that) she used to be.

My hometown is no longer the place (that) it used to be.

My typeriter is not the machine that it was.

⑹ 先行词有两个或两个以上分别表示人或物时, 用that

What do you thingk of the people and things that you saw in the countryside?

The writer and his novels that you have just talked and really well known.

The bike and its rider that had run over an old woman were held up by the police.

⑺主句为there be结构, 修饰主语的定语从句宜用that

There is still a seat in the corner that is still free.

⑻与 the same连用时, 只能用that, 但与the same...as 不同

This is the same museum that you once wisited.

This is the same dictionary as I bought yesterday.

⑼ 先行词是数词时,用that

Yesterday I caught two fish and put them in a basin of water. Now you can see the two that are still alive.

⑽ which开头的特殊疑问句,用that

Which is the dictionary that you bought yesterday?

⑾一个句子有两个定语从句,第一个用了which, 第二宜用that

I'll borrow a book which tells about the heroic deeds that the PLA men did in the

battles against the invaders.

Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never seen before.


⑴ 被地点状语分隔

There are none of the students in our class who don't study English.

I was the only person in my office who was invited.


We firmly suppot the people of that country who are struggling for their national independence and liberation.

I'll never forget the day in 1990 when I joined the Youth League.

⑶ 被谓语分隔

The days are gone when we use "foreign oil".

The day will come when the four modernizations will be realized in our country.



⑴ 限制性定语从句: as引导的限制性定语从句,主句中的先行词前常有形容词such,the same与之呼应,它们在定语从句中作定语或表语。

① such...as "象... 之类" the same...as "和...同样的"

I have never heard such stories as he tells.

Such women as knew Tom thought he was charming. (可爱)

She wears thesame kind ofclothes as hersister.

We use the same dictionary as you.

② such as 连在一起使用有三种情况:

1> such 充当 as 的先行词

I have not many, but I'll send you such as I have.

2> 先行词处于such之前,是被such修饰的名词

She collected a great many stories such as a child of four or five could understand.

3>such as相当like,用来列举人或事物,用逗号

A man such as he will succeed.

They export a lot of fruits such as oranges and apples.

⑵非限制性定语从句,常代表前面一个句子(详见 7)

They have invited me to dinner with them, as is very kind of them.

As has been said before, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

7. as 和 which 引导的非限制性定语从句



As everybody can see, great changes have taken plac in our country.

He opposed the idea, which could be expected.

⑵ as 作关系代词代表前面整个句子时,有“正如”,“正象”之义,而 which却没词义。

As we had expected, his performance was wounderful.

shie is very learned, as is described in the book.

They are hollow, which makes them very light.

Mary was late for class again, which made her teacher very angry.

⑶如果从句所表达的意义给主句披上一层贬义色彩,非限制性定语从句只能用which来引导, 不宜用as。

He married her, whichwas disagraceful.


⑴ 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语

Here is the book (which) the teachermentioned yesterday.

The old man (whom) Tom visited last week is a professor.

This is the most exciting football game (that) I have ever seen.

⑵ 关系代词在定语从句中作表语

She is no longer the girl (that) she was before she went to the countryside.

⑶如果定语从句的谓语动词是there is,作主语的关系代词可以省略。

This is the fastest train (that) there is to Nanking.

You must make a list of names of the students (who) there are in your class.

9. 如何选择 whose 和 of which 与whose和of whom

⑴ 如果定语从句的先行词指人(personal),用whose或of whom

Is there anyone in your class whose family is in the southeast?

This kind of reference books are used for the students the native language of whom is not English.

⑵ 如果定语从句中的先行词指事物(non-personal),用whose或of which

Then building whose windows are bright is our library.

The river, the banks of which are covered with trees is very long.

He likes to use the words, of which the meaning are clear to him.

⑶ 如果先行词指人或物,而它前面有数词,不定式或其他限定词,只用of which 或of whom.

r Green has assigned us a lot of homework, some of which we must finish before supper.

It is very interesting to study nature, much of which is still left unexplored.

My elder brother bought me a great number of books, many of which are wrtten in English.

He has two sons, both of whom work as chemists.

The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.

He has three daughters, two of whom are college students.

10. 定语从句和同谓语从句的区别

⑴ 定语从句: that 在定语从句中充当主语,宾语和表语,是关系代词,引导的定语


同位语从句: that 在同位语从句中补充当成分,没有词义,是从属连词,引导的


The news that we are going to have a holiday tomorrow is not true.

The news that he told us is not true.

The suggestion that we clean the classroom by turns is good.

The suggestion that she put forward is very good.

The answer that is written in your paper is right.

The answer that nine times three equals twenty-seven is right.

I'll keep the promise that I made two years ago.

I'll keep a promise that I'll write to you as soon as I get to Beijing.

⑵ 鉴别方法:定语从句是先行词的修饰语,不涉及先行词的具体内容; 同位语从句是对中心词的具体内容作进一步的解释和说明,所以中心词和同位语从句之间可以用be连接起来,表达中心词的实际内容。

同位语从句的中心词大多数是笼统的,须作具体阐述,它们是:news, suggestion, promise, answer, hope, idea, thing, thought, truth, belief, condition, fact 等。

I'll still remember the day when I first came to our school.

