come out什么意思
come out是出版的意思:
1.When does her new book come out?她的新书什么时候出版?
2.His new works will come out next week.他的新作下周便出版发行。
3.These animals only come out at night.这些动物只在夜晚出来。
4.Come out, or I'll bust the door down!出来,不然我就砸门了!
5.If you're stuck for something to do tonight, come out with us.你要是正愁今晚没事做,就跟我们一块儿出去吧。
6.Come out of there, whoever you are.不管你是谁,从那里出来吧。
7.In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.在大多数董事会议的辩论中,他往往占据上风。
8.He had come out in dark red blotches.他身上长出了一块块深红色的斑。
9.In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour.这项调查显示,英国人的幽默是首屈一指的。
10.He incited the workforce to come out on strike.他煽动工人罢工。