高考用英语说是college entrance examination。
But I don't think it necessary for a young man who has talent for movies to score 600 in the national college entrance examination.
2.高考过后,同学们都焦急地等待着发榜。After the college entrance examinations, the students were all waiting anxiously for the results to be published.
3.这里还培养出了科学奥林匹克竞赛冠军、受过传统训练的音乐家以及高考成绩极好的学生。It produces Science Olympiad winners, classically trained musicians and students with perfect SAT scores.
This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided by University and College Admissions Service ( UCAS).
5.如果把高考作为衡量每个学生的唯一标准,那么高考终将是一场不公平的赛跑。If we use the National College Entrance Exam as the sole criterion to evaluate every student, it will inevitably1 end up being an unequal foot race.