My problem in English's learning 英语作文

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2022-09-04 · TA获得超过5510个赞
My problem in English's learning
I'm not good at learning English,when I studied English long long ago,I think it's a new language that I cann't cope with at all.So I began escaping learning english.So I have so many problems that I should list a list.In the first place,as is know to us that every word is important to a article,just like tiles to house.But I cann't recite words very gloomy I am.
2023-06-08 · 超过28用户采纳过TA的回答
My problem in learning English is that I struggle with memorizing vocabulary. I find it difficult to remember the meaning of words and their correct usage in sentences. This makes it challenging for me to read and comprehend English texts, as well as to express myself effectively in writing and speaking.
To overcome this problem, I have started using various techniques to improve my vocabulary retention. For example, I use flashcards to memorize new words and their definitions. I also try to use new words in sentences and practice speaking with native English speakers to improve my pronunciation and fluency.
Another strategy that has helped me is reading extensively in English. By reading books, articles, and other materials in English, I am exposed to a wide range of vocabulary in context, which helps me to understand and remember new words more easily.
Overall, while I still struggle with vocabulary retention, I am committed to improving my English skills and will continue to use various strategies to overcome this challenge.
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2023-06-16 · 超过563用户采纳过TA的回答




Learning English has been a challenging journey for me.  One of my main difficulties is pronunciation. I find it hard to produce certain sounds accurately, which affects my overall communication skills. Another problem I face is grammar. I often make mistakes in sentence structure and verb tenses. This makes it difficult for me to express my ideas effectively. Additionally, vocabulary acquisition is an ongoing challenge. Memorizing new words and using them in context requires a lot of practice. Lastly, I sometimes lack confidence when speaking English, which hinders my fluency. Overcoming these obstacles requires dedication, consistent practice, and seeking help from teachers and language resources. I believe that with perseverance and a positive mindset, I can improve my English skills and overcome learning difficulties.




  1. pronunciation (n.): 发音:词语或语言的发音方式。

  2. grammar (n.): 语法:语言的规则和结构。

  3. vocabulary (n.): 词汇:特定语言或主题中使用的词语。

  4. acquire (v.): 获得:获得或发展一项技能、知识或理解。

  5. fluency (n.): 流利:轻松、准确、流畅地说或写一种语言的能力。

  6. dedication (n.): 专注:对任务或目标忠诚和投入的品质。

  7. perseverance (n.): 坚持不懈:尽管面临困难或挫折,继续努力和决心实现某事的行动。

  8. Memorizing new words and using them in context requires a lot of practice.记忆新单词并在上下文中使用它们需要大量的练习。

  9. Overcoming these obstacles requires dedication, consistent practice, and seeking help from teachers and language resources.克服这些障碍需要专注、持续的练习,并寻求老师和语言资源的帮助。




In my English learning journey, One of the main difficulties is understanding spoken English. Native speakers often speak quickly and use colloquial expressions, making it challenging for me to catch every word and comprehend the meaning. Another challenge is writing skills. I struggle with organizing my thoughts coherently and expressing ideas fluently on paper. Additionally, building vocabulary is a continuous challenge. There are countless words in English, and it takes time and effort to expand my word bank. Lastly, the fear of making mistakes sometimes holds me back from speaking confidently. However, I am determined to overcome these challenges by actively practicing listening, practicing writing, and engaging in conversations with native speakers.  I believe I can overcome my problems and become a proficient English learner.




  1. obstacles (n.): 障碍,阻碍物

  2. hindered (v.): 阻碍,妨碍

  3. understanding (n.): 理解,理解力

  4. spoken (adj.): 口头的,口语的

  5. colloquial (adj.): 口语的,口头的

  6. expressions (n.): 表达方式,表达

  7. challenging (adj.): 具有挑战性的

  8. catch (v.): 捕捉,听到

  9. comprehend (v.): 理解,领会

  10. writing skills: 写作技巧

  11. struggle (v.): 努力,奋斗

  12. organizing (v.): 组织,整理

  13. thoughts (n.): 思想,想法

  14. coherently (adv.): 连贯地,一致地

  15. expressing (v.): 表达,表露

  16. fluently (adv.): 流利地

  17. vocabulary (n.): 词汇,词汇量

  18. continuous (adj.): 持续的,连续的

  19. holds (v.): 阻碍,抑制

  20. In my English learning journey, I have encountered several obstacles that have hindered my progress.在我学习英语的旅程中,我遇到了几个阻碍,阻碍了我的进步。

  21. One of the main difficulties is understanding spoken English.其中一个主要困难是理解口语英语。

  22. Native speakers often speak quickly and use colloquial expressions, making it challenging for me to catch every word and comprehend the meaning.母语人士通常说话很快,使用口语表达方式,这让我很难捕捉每个单词并理解其意义。

  23. Another challenge is writing skills.另一个挑战是写作技巧。

  24. I struggle with organizing my thoughts coherently and expressing ideas fluently on paper.我在组织思路和流畅地在纸上表达思想方面有困难。

  25. Additionally, building vocabulary is a continuous challenge.此外,词汇的积累是一个持续的挑战。

  26. Lastly, the fear of making mistakes sometimes holds me back from speaking confidently.最后,对犯错误的恐惧有时阻碍我自信地说话。




I have encountered several hurdles along the way in English learning . One of the major challenges I face is understanding complex texts. Academic materials and advanced literature often contain unfamiliar vocabulary and complex sentence structures, making it difficult for me to grasp the intended meaning. Another obstacle is effective communication in English. I sometimes struggle to express my thoughts accurately and coherently, resulting in misunderstandings. Additionally, maintaining consistent motivation is a challenge. Learning a language requires continuous effort and dedication, and it can be easy to lose motivation during periods of slow progress. However, I am committed to overcoming these challenges by utilizing various learning strategies, I believe I can overcome my difficulties and achieve fluency in English.




  1. enriching (adj.): 丰富的,富有收获的

  2. hurdles (n.): 障碍,困难

  3. unfamiliar (adj.): 不熟悉的,陌生的

  4. vocabulary (n.): 词汇,词汇量

  5. sentence structures: 句子结构

  6. intended meaning: 预期的意思,作者的意图

  7. obstacle (n.): 障碍,阻碍

  8. effective (adj.): 有效的,起作用的

  9. misunderstandings (n.): 误解,误会

  10. maintaining (v.): 保持,维持

  11. motivation (n.): 动力,积极性

  12. continuous (adj.): 持续的,连续的

  13. dedication (n.): 奉献,专注

  14. learning strategies: 学习策略

  15. extensively (adv.): 广泛地,大量地

  16. achievable (adj.): 可实现的,可达到的

  17. perseverance (n.): 毅力,坚持不懈

  18. proactive (adj.): 积极主动的,主动的

  19. One of the major challenges I face is understanding complex texts.我面临的主要挑战之一是理解复杂的文本。

  20. Academic materials and advanced literature often contain unfamiliar vocabulary and complex sentence structures, making it difficult for me to grasp the intended meaning.学术资料和高级文学作品通常包含不熟悉的词汇和复杂的句子结构,这使我很难理解作者的意图。

  21. I sometimes struggle to express my thoughts accurately and coherently, resulting in misunderstandings.我有时难以准确、连贯地表达自己的思想,导致误解产生。

  22. Additionally, maintaining consistent motivation is a challenge.此外,保持持续的动力也是一个挑战。

  23. However, I am committed to overcoming these challenges by utilizing various learning strategies 然而,我决心通过运用各种学习策略来克服这些挑战

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