
毋庸置疑,吸烟酗酒危害健康,有时更是一种颓靡、放纵的表现,对社会风气产生不良影响。目前很多公共场所已经明文规定禁烟禁酒,而大学校园作为一个学术研究的场所,更应禁烟酒。首先... 毋庸置疑,吸烟酗酒危害健康,有时更是一种颓靡、放纵的表现,对社会风气产生不良影响。目前很多公共场所已经明文规定禁烟禁酒,而大学校园作为一个学术研究的场所,更应禁烟酒。首先,大学校园内,无论设施建筑、还是学生的言谈举止,都是大学文化的一种体现。且不说大学文化应如何体现科学精神、人文精神,至少其文化氛围应是健康积极的。酒的浓烈气味,也破坏着治学环境与学习氛围。而治学环境直接关系着学校与学生的发展。 再者,大学作为实施高等教育的机构,对整个社会都有着模范、引导的职责。大学校园里禁烟禁酒,会对整个社会做出表率,若高等学校里的学生都吸烟酗酒成风,又如何让禁烟禁酒的意识深入人心呢?从学生本人的生活习惯、成长过程出发,明令禁止烟成年人有饮酒吸烟的自由酒对长期住校的大学生而言更是一种客观制约,是其养成良好习惯的关键。要真正做到大学校园禁烟禁酒,应主以教育、辅以制度。首先要加强烟酒危害健康知识的普及,深刻认识可加强自我约束,同时也能引发更大的舆论压力,形成广泛的监督环境。 制度上,首先应把禁烟禁酒写入校园规范,再是禁止校园内商业网店对烟酒的出售,另外还要加强监管,推行相应的惩罚制度。
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2013-12-08 · 贡献了超过100个回答
Needless to say, the health hazards of smoking and drinking, sometimes is also a kind of gloomy, indulgent, adverse effects on society. At present, many public places have stipulated the smoking prohibition, and the university campus as an academic research places, more should ban tobacco and alcohol. First of all, the university campus, both facilities, student speech and deportment, are a reflection of University culture. And don't say university culture how to embody the scientific spirit, humanistic spirit, at least in its cultural atmosphere should be positive and healthy. The strong smell of wine, but also destroy the learning environment and learning atmosphere. But the research environment is directly related to the development of the school and the student. Moreover, the University as a higher education institution, the whole society has an exemplary, lead duties. The university campus smoking prohibition, will set an example for the whole society, if the high school students are smoking, alcoholism, and how to make smoking prohibition awareness win support among the people? Starting from the student life habit, growth process, banned smoking adults are drinking and smoking free wine to long-term resident students is a kind of objective constraints, is the key to cultivate good habits. In order to realize the university campus smoking prohibition, should master in education, institution. We should strengthen the health hazards of tobacco and popularization of knowledge, deep understanding to strengthen self constraint, but also can lead to greater pressure of public opinion supervision, forming extensive environmental. The system, first of all should take smoking prohibition write campus specification, then banned commercial shop campus on tobacco sale, in addition to strengthening the supervision, implementation of the corresponding punishment system. University Campus smoking prohibition, not deprive students free right to choose their way of life, it is more emphasis on the macro environment of university campus, campus culture is to make a more harmonious, more excellent academic environment. The correct guide for the social atmosphere, more so as the focal point, to guide students to develop healthy habits!
2013-12-08 · TA获得超过629个赞
There is no doubt that smoking drinking a health hazard, sometimes is a sign of their poise, indulgence, adverse influence on general mood of society. Now enshrined in many public places have to ban alcohol, and the campus as a place for academic research, more should be smoking in wine. First of all, the university campus, infrastructure construction, or the student's mannerisms, are a reflection of university culture. Apart from university culture should how to embody the scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, at least its culture should be positive and healthy. The strong smell of wine, and destroying the research environment and learning atmosphere. And research environment, the direct relationship between the school and students' development. Moreover, as the implementation of the institutions of higher education, university of the responsibility of the society as a whole has a model and guide. Smoking prohibition in the university campus, makes the model to the society as a whole, if the high school students are smoking, alcoholism, and how to make a non-smoking alcohol awareness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? Starting from the living habits, the growth process of student, banned smoking adults have the freedom of smoking drinking wine for long-term resident of college students is a kind of objective and constraints, is the key to form a good habit. To really do the campus to ban alcohol, should be master in education, supplemented by system. First of all, we must strengthen tobacco harm health knowledge popularization, the deep understanding to strengthen self-discipline, at the same time also can cause greater pressure, formation of a wide range of regulatory environment. System, you should take smoking prohibition in campus specification, again is prohibited on campus business online store for the sale of alcohol, tobacco, and also strengthen the supervision and implement corresponding punishment.
University campus alcohol, smoking is not deprived of the rights of students freedom to choose the way of life, it is more emphasis on a college campus environment, is to let more harmonious campus culture, more excellent research environment. Colleges for society to make the correct lead, even as a focus and guide students to develop healthy living habits!
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2013-12-12 · 知道合伙人公共服务行家
采纳数:982 获赞数:2130

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Needless to say, the health hazards of smoking and drinking, sometimes is also a kind of gloomy, indulgent, adverse effects on society. At present, many public places have stipulated the smoking prohibition, and the university campus as an academic research places, more should ban tobacco and alcohol. First of all, the university campus, both facilities, student speech and deportment, are a reflection of University culture. And don't say university culture how to embody the scientific spirit, humanistic spirit, at least in its cultural atmosphere should be positive and healthy. The strong smell of wine, but also destroy the learning environment and learning atmosphere. But the research environment is directly related to the development of the school and the student. Furthermore, as the implementation of Higher Education University
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