非常感谢贵公司给我发的offer! 贵公司的声誉和技术力量给我留下了很深刻的印象,我深信贵公司在许多领域都将有极大的 发展空间旦瞎。 但经过慎重的考虑,我觉得目前我所应聘的职位并不十分适合贵公司的长远发展,希望你们 能理解我的安排。如果有其他合适的人选,我会考虑向贵公司推荐他(她)的简历。 同时指亏希望关注人才的您继续关注**大学,在搜索人才的过程中获得快乐! 再次感谢您的通知,并祝您模逗空和您的公司前程似锦! Dear xxx Company HR Manager, Thank you very much for your your interest in me and you kind interview. I have carefully reviewed the possibility of accepting your offer, but unfortunately, at present, I deem it not appropiate for me to work in your company. Please note that this is not a negative evaluation for your performance in the interview and the professionalism and qualifications your company holds.I will place your company in my "Hirer Waiting List " for future use. If it happens that I have a vacancy for you, I will contact you in time. Wish you every success in your future talent-hunting mission! Yours Sincerely xxx
非常感谢贵公司给我发的offer! 贵公司的声誉和技术力量给我留下了很深刻的印象,我深信贵公司在许多领域都将有极大的 发展空间旦瞎。 但经过慎重的考虑,我觉得目前我所应聘的职位并不十分适合贵公司的长远发展,希望你们 能理解我的安排。如果有其他合适的人选,我会考虑向贵公司推荐他(她)的简历。 同时指亏希望关注人才的您继续关注**大学,在搜索人才的过程中获得快乐! 再次感谢您的通知,并祝您模逗空和您的公司前程似锦! Dear xxx Company HR Manager, Thank you very much for your your interest in me and you kind interview. I have carefully reviewed the possibility of accepting your offer, but unfortunately, at present, I deem it not appropiate for me to work in your company. Please note that this is not a negative evaluation for your performance in the interview and the professionalism and qualifications your company holds.I will place your company in my "Hirer Waiting List " for future use. If it happens that I have a vacancy for you, I will contact you in time. Wish you every success in your future talent-hunting mission! Yours Sincerely xxx