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下面几篇 是题材 参考下,,, 自己动手按照你的要求稍微改改...就搞定了。
A little Cloud
Colours mentioned:
"His eyes, which were of a bluish slate colour, revealed his unhealthy pallor and shone plainly above the vivid orange tie he wore."
This colour description of Gallaher shows that he has escaped Dublin's paralysis yet the bluish slate colour shows that he is still a Dubliner and that he is slightly attached to the darkness of Dublins paralysis. Orange is a very light, warm colour but it contrasts with the colour of his eyes. This shows that he is free and 'wild' and able to escape Dublins burden.
"The half moons of his nails were perfect and when he smiled you caught a glimpse of a row of childish white teeth."
A Real Boy
"My baaaaaack! My aaaaarm! Ooooow!" The distorted moans tore me from blissful slumber to the horrible living nightmare I thought I had escaped when my head hit the pillow. This was my first night of hell on earth, and the worst was yet to come. The invitation to spend spring break in Malibu, California (as a paid camp counselor) had been terrific, the condition that I had to do so here was the sick joke of it all. I was in a dank cell on a county jail style bed, awake at three a.m. after a day of toil. My charges: Omar, a fourteen-year-old with cerebral palsy, Steve, a sixteen-year-old with Down's Syndrome, and the ten-year-old Brandon, whose mental challenge seemed more like a demon possession.
Chewing Gum is a mixture of natural or synthetic gums and
resins, sweetened with sugar and corn syrup or any other sweeteners.
Also added is color and flavors such as, Watermelon (everybody's
favorite), grape, orange, cherry, raspberry, Strawberry, even
pineapple. The first chewing gum was patented was in 1869.
The basic material for all chewing gum is the natural gum
called Chicle. It is obtained from the sapodilla tree. Chicle is kind of expensive and hard to buy. Now they are trying different ways to
make gum without using chicle. They found a substance called
polyvinylacetate, it has been widely used in many products instead if
Cause and Effect Essay.
Intoxication isn't necessarily a negative thing, but rather a pleasant as
well as popular state of being. An intoxicated person can be a "good drunk"
or a "bad drunk". If the drinker consumes the right amount, of alcohol, he
will have no unpleasant after-affects. When intoxicated, a person can be a
very social and pleasant person, it also decreases your shyness towards the
opposite sex. Beer and other intoxicating beverages are a good thing if used
in moderation.
Children And TV
Children and TV Children and adolesence's spend almost 22-28 hours per week watching television. This is a sad fact because this is the largest amount of hours spent on any activity in your child's life, aside from sleeping. Television has a large influence on children's attitudes, ideas, and behaviours. Teens witness 10,000 murders, rapes and aggravated assaults per year on TV
Ethics In Business
Ethics in Business From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts
下面几篇 是题材 参考下,,, 自己动手按照你的要求稍微改改...就搞定了。
A little Cloud
Colours mentioned:
"His eyes, which were of a bluish slate colour, revealed his unhealthy pallor and shone plainly above the vivid orange tie he wore."
This colour description of Gallaher shows that he has escaped Dublin's paralysis yet the bluish slate colour shows that he is still a Dubliner and that he is slightly attached to the darkness of Dublins paralysis. Orange is a very light, warm colour but it contrasts with the colour of his eyes. This shows that he is free and 'wild' and able to escape Dublins burden.
"The half moons of his nails were perfect and when he smiled you caught a glimpse of a row of childish white teeth."
A Real Boy
"My baaaaaack! My aaaaarm! Ooooow!" The distorted moans tore me from blissful slumber to the horrible living nightmare I thought I had escaped when my head hit the pillow. This was my first night of hell on earth, and the worst was yet to come. The invitation to spend spring break in Malibu, California (as a paid camp counselor) had been terrific, the condition that I had to do so here was the sick joke of it all. I was in a dank cell on a county jail style bed, awake at three a.m. after a day of toil. My charges: Omar, a fourteen-year-old with cerebral palsy, Steve, a sixteen-year-old with Down's Syndrome, and the ten-year-old Brandon, whose mental challenge seemed more like a demon possession.
Chewing Gum is a mixture of natural or synthetic gums and
resins, sweetened with sugar and corn syrup or any other sweeteners.
Also added is color and flavors such as, Watermelon (everybody's
favorite), grape, orange, cherry, raspberry, Strawberry, even
pineapple. The first chewing gum was patented was in 1869.
The basic material for all chewing gum is the natural gum
called Chicle. It is obtained from the sapodilla tree. Chicle is kind of expensive and hard to buy. Now they are trying different ways to
make gum without using chicle. They found a substance called
polyvinylacetate, it has been widely used in many products instead if
Cause and Effect Essay.
Intoxication isn't necessarily a negative thing, but rather a pleasant as
well as popular state of being. An intoxicated person can be a "good drunk"
or a "bad drunk". If the drinker consumes the right amount, of alcohol, he
will have no unpleasant after-affects. When intoxicated, a person can be a
very social and pleasant person, it also decreases your shyness towards the
opposite sex. Beer and other intoxicating beverages are a good thing if used
in moderation.
Children And TV
Children and TV Children and adolesence's spend almost 22-28 hours per week watching television. This is a sad fact because this is the largest amount of hours spent on any activity in your child's life, aside from sleeping. Television has a large influence on children's attitudes, ideas, and behaviours. Teens witness 10,000 murders, rapes and aggravated assaults per year on TV
Ethics In Business
Ethics in Business From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts
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