var MENU_TPL = [
// root level configuration (level 0)
// item sizes
'height': 24,
'width': 121,
// absolute position of the menu on the page (in pixels)
// with centered content use Tigra Menu PRO or Tigra Menu GOLD
'block_top': 113,
'block_left': 79,
// offsets between items of the same level (in pixels)
'top': 0,
'left': 122,
// time delay before menu is hidden after cursor left the menu (in milliseconds)
'hide_delay': 200,
// submenu expand delay after the rollover of the parent
'expd_delay': 200,
// names of the CSS classes for the menu elements in different states
// tag: [normal, hover, mousedown]
'css' : {
'outer' : ['m0l0oout', 'm0l0oover'],
'inner' : ['m0l0iout', 'm0l0iover']
// sub-menus configuration (level 1)
// any omitted parameters are inherited from parent level
'height': 24,
'width': 121,
// position of the submenu relative to top left corner of the parent item
'block_top': 24,
'block_left': 0,
'top': 23,
'left': 0,
'css' : {
'outer' : ['m0l1oout', 'm0l1oover'],
'inner' : ['m0l1iout', 'm0l1iover']
// sub-sub-menus configuration (level 2)
'block_top': 5,
'block_left': 160
// the depth of the menu is not limited
// make sure there is no comma after the last element
谢谢了,要快。 展开
var MENU_TPL = [
// root level configuration (level 0)
// item sizes
'height': 24,
'width': 121,
// absolute position of the menu on the page (in pixels)
// with centered content use Tigra Menu PRO or Tigra Menu GOLD
'block_top': 113,
'block_left': 79,
// offsets between items of the same level (in pixels)
'top': 0,
'left': 122,
// time delay before menu is hidden after cursor left the menu (in milliseconds)
'hide_delay': 200,
// submenu expand delay after the rollover of the parent
'expd_delay': 200,
// names of the CSS classes for the menu elements in different states
// tag: [normal, hover, mousedown]
'css' : {
'outer' : ['m0l0oout', 'm0l0oover'],
'inner' : ['m0l0iout', 'm0l0iover']
// sub-menus configuration (level 1)
// any omitted parameters are inherited from parent level
'height': 24,
'width': 121,
// position of the submenu relative to top left corner of the parent item
'block_top': 24,
'block_left': 0,
'top': 23,
'left': 0,
'css' : {
'outer' : ['m0l1oout', 'm0l1oover'],
'inner' : ['m0l1iout', 'm0l1iover']
// sub-sub-menus configuration (level 2)
'block_top': 5,
'block_left': 160
// the depth of the menu is not limited
// make sure there is no comma after the last element
谢谢了,要快。 展开
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