2 他被派去报道那次会议的有关情况(cover)
3 只有当你经历了许多磨难后,你才知道幸福的可贵(only of)
4 他被指控杀人并被宣判死罪(be accused of)
5 为了占到好座位,我和Mary俩很早就去了(so as to) 展开
We must concentrate on improving the work of education.
He was sent to cover that meeting.
Only if you have experienced the pain of suffering can you realize the preciousness of happiness.
He was accused of murder and sentenced to death.
Mary and I went there very early so as to get a good seat.
We must/have to concentrate on improving the education system.
He/The spy was sent to give a report of the undercover meeting.
Only after experiencing/going through many failures/hardship, then you will know the value of happiness.
He was sentenced to death after being accused of a murder.
Mary and I arrived the place very early so as to get a good spot.
We muse concentrate on improving our euducation.
He was sent to cover the report on that conference.
Only if you have experience lots of hardship can you realize how precious happy life is.
He is accused of murder and sentenced to death.
I went there very early with Mary so as to take a good seat.
He was sent to report on the meeting
Only when you have experienced many hardships, can you value happiness
He was accused of murder and sentenced to death
In order to get good seats, Mary and I both go very early