
2013-10-17 · 超过79用户采纳过TA的回答
新航道网校本文就为大家爱解析雅思考试中口语第二部分的备考奥妙:�0�2 雅思口语备考中,难道就是抓到什么题就准备什么题,考试之前能准备多少就准备多少,然后剩下的就听天由命?当然不是,我们口语考试第二部分完全可以进行一种话题整合,根据自己的具体情况作出把话题合并或者进行搭配。具体怎么样进行搭配,每个人的方法可能不一样,下面就从我个人的角度来进行话题整合,供广大考生参考。�0�2 首先我们可以讲雅思口语考试的第二部分题目分成四大类:人物类,事件类,物品类和地点类。然后根据这四大类的具体情况来进行整合,当然具体的题目考生在上我的课程的时候我会把我做出的预测题目给所有学生,大家只需要准备我做出的预测题目就可以了。当然对于这四大类的题目,除了同类题目可以话题合并之外,非同类的话题其实也是可以进行话题合并的,比如在考试之前准备一些故事,并尽量使这些故事进行百搭,在上考场的时候就会轻松很多。因为很多百搭的故事可以和很多比如人物类,地点类,事件类的话题进行搭配整合。�0�2 比如,我有一个学生特别喜欢自行车,于是他就准备了一个关于自行车的故事,当时那个故事大致是这样讲述的:�0�2 I am a huge fan of bicycling and I always regard it as a test on my perseverance. I began to develop an interest in bicycling when I was just about 5 years old. I remember I had all kinds of toy bikes in my bedroom, and playing with them was one the the most fun thing to do at that time.�0�2 I would never forget the happiest moment of my life that the bicycling gave me. When I was a freshman in a college, there was a bicycling competition going on in my school and I was super excited to take part in it. Preparing for it, I truly went all out to practice my perseverance, willpower and skills. I was totally motivated by my roommate who never gave up on anything if he wanted to do it well. But unluckily, before that competition, I got a fever and cold, but my roommate said if I quit, he would laugh at me from then on. You maybe do not believe it, coz to make matters worse, I did not recover thoroughly from my illness when the competition was on. I would safely say without my roommate's encouragement I could have given up, but I bravely took part in it anyway. You know what, I was absolutely out of breath even before I finished the half journey. However, I still kept on going and finally I came second out of all.�0�2 I did cry after the competition, coz no matter how difficult the challenges are I proved myself that I am an undefeated person. I also deeply appreciated my roommate's help.�0�2 他描述的是一个关于自行车的话题,但是这个话题中的故事部分完全可以应付以下话题:�0�2 A toy you played in your childhood�0�2 A Way To Relax�0�2 A Product U Were Dissatisfied With�0�2 A Vehicle You Want to Buy�0�2 A Work of Art�0�2 A Photograph�0�2 A Gift You Would Like to Give�0�2 Something You Would Buy If You Have Much Money�0�2 A time when someone helped you�0�2 A success you had�0�2 A recent change�0�2 A game you enjoyed when you were a child�0�2 Something that made you relaxed�0�2 A casual activity you want to try along the beach�0�2 A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching�0�2 An important decision in your family�0�2 An Exciting Experience�0�2 A Group Activity�0�2 A Happy Childhood Event�0�2 A good parent your know�0�2 A teenager that you are familiar with�0�2 A Child You Know�0�2 A Neighbour�0�2 Someone You Would Like to Spend Time With�0�2 A Teacher in Your School�0�2 A Garden/Park�0�2 A Place of Natural Beauty�0�2 A Street�0�2 A Place Near Water�0�2 A Garden/Park�0�2 A Place of Natural Beauty�0�2 A Street�0�2 A Place Near Water�0�2 很多同学看到上面那些可以和本故事合并的话题,有点发晕,感觉有好多话题并没有办法合并啊。其实,只要你把故事内容稍微改编一点点,总是可以合并在一起的。比如A Product U Were Dissatisfied With你就可以说自己如此的热爱着自行车,但是参加比赛的时候那辆自行车你买的不满意,可是最终你仍然用那辆车拿到了第二名,于是更加凸显出自己顽强的意志和高超的技能。再比如,An important decision in your family,我们可以说我们家里面集体赞同我去参加这个自行车比赛。再比如,里里面涉及到的很多人物类的话题,我完完全全可以把故事里面的人物改掉,改成比如a good parent, 比如a child等等。里面涉及到所有地点类的话题呢,我们完完全玩可以说自己平时在练习自行车的地方就是在那里,或者干脆说当时举办那场自行车比赛就是在那些个地方就可以了。�0�2 从以上的话题中我们可以得到一个结论,就是准备一个百搭的故事,其实可以应付很多口语话题。当然这只是百搭话题中的一个,大家一定要懂得自己去准备属于自己百搭的话题故事。�0�2
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