3.1 内部斜梯的材质按设备图样上的规定(根据使用介质环境确定)。一般采用Q235-A.F钢;当容器壳体材质为高合金钢时,斜梯的材质应与容器壳体(内壁)材质一致。
3.2 零件的机加工粗糙度Ra≤25μm,切边粗糙度≤50μm,梯梁周边不得有毛刺。
3.3 内部斜梯焊接完毕后不得翘曲,踏步两端焊脚打磨光滑,斜梯安装后应稳定牢固。 展开
3.1 内部斜梯的材质按设备图样上的规定(根据使用介质环境确定)。一般采用Q235-A.F钢;当容器壳体材质为高合金钢时,斜梯的材质应与容器壳体(内壁)材质一致。
3.2 零件的机加工粗糙度Ra≤25μm,切边粗糙度≤50μm,梯梁周边不得有毛刺。
3.3 内部斜梯焊接完毕后不得翘曲,踏步两端焊脚打磨光滑,斜梯安装后应稳定牢固。 展开
3.1 The internal oblique ladder pattern on the material of the equipment requirements (based on the use of media environment determined). Commonly used steel Q235-AF; when the container shell made of high-alloy steel, the inclined ladder should be the container housing the material (wall) material line.
3.2 parts machining roughness Ra ≤ 25μm, cutting-edge roughness ≤ 50μm, ladder beams around the burr are prohibited.
3.3 After soldering the internal inclined ladders shall not be warping, stepping foot welded at both ends polished smooth, inclined ladder should be stable after installation firm.
3.2 parts machining roughness Ra ≤ 25μm, cutting-edge roughness ≤ 50μm, ladder beams around the burr are prohibited.
3.3 After soldering the internal inclined ladders shall not be warping, stepping foot welded at both ends polished smooth, inclined ladder should be stable after installation firm.