I have no idea when she will come back.

This is the room where I lived two year ago.

The question where we will have the meeting has not yet been settled.

I don't know the reason why she suddenly fell ill.

11. 定语从句的难点

⑴ 多重定语从句


Is there anything you want that you haven't?

She is the only teacher we know who taught Chemistry in that school.

Is there any book you can recommed that tells about the subject.

② 几个并列定语从句同时修饰一个先行词. 几个定语从句被and, but, or 等连接,这时这几个定语从句结构平行.

I have met a Greak who travelled a lot in the world, but who knew very little about his own country.

This is the scene which many people; have seen but which few people can describe.

平行结构的原则: 前一个定语从句有关系代词, 关系副词,后一个定语从句应重复同一个关系代词或关系副词.

③ 几个定语从句修饰各自的先行词,这种情况一般是第一个定语从句修饰主句的先行词, 后一个定语从句分别修饰前一个定语从句中的先行词.

This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt. (麦芽)

Do you know the man who works in the plant that produces furniture?

He is the student who praised by the teacher who is in charge of the class.


① 定语从句中有宾语从句

He was the man who didn't believe that there existed such a thing.


He is the man who always thinks of how he can help others.

Those who are interested in when they will start off may go to ask the teacher himself.

③ 定语从句中有表语从句

She is no longer the girl that is what she used to be.

④ 定语从句中有同位语从句

This is the man who brought us the news that our team had won the game.

Those are the people who believe the fact that China did it by relying on her own efforts.


The letter was fro0m my cousin, Mr. Collins, who will come to help me look after my house, when i am out on business.

It is an opp09rtunty which I would seize if I wetre not otherwise engaged.

⑥ 定语从句中有多种其他从句

there were many people who were willing to offer their help because they knew he got wounded during a battle in drfence of their country.

There is a law which says that if anyone who commits a crime, he will reveive capital punishment.

⑶ 关系代词作主语时, 定语从句的主谓语一致

① 两个先行词表示不同概念时, 定语从句的谓语动词按复数处理

The scientist and his achievement that are known have appeared in today's paper.

② 两个先行词表示同一人,同一物或同一概念时, 用单数

Our aim and end, which is to build our country into a powerful socialist country with the four modernizations, will surely be realized.

③先行词为集合名词, 看情况而定

This is the family which is the happiest in the village.

His familuy, which now live in Shijiazhuang, will move to Beijing soon.

④ 先行词是一句话,或一个短语,用单数

He married her, which was very natural.

To practise speaking English that way, as was often done in the past, is of no use.

⑤ one of + the + 复数名词

She is one of the girls who have been to the Great Wall.

He is the only one of the boys who was; praised by the teacher.
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2006-08-12 · TA获得超过104个赞

Rainforests are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nationsin which they are located .
Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow.
They explained the reason to us why they had hated us before.

非限定性定语从句非限定性定语从句在形式上就与主句很松散,它与主句之间有一个逗点","隔开;它对其先行词没有限定、修饰的作用,只起补充、说明的作用。有时也用它来对全句进行补充、说明。即使将其去掉,也不会影响句子意思。由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把它作定语翻译。 例如:Earlier , the Babylonians had attempted to map the world , but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather than a sphere , which was the form adopted by Ptolemy .
(此句中,非限定性定语从句是对先行词a sphere进行补充、说明。)
The combination of satellites, which transmit information , computers , which store information , and television , which displays information , will change every home into an education and entertainment center .
(此句中,三个非限定性定语从句分别对三个先行词:satellites ,computers和television进行补充、说明。如果去掉这三个非限定性定语从句,那么句子可简化为:
The combination of satellites , computers and television will change every home into an education and entertainment center .)卫星能传输信息,计算机能储存信息,电视能显示信息,把这些手段结合起来可以使每个家庭都成为教育娱乐的中心。
The sun heats the earth , which makes it possible for plants to grow .(此句中,非限定性定语从句是对全句进行补充、说明,将全句表达的意思看成"一件事情)。太阳给予大地热,这就使植物的生长成为可能。
The old man has a son , who is in the army .(此句中,非限定性定语从句是对先行词son进行补充、说明。但本句所传达的信息是:"这位老人只有一个儿子" 。如果将此句改写成限定性定语从句:
The old man has a son who is in the army . 那位老人有一个在部队工作的儿子。那么,限定性定语从句就要对先行词son进行限定、修饰。这样一来,句子所传达的信息就变成了:"这位老人有一个儿子在部队工作,还有其他的儿子在干别的工作"。)那位老人有一个儿子,他在部队工作。

参考资料: http://forum.pre-mbaclub.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=66&ID=19041

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2019-04-28 · TA获得超过3万个赞
cousin. 跟我讲话的姑娘是我表妹。(该句中whom既代表先行词the
限定性   非限定性    限定性
指 人   指  物   指人或指物

格   who   

whom    that    

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2019-11-10 · 游戏我都懂点儿,问我就对了
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