求助提供越狱中T-Bag 的人物性格特点分析~~谢~

最好最好是英文版的谢谢各位高手啦~~回答好的可以追加悬赏分!!谢谢~~~要英文版的··多谢大家... 最好最好是英文版的 谢谢各位高手啦~~回答好的可以追加悬赏分!!谢谢~~~
 我来答
  T-Bag无疑是Prison Break(以下简称PB)中最具争议性的角色。这个角色的设定基本为:案底令人发指、性取向别于常人、言行乖张、与常人格格不入、习性残忍。。。。。。在Fox River,他是一个异类,是连其他作奸犯科者都不齿的“低级生物”。照理说,这样的角色应该让观众感到憎恨厌恶才对,但为什么在PB延续到第二季的时候,他的呼声却越来越高呢?是因为演员精湛的演技?是因为现代社会人道德法制观念的沦丧加上心理变态?每次在看到有关这一角色的讨论时,大多是东一榔头西一棒子的各抒己见,让人有隔靴挠痒之感;甚至还有人问候他人女性家属,由讨论上升为人身攻击。这里我想友情提醒,你的言辞代表了你所钟爱角色的fans群的素质,因此请注意自己的言辞!

  我觉得首先我们要领会编剧的意图。打从一开始他老人家就没打算把现实生活中的法制标准套在此剧上。毕竟,越狱本身就是一项重大的恶意刑事犯罪,其性质不亚于杀人放火抢劫,不论出于什么正当的理由。编剧真正想做的只是借用越狱这个框架来诠释家人的亲情、朋友的友情、对未来希望的信心等等要素,以及铺张扣人心弦的情节和强调人物矛盾的冲突等。因此尽管Fox River中的犯人有各种作奸犯科的背景,但那都只是为了给角色存在的合理性创造背景条件而已,而不是真的为了要诠释他们有多恶,剧中角色的表现也证明了这一点。茶叶对T-Bag的喜爱基本也是以此作为大前提的,在理解越狱中的人物时,屏蔽掉他们的犯罪背景,更多关注他们的行为、心理活动,人物之间的关系、矛盾、冲突和人性等。



  也许是由于自小受欺负和虐待的缘故,T-Bag的超强自我保护神经已发展到要保护自己就要先下手为强的境界。这种极端的自我保护行为,在PB中多次出现,比如通过杀害CO Bob来保证越狱计划不外泄;通过种种手段保证自己不被P.I.其他成员剔出越狱队伍;根本不相信John的和解,仍打算先下手为强干掉John;把兽医灭口以确保自身的安全,等等。而且事后很多迹象证明他的这些做法确实是对越狱的成功和他自己的安全有保障的。再来看我们一些温室里的花朵,因为从小被父母呵护保护着,所以思想单纯没有戒心。一旦踏入社会,往往被人卖了还在替人数钱。老人家一直说害人之心不可有、防人之心不可无。T-Bag这种极端的自我保护行为虽然不可取,但是他的这种自我保护意识绝对给我们上了一课。保护好自己,才有能力保护好自己的亲人、爱人和朋友!

  PB上演到第二季第七集,很多观众发现T-Bag的脑袋瓜子竟然不亚于男主角。其实这在第一季里就有多处表现,比如看到洗手池后面那个洞马上意识到Michael要越狱,并迅速通过威逼利诱的手段把自己划入越狱队伍; 一些些蛛丝马迹就能意识到“阴谋的味道”;到了第二季更是先行男主角一步拿到地图,还使了个调虎离山之计,让兄弟俩不得不带着他一起去寻宝。今天刚知道第八集里他又识破男主角的计策把美金调了包。以前一直有人说乱伦胎不是白痴就是天才,看来就算T-Bag不属于后者,也足够机灵的了。聪明的男人总是讨人喜欢的,这条不管对Michael还是T-Bag,对金领还是平民百姓都是适用的。



  (6) 幽默的台词
  不知道别的茶叶怎么想,反正我是觉得编剧一定是对T-Bag偏爱有加的,否则怎么把最佳台词几乎都给了他呢? 别的角色只能捡他说剩下的。这些或幽默或逗乐或尖酸刻薄或促狭的台词加上Robert Knepper的演绎把T-Bag刻画地非但不可怕可憎,反而是可爱诙谐有加。如果之前的理由都有些教条主义的话,那么这条实在是让茶叶之所以成为茶叶的终极理由啊!

