Lesson19 Sold out
‘The play may begin at any moment,' I said.‘It may have begun already,' Susan answered.‘I hurried to the ticket-office.'May I have two tickets please ?' I asked.‘I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.‘What a pity!' Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.‘Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.‘Certainly,' the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once.‘Could I have those two tickets please ?' I asked.‘Certainly, 'the girl said,‘but they are for next Wednesday's performance.‘I might as well have them,' I said sadly.
4.‘What a pity!' Susan exclaimed.
语言点 表达抱怨常用句式:
I hate…我讨厌……/1 don’t like…我不喜欢/ Ican,t believe…我简直不敢相信……对于抱怨的常用回答:
Just give it a rest!别抱怨了! / What would you like me to do? 你想要我怎么做?/ Will you drop it already ? 别再抱怨了好吗?/ OK, we get the point.好,我们已经知道了。
5.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.
语言点 (1) ticket office售票处,又作booking office。
(2) office常指办事处,事务所,政府机关部委。
例如:the Foreign Office 外交部;head office 总店,总行;inquiry office 问讯处
‘Can I return these two ticketo? ’ he asked. ‘ Certainly, ’ the girl said.
语言点 certainly = of course= by all means= surely= undoubtedly = definitely 当然
If you do not work hard, you will surely fail.如果不努力学习,你肯定会考试不及格。
Absolutely!绝对!完全肯定!/ You can’t go wrong following me.相信我,错不了。/ Just take my word on this one. 你只管相信我就行了 !
I have my doubts about...我对 ……心存疑问。/ I’m not sure that...我不能肯定……What proof do you have…你有什么证据……?
6.‘Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.‘Certainly,' the girl said.
语言点1 go back = return 此句可改为:I returned to the ticket office at once.
语言点2 at once = immediately = as soon as = directly =instantly 立刻
‘The play may begin at any moment,' I said.‘It may have begun already,' Susan answered.‘I hurried to the ticket-office.'May I have two tickets please ?' I asked.‘I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said.‘What a pity!' Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.‘Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.‘Certainly,' the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once.‘Could I have those two tickets please ?' I asked.‘Certainly, 'the girl said,‘but they are for next Wednesday's performance.‘I might as well have them,' I said sadly.
4.‘What a pity!' Susan exclaimed.
语言点 表达抱怨常用句式:
I hate…我讨厌……/1 don’t like…我不喜欢/ Ican,t believe…我简直不敢相信……对于抱怨的常用回答:
Just give it a rest!别抱怨了! / What would you like me to do? 你想要我怎么做?/ Will you drop it already ? 别再抱怨了好吗?/ OK, we get the point.好,我们已经知道了。
5.Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office.
语言点 (1) ticket office售票处,又作booking office。
(2) office常指办事处,事务所,政府机关部委。
例如:the Foreign Office 外交部;head office 总店,总行;inquiry office 问讯处
‘Can I return these two ticketo? ’ he asked. ‘ Certainly, ’ the girl said.
语言点 certainly = of course= by all means= surely= undoubtedly = definitely 当然
If you do not work hard, you will surely fail.如果不努力学习,你肯定会考试不及格。
Absolutely!绝对!完全肯定!/ You can’t go wrong following me.相信我,错不了。/ Just take my word on this one. 你只管相信我就行了 !
I have my doubts about...我对 ……心存疑问。/ I’m not sure that...我不能肯定……What proof do you have…你有什么证据……?
6.‘Can I return these two tickets?' he asked.‘Certainly,' the girl said.
语言点1 go back = return 此句可改为:I returned to the ticket office at once.
语言点2 at once = immediately = as soon as = directly =instantly 立刻