创作者cmiXhVFY1i
2020-02-15
·
TA获得超过3万个赞
知道大有可为答主
回答量:1.2万
采纳率:33%
帮助的人:704万
关注
名词性从句分为主从,表从,宾从和
同位语从句。
that引导
主语从句时,that不可省略。如:That
he
is
honest
is
known
to
all
his
friends.
表语从句的that不可省。如:The
fact
is
that
we
are
all
eager
to
participate.
宾语从句中的that
可以省略。He
said
(that)
he
agreed
with
us.
同位语从句的that
不可省。
The
fact
that
the
sun
rises
in
the
east
is
known
to
all.
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