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2009-08-31 · 超过12用户采纳过TA的回答


1. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.

a. can you b. you can c. would you d. you would

2. ______ that this region was so rich in natural resources.

a. Little he knew b. Little did he know

a. Little he did know d. Little he had known

3. Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.

a. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought b. seriously Alfred E. Smith sought

c. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek d. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek

4. Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

a. people have b. since people have c. have people d. people who have

5. _______, we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.

a. What may come b. Come what may c. May what come d. What come

6. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head.

a. that he turned b. did he turn c. he didn’t turn d. he had turned

7. ______ received law degrees as today.

a. Never so women have b. The women aren’t ever

c. Women who have never d. Never have so many women

8. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move, ______.

a. so does a liquid b. so a liquid does c. as does a liquid d. so is a liquid

9. On no account ______ to anyone.

a. my name must be mentioned b. must my name mention

c. must my name be mentioned d. my name must mention

10. ______ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.

a. Such construction robots are clever b. So clever the construction robots are

c. So clever are the construction robots d. Such clever construction robots are

11. ______ do we go for picnics.

a. Certainly b. Sometimes c. Seldom d. Once

12. ______ is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.

a. Either b. Often c. Nor d. Usually

13. Her answer is not acceptable, and ______.

a. neither am I b. either is mine c. neither is mine d. mine is neither

14. ______, I must do another experiment.

a. Be it ever so late b. It is ever so late

c. It be ever so late d. So late it be ever

15. So fast ______ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

a. light travel b. travels the light c. do light travel d. does light travel

16. A sneeze cannot be performed voluntarily, ______ be easily suppressed.

a. nor it can b. nor can it c. it cannot d. and cannot it

17. ______ notebook and report that I promised you last week.

a. Here is the b. Here are the c. Is here the d. Are here the

18. ______ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.

a. If he took b. If he has taken c. had he taken d. Should he take

19. Beneath our feet ______ that our life depends on for food and clothing.

a. the earth lay b. the earth lies c. lie the earth d. lies the earth

20. ______ the beginning of the 19th century did scientists know that all matter is made up of atoms.

a. At b. By c. Up to d. Not until

21. Hardly ______ he got out of the court ______ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.

a. had … when b. had…than c. did…when d. has…than

22. Among these books ______ a dictionary that his father gave him as a birthday present.

a. have included b. is included c. has included d. are included

23. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; ______ is this more true than in Europe.

a. nowhere b. hardly c. little d. seldom

24. Important ______ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.

a. to b. for c. as d. although

25. According to the periodic table, ______ still some elements undiscovered.

a. there seem to be b. it seems c. it seems to be d. here seems

26. Here ______ you want to see.

a. the manager comes b. comes the manager

c. comes a manager d. is coming a manager

27. Barry can hardly drive a car, ______.

a. so can’t Molly b. can’t Molly either c. Molly can’t too d. neither can Molly

28. _______ for the leadership of the Party, we should not have succeeded.

a. Had not it been b. Had it not been c. There was d. Is there

29. ______ no air or water, there would be no life in the world.

a. Were there b. There are c. There was d. Is there

30. Not only ______ the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.

a. the computer can memorize b. can the computer memorize

c. do the computer memorize d. can memorize the computer

31. Not once ______ his view of life.

a. did the gentleman mention b. the gentleman mentioned that

c. the gentleman mentioned d. does gentleman mentioned

32. By no means ______ their own language well.

a. it is true that all English people know

b. is it true that do all English people know

c. it is true that do all English people know

d. is it true that all English people know

33. The molecules of gases move more freely than ______.

a. do liquids and solids b. liquids and solids do

c. do those of liquids and solids d. those do of liquids and solids

34. The world’s birth rates are on a decline and ______ are the death rates.

a. so b. also c. too d. the same

35. _____ is the volume of chemical goods.

a. Constantly growing too b. Too constantly growing

c. Growing constant to d. Too growing constant

36. Many a time _______ me with my English study.

a. have he helped b. has he helped c. he have helped d. did he have helped

37. Typical of the new type of young people ______, who set a shining example to the whole nation.

a. was Lei Feng b. Were Lei Feng c. Lei Feng was d. Lei Feng were

38. What Mr. Smith did was important , but ______.

a. more important the way of he did things was

b. the way of he did things was more important

c. more important was the way he did things

d. more important the way were he did things

39. She didn’t want to buy it, ______.

a. however good was it b. however good it was

c. for how good might it be d. for how good it might be

40. ______ , it is always possible to find out its volume.

a. Whatever the shape of a body may be

b. The shape of a body may be whatever

c. May whatever the shape of a body be

d. Whatever may the shape of a body be

41. I won’t pay $20 for the coat; it’s not worth ______.

a. all that much b. that much all c. that all much d. much all that

42. Hot air accompanied by high relative humidity feels warmer than ______.

a. is it actually b. it actually is c. actually it is d. actually is it

43. Qingdao is usually cool in summer, but Nanjing ______.

a. is rarely b. scarcely is c. hardly is d. rarely is

44. David, something important has happened. I wish to ______.

a. talk it over with you b. talk over it c. talk over d. talk you over it

45. ______, more than 200 houses and buildings are heated by solar energy, not to mention the big cities in the region.

a. Alone in the small town b. In the small alone town

c. In the small town alone d. In the alone small town

46. Geysers are found new near rivers and lakes, where water drains through the soil ______.

a. surface below the deep b. deep below the surface

c. the deep below surface d. the deep surface below

47. The wallflower ______ because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support.

a. so called is b. so is called c. is so called d. called is so

48. The history of painting is a fascination chain of evens that probably began with ______.

a. ever made the very first pictures

b. the ever made very first pictures

c. the very first ever made pictures

d. the very first pictures ever made

49. On the side of the hill, there is ______ which was once the entrance to a gold mine.

a. a deep hole in ground b. a hole deep in ground

c. a deep hole in the ground d.a deep in the ground hole

50. Will the boy who has taken my pen brine ______.

a. back to me b. it back to me c. back it to me d. it to me back

1, A, 19, D, 37, A
2, B, 20, D, 38, C
3, D, 21, A, 39, B
4, C, 22, B, 40, A
5, B, 23, A, 41, A
6, B, 24, C, 42, B
7, D, 25, A, 43, D
8, C, 26, B, 44, A
9, C, 27, C, 45, C
10, C, 28, B, 46, B
11, C, 29, A, 47, C
12, C, 30, B, 48, D
13, C, 31, A, 49, C
14, A, 32, D, 50, B
15, D, 33, C,
16, B, 34, A,
17, B, 35, A,
18, C, 36, B,
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