  第16集回忆篇中的T-Bag显然是让观众最大跌眼镜的,甚至超过有吸毒史的Sara。头发梳得整整齐齐,下巴剃得干干净净的T-Bag竟然还穿着最代表居家型的格子尼衬衫,螃蟹是最受不了这个的,完全被他一击命中! 这一集让观众看到了T-Bag人性善良的一面,如果不是他无法选择的出生和成长经历,他也是完全有可能成为一个好男人好丈夫好父亲的。

  最后,我们来看一下Robert Knepper在访谈时提到的他塑造T-Bag时的心得。他说:“你永远不能在演一个坏蛋时就只按照坏蛋的通俗路子去演,这样你不会获得成功。我在演T-Bag时,尝试着让他充满魅力。他好像一个城堡中的君主,照顾守护着自己的家人,你不能侵犯他”。事实证明,他的这种诠释方式确实是峰回路转,使得T-Bag这个角色形象饱满立体,充满吸引力,迎来了众多PB fans的钟爱。我要代表所有茶叶感谢Robert Knepper这位敬业专业的演员,如果没有他(当然还有编导),就不会有现在的茶包,也不会有我们这帮茶叶。虽然茶包的下场不容乐观,但仍希望茶包的逃亡之路能走得远些

  T-Bag is the dispute role beyond doubt have most in Prison Break (be called PB for short hereinafter). This role's setting up is basically: Criminal record gets self's hackles up , nature chooses to eccentric and unreasonable , being ill-adapted to with the common people in the common people , words and deeds, habit is ruthless. . . . . . In Fox, River , he are a different kinds of animals and plants , are "the low forms of life " that person all despises including committing crimes and acting the part of a traitor other. Customarily, such a role ought to let an audience feel hating to loathe only pair , why to last for but , his voice but more and more high woollen cloth to second crops in PB? Be an acting skill because of the actor is consummate? Be that be ruined because of modern society people morality legal sense adds a psychopathology? When seeing discussion in connection with this one role each time, be mostly one east hammer Spanish corncob each airs his own views, let person have feeling of scratching an itch across a boot; Still have person ragards others female family members even, from the personal attack discussing that go up is. I think of friendly sentiment here prompting, your self's words has represented fans group quality cherished a role by you , has asked therefore pay attention to self self's words! I think that we need to understand playwright's intention first. Drama is cover with here from legal institutions standard in as soon as start his grand old man as for have not intended with the actual life upper. After all, escape from prison being significant one evil intention crime per se, whose character is not inferior to committing murder and arson rob, disregarding what justifiable reason to originate from. This frame write a play wanting to compose really however borrow escaping from prison comes to key elements such as the friendly sentiment kissing feeling , the friend , the confidence hoping to future, and soul-stirring extravagant circumstance and the conflict emphasizing personage contradiction etc. of annotation family. But create background therefore despite of there is various the background committing crimes and acting the part of a traitor, but the rationality that there exists in role all only for being given to in criminal in Fox River condition is not that how evil have been they , behaviour of the drama character has also testified this one point really for wanting annotation. Tea is also to be major premise's on this account basically to the T-Bag being fond of, when understanding personage in escaping from prison, committing a crime screening away them background , behavior , psychological activity showing solicitude for them still more, relation , contradiction , conflict and human nature between the personage etc. The following is that some "flicker of T-Bag on one's body that I realize burns " , the review welcoming everybody adds. I am that background is very distant "glisten to have added be that this role does not break the person away from committing a crime because of the scenarist and the actor for using T-Bag quotation mark , have let him do a few exceeding things indeed , what angle to go to treat this role but ultimately from, from which goes to analyse this role face to face tier , depending on right still being self in us. (1) everything depends on self T-Bag taking 0 as starting point not having John like that Mafia-style organizations; gangland clan background, neither has the congenital advantage on stature , the disdainful traitor of criminal kills a child and still , finclause the quilt is a lot of other getting metamorphosis , he is how to become first purpose of pure and clean alliance in two short inner for 3 years with this inferior position , not confessing completely in drama, but appear on the scene to mutter a few words with Michael from T-Bag play , we maybe that one can perceive a little clue. T-Bag is to be good at trying to conject the psychological chap of others , he makes use of strained confused fish mentality to emphasize li of jail faction dispute danger , lures fish by promise of gain seizing his trousers pocket to ask for his protection and then. Michael does not eat his this same stuff, but the leading role only has one after all though the invincible law of leading role can be used, the criminal has been a pile but , has been enough for he to rope in absolutely. Certainly, mentality tactics affirms that only, T-Bag ropes one of the member means in and controls, but the means, affirms his own ability by being other disregarding still having He. A few looking back at a nowadays just tread the young person who becomes a member of society , are fastidious but imcompetent , work not making great efforts not to steady and sure , may be contrite and reform oneself only, self has not served as the bureau head or the father who does business lament. This moment that they whether be or not ought to take a look at T-Bag is how only to win a space for one person's by self strength? Certainly, I am not to say below means such as needing to learn his those conspiracies and plots , fabricating a charge against sb, but that being referring to only makes great efforts by self both hands creates a sky spirit and will. (2) ultra-strong self-protections are aware of the reason why maybe being to be bullied and be abused since self is young , ultra-strong T-Bag self-protection nerve already develops the realm only wanting the advantage of striking first to needing to protect self. This exceeding self-protection behavior, many times appears in PB, for instance , the plan leaks nothing more than by swear to escape from prison coming killing CO Bob; Pass a variety of means guarantee self no by P.I. The member picks out other escaping from prison team; Foundation does not believe in the John compromise, still consideration He who strikes first gains the advantage utterly liquidate John; Doing away with the vet to ensure self's safety , wait a minute. And, that much indication testifies his these method of work after the event is to