我喜欢英语课 怎么写作文
我喜欢英语课 怎么写作文
二 :写喜欢英语课的原因
三 :写上英语课的有趣的事
四 :写英语课对你的影响
Oneday,mymotherboughtolittlerabbitsforme.I’mveryhappy.Fromthaton,theolittlerabbit *** ecamemygoodOneday,mymotherboughtolittlerabbitsforme.I’mveryhappy.Fromthaton,theolittlerabbit *** ecamemygoodfriends.theyhaveolittleears,redeyes,withwhiteandfatboby.they’remarvellous.Everyday,theyplaywitheachotherhappily.Oneday,Icouldn’tfindthem.Iaskedmymother:”Wherearethey?”MymothertoldmethatShedidn’tknow.Atlast,Ifoundtheminthegrass.theywereverydirty.Iwasangry,buhenIlookedattheirlovelyfaces,Iwashappyagain.Ilovemylittlerabbits,andtheyloveme.theyaremygoodfriendsforever.
A tiger is a kind of catamount animal.It looks like a cat,but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.
Tigers live in the thick forests and *** all animals in the forests are tigers' food.
During the past years,many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are being worse and worse.There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world,and they should have their own living spaces.We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.
我喜欢看的一本书 “书中自有黄金屋”、“书是人类进步的阶梯”等等这些赞颂书的名言,大家都耳熟能详。的确,一本好书除了能丰富知识,增添智慧,还能提高自身修养,陶冶情操,一举两得,何乐而不为呢? 我爱看书,大到世界文学巨作,小到一本连环画。人家常叫我“书呆子”但我却认为我不“呆”。 其实,刚上小学时,我并不爱看书,但自从我看了一本书后,竟爱上了它, 竟爱上了它,爱上了书。 一年级是,我调皮捣蛋,不爱读书,看见书就烦!考试一次比一次差,父母见此状,没少劝说,可我左耳进右耳出。把他们的苦口婆心当作“驴肝肺”。直到一次爸爸出差回来,带回了一本厚厚的书,叫《中华勤学故事》。他把书递给我,说:“你要好好看这本书,对你的教育很大!”我没办法,在父母的督促下,每天勉强坐在书桌前看上几篇。渐渐,我对这本书产生了兴趣,自觉地去看。我从书中找到了许多乐趣,对其他书也十分喜爱。我想:我也要向书中的人学习,将来要成为了不起的人,获得骄人的成绩就。 之后,我每日与书相伴,见不到书,就觉得缺了什么。从此,我也不在调皮,而是挤出时间看书。书丰富了我的知识:它带我上天,了解宇宙广阔;它带我入海,了解海洋神秘;它又带我回到过去,了解鲜为人知的事情…… 课外知识丰富了,自身修养提高了,遇事能以理服人。考试时,因为经常看书,所以语句更加丰富,成绩也上去了。 因为书,人们对我的看法改变了:他不再是当初调皮的孩子了,如今已是个爱学习的好孩子了。 好书伴着我,围绕着书香,荡漾在书海之上。它将伴我成长,伴我从书海荡漾到
The Yellow River,is a river whom we call her mother.Also named Huanghe River,she rises on the northern slopes of the Bayankela Mountains of Qinghai,and falls 4,450m over a length of 5,465 km,draining an area of 795,000 km2.We Chinese can all remember that song "dragon's descendants" which sang like "There is a dragon in the faraway eastern,and its name is Huanghe".The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese.
Giant pandas--my favourite I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, I like giant pandas best. Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. When a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. I think it looks lovely. It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. I hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. It lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. I like it because it can make me happy. Many people say China is famous for the dragon, but I don’t think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. The Chinese government often sends one or o giant pandas to the other countries as a present. This year, the Chinese government sent o giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. They live in the zoo now and they are popular and wele in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would like to go and see them. But the number of giant pandas is getting *** aller and *** aller. Many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. I think giant pandas need our help. We should take actions to protect animals. Encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. Though I’m still a student, I can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. I hope animals can live a happy life.
I love the position written by TOM
My favorite sport
My favorite sport is football.First of all,football is welled by the poeple from all over the world.And then,it is so exciting that I'm really crazy at it. After school,I always play football with my clas *** ates on the playground.We often have a good time playing football.I think playing football helps us to be more and more stronger.And also,we learn that how importance the teamwork is.All in all,football makes our life better and better!