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看到这部电影的名字,理所当然的认为电影内容会是讲述关于初恋的美好,其实这是一部关于成长的电影。我对于成长这个词有点陌生又有点茫然,想必每个人都有自己的解释。你现在走的每一... 看到这部电影的名字,理所当然的认为电影内容会是讲述关于初恋的美好,其实这是一部关于成长的电影。
   也许直到小小的那个他离开的那一刻她才明白他不仅仅是离开而已,也带走了她内心的一部分,关于成长关乎友情。那段成长阶段最重要的陪伴过去了就不再回来,那段一起嬉闹玩耍的夏日时光只剩下回忆,陪伴她懂得她的快乐理解她的烦恼倾听她的诉说的那个人只能存在于心底的某个角落,再也看不见触不到了。有人说成熟就是以前得不到的东西现在不想要了,成熟不就是成长的一种标志吗,你以为你暗恋着那个人,其实你只是着迷于自己的那份执着。年少时的感情都是不堪一击的,你爱着那个你一门心思为之付出的人,而那个站在你身旁默默的关心你陪伴你的人,却总是容易被忽略的那个。我们都以为我们爱着的是那个我们爱着的人,可是能有多少人当时就明白我们离不开的是那个一直陪伴的我们的人呢。成长的路很长,爱的人很多,真正为你付出懂得陪伴的人你好好的珍惜了吗?有人说某些人走进我们的生活只是为了给我们上一课然后转身离开,有人说某些人失去了才懂得珍惜,这部电影从某种意义上说很像Bridge to Terabithia,当你向前奔跑去追寻幸福的时候不要忘记了身后那个守候你陪伴你的人。总会有很多人来告诉你什么是捷径,少年的你总是以为自己走的路才是捷径,有些情感就像走过的路,好像一眼就能望穿自己想要的,却发现总是看不明白自己的心。想明白的时候才发现我们想要的追寻的其实一直都在那里,你只是不能释怀为什么没有早点看清自己的心。我们一直追寻着前方的幸福却忘了看清脚下的路,当抵达前方时才发现只是一场华丽的幻想,而那些走过的路却再也不能倒回了。
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2015-01-05 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
See the name of the movie, of course think movie content is about the first love good, actually this is a film about growing up.
The word I to grow a bit strange but a daze, everyone must have their own interpretation.You go now every step of the way, is to grow the way on the road.The whole movie emotion is exquisite, the small shadow as if everyone can see the footprints of growth.Growth is the most beautiful but friends go hand in hand.
Until the little that he may leave the moment she left, it became clear that he is not just also took part of her heart, about growing up is about friendship.During the growth stage of the most important company in the past no longer come back, the only memories that frolicking together play summer time, accompany her to know her happy understand her troubles to listen to her to tell the man who can only exist in a corner of the bottom of my heart, could no longer see won't be able to touch.Someone said that the mature is not things don't want now, before maturity is not a sign of growing up, what do you think you like that person, in fact you just fascinated by his share of the persistent.Youth's feelings are fragile, you love that you already pay for the people, and the standing beside you silently care about you to accompany you, but always that easy to be ignored.We all think we love is the people we love, but how many people understand that we cannot leave at that time was that always accompany us?Growth of the road is very long, there are lots of people love, really pay for you to understand people with hello good treasure?Some people say that some people come into our lives just to give us a lesson and then turned to leave, some people say that some people lost just know to cherish, the film in a sense is like a Bridge to Terabithia, when you're running forward to pursue happiness don't forget behind the waiting for you to accompany you.There will always be a lot of people to tell you what is a shortcut, the path of the young you always think you is a shortcut, some emotion like path, as if a coveted you want at a glance, only to find that always look not to understand his own heart.Want to know only to find that we want to pursue actually has always been there, why didn't you just can't let go to see his own heart.We have been pursuing the happiness but forget to see at the foot of the road ahead, only to find that when arrived at the front is just a fantasy, but the path can no longer fall back.
Unknowingly joy and moved luxuriant illusion is growing, the most important thing about growing up is a man who can accompany you grow up together.
Company is the best gift for growth.

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2015-01-05 · TA获得超过552个赞
The name of the film will make people take it for granted that it is about the beauty and wonderfulness of the first love, but actually it is a film about growing up.
“Growing up” is a little bit strange to me and sometimes makes me in bewilderment. Yes, perhaps, everyone has their own interpretation toward “growingup”. The tone of the film is sensitive, and through that little figure, we seem to see the footprint of our own growth. The most glorious thing for growth is the company of friends.
It was not until he left that she began to understand that he did not just leave,but he left with something deep inside her heart. It is about growing up and friendship. The time with his company would go forever. The summer time that they spent together would only become a memory to her. That person, who understood her happiness and troubles would only exist deep in her heart. She might never see him again. It is said that maturity means we do not want the things that we used to desire. Maturityis one symbol for growing up. We believe that we fall in love with someone secretly, but in fact we only be attracted by our insistence on believing that secret love. Love at young age is vulnerable, it may collapse under one single blow. We give our love to the one whom we think we love, but we ignore the one who is always besides us and gives him or her concerns to us. However, few could understandthat our true love is the one who is always besides us. The way to growing up is very long and along the way we might meet many people who we love or who love us. But for so many times, our attention is not given to the one who truly understand us and always offers his or her help to us. People say that someone comes into our lives, teaches us a lesson, and then he or she will leave us and disappear forever. People also say that we always treasure what we have lost. This film, in some sense, is so much similar to Bridge to Terabithia. So, don’t forget the one who is always staying with you and waiting for you when you are going forward to look for happiness.Sometimes, love is just like the road we have taken. It seems that we could see the end of road (that end is the love and happiness we are looking for), but what we could not truly understand is our own hearts. Someday, we will finally find that what we want is always besides us. On the road of pursuit for happiness and love, we even did not spend a single minute to think about whether the road we have taken is the one that can lead to happiness
The most important thing for growing up is the person that accompany us on the road to growing up.
Company is the best gift for growing up.
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