Helpful tips for meditation 冥想的建议
Can't seem to sit silent with your eyes closed? Don't worry because you are not alone. Here are a few simple steps to follow as a beginner to meditation. As you become regular with the practice, you are sure to go deeper and deeper. So let's get started with these 10 tips for meditation.
1. Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and are free to relax and enjoy. The hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature transitions between day and night, are also ideal for the practice.
1. 冥想本质上是一种放松,所以要在你方便的时候开始。选择一个不被打扰的时间,完全的放松和享受。日出和日落的时候,自然在白天与黑夜之间交替,也是练习的理想时间。
2. Just like a convenient hour, choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed. Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and relaxing.
2. 在一个方便的时间,选择一个不被打扰的地方。安静的环境能让冥想的经历更加享受和放松。
3. Your posture makes a difference too. Make sure you are relaxed, comfortable and steady. Sit straight with your spine erect; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the process. That you have to sit in Padmasana (the lotus position) to meditate is a very common myth of meditation.
3. 你的姿势也很重要。保证你是放松的、舒适的、稳定的。在整个过程中脊椎挺直的坐着,肩膀和脖子放松,闭上眼睛。莲花式坐姿是冥想的常用姿势。
4. A good time to meditate is before having a meal. After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry. You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours of having food.
4. 冥想最好在饭前进行。饭后冥想容易打瞌睡。但是,当你很饿的时候也不要强迫自己做冥想。因为你会发现太饿时冥想很困难,或者你会一直想着吃的东西。在这种情况下,你可以在饭后两小时开始冥想。
5. A few warm-up or sukshma yoga exercises before sitting to meditate helps improve circulation, removes inertia and restlessness and makes the body feel lighter. You will be able to sit steadily for a longer time.
5. 在坐下来冥想之前做一些热身动作可以帮助你改善循环,消除惰性和不安,使身体感觉更轻。这样你就可以稳定的坐上更长的时间。
6. This is again preparation for easy meditation. Deep breathing in and out as well as doing some nadi shodhan pranayama before meditating is always a good idea. This helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind in to a peaceful meditative state.
6. 这也是一个冥想前的准备。在冥想前做一些深呼吸也是不错的选择。这可以帮助你稳定呼吸的节奏,把你的意识带到一种很宁静的冥想状态。
7. You will see the difference. A gentle smile throughout keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances your meditation experience.
7. 你会发现这也会有所不同。整个过程面带温和的微笑能让你保持放松、安静,更有利于冥想过程。
8. As a beginner to the practice, it is a good idea to do a guided meditation. This will help you get started. You only need to close your eyes, relax, follow the instructions as you hear them.
8. 对于一个刚刚接触冥想的人,最好能在指导下进行冥想。这可以帮助你进入冥想状态。你只要闭上眼睛,跟随你所听到的指令。
9. As you come close to the end of the meditation, don't be in a hurry to open your eyes and start moving about. Open your eyes slowly and gradually and take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings.
9. 当你进入冥想的尾声时,不要急于睁开眼睛,活动身体。慢慢睁开眼睛,把意识带回你自己以及你周围的环境。
10. Meditation is like an instant energy booster. A few minutes off your daily schedule to charge you up for the rest of the day. Take that time out and experience the wonders of meditation for yourself.
10. 冥想就像是一个即时能量助推器。从你每天的日程安排中抽出几分钟,就可以为接下来的一天充电。抽出这个时间,让你自己经历一次这种冥想的奇妙旅程。
'Meditation happens, you can't do it. You can only create a congenial atmosphere for it to happen.' - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Can't seem to sit silent with your eyes closed? Don't worry because you are not alone. Here are a few simple steps to follow as a beginner to meditation. As you become regular with the practice, you are sure to go deeper and deeper. So let's get started with these 10 tips for meditation.
1. Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and are free to relax and enjoy. The hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature transitions between day and night, are also ideal for the practice.
1. 冥想本质上是一种放松,所以要在你方便的时候开始。选择一个不被打扰的时间,完全的放松和享受。日出和日落的时候,自然在白天与黑夜之间交替,也是练习的理想时间。
2. Just like a convenient hour, choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed. Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and relaxing.
2. 在一个方便的时间,选择一个不被打扰的地方。安静的环境能让冥想的经历更加享受和放松。
3. Your posture makes a difference too. Make sure you are relaxed, comfortable and steady. Sit straight with your spine erect; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the process. That you have to sit in Padmasana (the lotus position) to meditate is a very common myth of meditation.
3. 你的姿势也很重要。保证你是放松的、舒适的、稳定的。在整个过程中脊椎挺直的坐着,肩膀和脖子放松,闭上眼睛。莲花式坐姿是冥想的常用姿势。
4. A good time to meditate is before having a meal. After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry. You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours of having food.
4. 冥想最好在饭前进行。饭后冥想容易打瞌睡。但是,当你很饿的时候也不要强迫自己做冥想。因为你会发现太饿时冥想很困难,或者你会一直想着吃的东西。在这种情况下,你可以在饭后两小时开始冥想。
5. A few warm-up or sukshma yoga exercises before sitting to meditate helps improve circulation, removes inertia and restlessness and makes the body feel lighter. You will be able to sit steadily for a longer time.
5. 在坐下来冥想之前做一些热身动作可以帮助你改善循环,消除惰性和不安,使身体感觉更轻。这样你就可以稳定的坐上更长的时间。
6. This is again preparation for easy meditation. Deep breathing in and out as well as doing some nadi shodhan pranayama before meditating is always a good idea. This helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind in to a peaceful meditative state.
6. 这也是一个冥想前的准备。在冥想前做一些深呼吸也是不错的选择。这可以帮助你稳定呼吸的节奏,把你的意识带到一种很宁静的冥想状态。
7. You will see the difference. A gentle smile throughout keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances your meditation experience.
7. 你会发现这也会有所不同。整个过程面带温和的微笑能让你保持放松、安静,更有利于冥想过程。
8. As a beginner to the practice, it is a good idea to do a guided meditation. This will help you get started. You only need to close your eyes, relax, follow the instructions as you hear them.
8. 对于一个刚刚接触冥想的人,最好能在指导下进行冥想。这可以帮助你进入冥想状态。你只要闭上眼睛,跟随你所听到的指令。
9. As you come close to the end of the meditation, don't be in a hurry to open your eyes and start moving about. Open your eyes slowly and gradually and take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings.
9. 当你进入冥想的尾声时,不要急于睁开眼睛,活动身体。慢慢睁开眼睛,把意识带回你自己以及你周围的环境。
10. Meditation is like an instant energy booster. A few minutes off your daily schedule to charge you up for the rest of the day. Take that time out and experience the wonders of meditation for yourself.
10. 冥想就像是一个即时能量助推器。从你每天的日程安排中抽出几分钟,就可以为接下来的一天充电。抽出这个时间,让你自己经历一次这种冥想的奇妙旅程。
'Meditation happens, you can't do it. You can only create a congenial atmosphere for it to happen.' - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
中心词是useful tips 有用的建议,后面是用于冥想或者是关于冥想的意思。当然变成句子需要加谓语。
例如,Here are some helpful tips for meditation.
中心词是useful tips 有用的建议,后面是用于冥想或者是关于冥想的意思。当然变成句子需要加谓语。
例如,Here are some helpful tips for meditation.
Helpful tips for meditation翻译成中文是:有助于冥想的技巧,窍门,方法。