have a guarantee's to success and his own safety escaping from prison indeed. Be inspecting flower inside our few greenhouses again , be protecting protection , do not having vigilance therefore simple-minded because of being breathed out on from childhood by parents. In a single day tread have been become a member of society , have been sold as early as replacing number money sometimes by person. The grand old man always criticizes heart the heart of being not allowed to have , watch out for person of victimization being not allowed to have no. This exceeding self-protection behavior is aware of T-Bag although the block of wood is advisable , his this ego protects being gone ahead once class by us absolutely. Finish protecting self , relative , lover and friend having capability just now finishing protecting self! (3) acute clever PB are performed to second crops of seventh parts, many chief actors of audience actually not inferior to discovering the T-Bag head melon seeds. This shows in fact in the first Ji Li with regard to having many places, for instance , seeing that pool back hole washing hands realize that Michael needs to escape from prison immediately, join the prompt means by alternating intimidation and bribery with self put into escape from prison team; Some some of spider's webs and horse's footprints are therefore likely to realize "the plot flavour "; Having arrived at has been that chief actor single-step gets a map in advance second crops more , has used plan of luring the enemy away from his base , having let two brothers have to as well as let him go to look for treasure together. Stratagem just knowing he sees through a chief actor in the eighth part today obj1 = " 位" ? has exchanged a bag with the American dollar. Always there is somebody previously speaking committing incest the padding is not that idiocy is genius, most probably even if T-Bag does not belong to the latter, clever also enough. The clever man is always cute , this is still T-Bag disregarding to Michael , being suitable for use to Jin Ling be still rank and file. (4) style many person who does things one's own way is disgusted with upper T-Bag behavior habit being different from common people, the delighted edge twists edge swaying , the sometimes bounces about , whether the whether sitting posture or not station or not looks at and appraises when walking, come facial features to be moved going to moving always discontentedly, expression in one's eyes acts indecently towards a sometimes sometimes sinister, voice is sharp when speaking ear-piercing。 His this monstrous eccentric and unreasonable behavior habit, be to be that are what regular society admits of no , his sex chooses more indescribably beyond doubt to. But intentionally tea is to like it, why? Because of T-Bag shouts have put up tea' self's innermost thoughts and feelings: Is "this self come to change me the being fond of and standard why I , I want according to you? I be to be going to exist according to the way life that I am fond of"! Let Western-style clothes overskirts be fantastic going to! Let occupation smiling expression go and die! Our lifetime hesitates all in persisting in lingering with the middle compromising, none enumerates but the outside's , the more our point thorn city is on the same level , as dawdling away more , we may be accustomed to compromising out of consideration for the general interest Yue Lai Yue . Though, for being adjusted to objective environment, these have all been necessary and willy-nilly , we have reveled in but an once at least by T-BagYY. (5) single professional skills are resembled right away being going to be the same making fun of son instrument boy student accepting girl student favour comparatively, the T-Bag play plate son ability is admired for greatly also by tea. Although not have had the play son plate artifice coming to show T-Bag the lens in drama,"my counter-balance has been enough to reflect the T-Bag level right away let T-Bag that all over USA only when five people can draw". (6) humorous actor's line has not known how other tea thinks of , I have been to add anyway feel the playwright must favour T-Bag having , why has given him nearly all otherwise woollen cloth with the best actor's line? Can only pick up he say to go role other These or humorous or play around or tart and mean or mischievous actor's line depicts T-Bag a field plus Robert Knepper deduction the terrifying is not only disgusting , is lovable on the contrary humorous have add. If prior to all some dogmatisms of reason's words, this is a reason so in fact by the reason why tea is called tea paroxysm! (7) T-Bag another one aspect: Mild nice family-life type man 16th part T-Bag in recalling a sheet evidently is a glasses's make audience maximal falling , more than Sara having drug taking history even. Hair combs such that being arranged to a nicety , the lower jaw shaves such that T-Bag neat and tidy is having the shirt representing the family-life type lattice Buddhist nun most on actually, crab is cannot stand it most such , completeness is hit by his blow! This one part has let an audience see kindhearted T-Bag human nature one aspect , go through , he are also to be in the cards becoming a nice father of nice nice man husband's completely if being not that he has no way to choose being born and growing up. What one has learned from work that at last , we inspect Robert when Knepper his mentioning now and then in interview molds T-Bag. He said "You will never can go to perform when playing the part of a bad egg right away only according to popular way of bad egg , you can not win out like this. When performing T-Bag I, be attempting to let him be full of charm. He is just like monarch in a castle , look after the family who is defending self, you can not infringe upon him ". It is proved that his this annotation way is that the peak circuit rotates indeed ,this full role image body, is full of feasible T-Bag attraction, welcomes cherishing having come to a lot of PB fans. I ask the tea representing possessions to thank Robert Knepper this respecting job special field actor, if (certainly still have a scenarist) not having him, cannot only be capable to do the tea parcel having now , also can not have our gang of this tea. Though the fate that tea wraps up does not admit hoping for the best, hope that the road of going into exile that tea wraps up can walk a little distant。


参考资料: http://sh.focus.cn/msgview/10856/70151823.html

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