
1.Hebroughtitnear________(我就能看清楚了)。2.Hedidn’tplanhistimewell,________(结果他没按时完成这项工作)。3... 1. He brought it near________(我就能看清楚了)。
2. He didn’t plan his time well, ________(结果他没按时完成这项工作)。
3. We left in such a hurry________(门都忘了锁)。
4. We arrived early, ________(结果我们得到了好座位)。
5. He was so worried about his son’s health________(以致晚上无法入睡)。
6. ________(天气很好),I opened all the windows.
7. ________(既然大家都在这里),let’s begin.
8. The train had left________(when,while) I go to the railway station.
9. I have written her twenty letters________(when,since) she left here
10. Don’t say anything while John is here.Wait________(when,until) he has gone
11. We hadn’t waited long________(before,until)he came out
12. I have known Grandma Li________(when,since) I was a boy
13. I didn’t realize how much time I had wasted________(after,until) I began to work
14. It is eight years________(since,before) he began to smoke
15. It will be two months________(since,before) he comes back
16. How can I explain it to you ________(if,unless) you don’t want to listen?
17. He will not come________(unless,only if)he is invited
18. ________(In case,Since) it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?
19. I will surely finish the job on time________(so long as,in case) he’s left to do it in his own way
20. Mr Green didn’t begin his class________(until,as )all the students arrived
21. Jack has learnde a lot ________(because,since) he entered the school
22. they had ________(such,so)a big that no one dared to go near their house
23. There was________(so,such)much dust that we couldn’t see what was happen-ing
24. He spoke for ________(such,so)a long time that people began to fall asleep
25. The storm was ________(so,unless)it is getting dark
26. ________(since,thought)there is no bus service there,we have to walk
27. The streets in Tokyo are just________(和北京的街道一样拥挤)
28. The teacher is speaking aloud________(好像是生气了)
29. He likes to take a walk after supper________(像很多老年人一样)
30. She sat there closing her eyes________(似乎是累了)
31. You have to answer the questions carefully________(像你的同学那样)
32. Learning Japanese is ________(比学英语容易的多)
33. He asked us to do everything________(就好像他是我们的老师似的)
34. It is ________to say in the house________(不如到田地里去安全)
35. People are told not to eat so many hamburgers________(像西方人那样)
36. Many people in the street watched the big fire________(好像是在看一场令人激动的节目似的)

 我来答
2009-09-08 · TA获得超过832个赞
1. He brought it near________(我就能看清楚了)。so I can see clearly

2. He didn’t plan his time well, ________(结果他没按时完成这项工作)。as a result he didn't finish this job in time

3. We left in such a hurry________(门都忘了锁)。that we forgot to lock the door

4. We arrived early, ________(结果我们得到了好座位)。
and we got goot seats

5. He was so worried about his son’s health________(以致晚上无法入睡)。
that he couldn't fall asleep at night

6. ________(天气很好),I opened all the windows.
It was a sunny day

7. ________(既然大家都在这里),let’s begin.
Since everyone is here

8. The train had left________(when,while) I go to the railway station.
when I (最好后面用 arrived at the railway station / got to the railway station)

9. I have written her twenty letters________(when,since) she left here

10. Don’t say anything while John is here.Wait________(when,until) he has gone

11. We hadn’t waited long________(before,until)he came out

12. I have known Grandma Li________(when,since) I was a boy

13. I didn’t realize how much time I had wasted________(after,until) I began to work

14. It is eight years________(since,before) he began to smoke
这个句子不太对,因该是 It has been eight years

15. It will be two months________(since,before) he comes back

16. How can I explain it to you ________(if,unless) you don’t want to listen?

17. He will not come________(unless,only if)he is invited

18. ________(In case,Since) it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?
In case (用if最好)

19. I will surely finish the job on time________(so long as,in case) he’s left to do it in his own way
so long as (he will surely?)

20. Mr Green didn’t begin his class________(until,as )all the students arrived

21. Jack has learnde a lot ________(because,since) he entered the school

22. they had ________(such,so)a big that no one dared to go near their house
such ( a big dog?)

23. There was________(so,such)much dust that we couldn’t see what was happen-ing

24. He spoke for ________(such,so)a long time that people began to fall asleep

25. The storm was ________(so,unless)it is getting dark
so (后面缺了形容词)

26. ________(since,thought)there is no bus service there,we have to walk

27. The streets in Tokyo are just________(和北京的街道一样拥挤)
as crowdy as streets in Beijing

28. The teacher is speaking aloud________(好像是生气了)
looking angry

29. He likes to take a walk after supper________(像很多老年人一样)
just like many seniors like to

30. She sat there closing her eyes________(似乎是累了)
looking tired

31. You have to answer the questions carefully________(像你的同学那样)
like your classmates do

32. Learning Japanese is ________(比学英语容易的多)
much easier than learning English

33. He asked us to do everything________(就好像他是我们的老师似的)
as if he was our teacher

34. It is ________to say in the house________(不如到田地里去安全)
not as safe... as to stay in the field

35. People are told not to eat so many hamburgers________(像西方人那样)
as westerns do

36. Many people in the street watched the big fire________(好像是在看一场令人激动的节目似的)
as an exciting show
so that I can see clearly
so he didn't finish his work
and forgot to lock the door
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1. He brought it near____and I can see it____(我就能看清楚了)。
2. He didn’t plan his time well, _____so he didn’t finish the job well___(结果他没按时完成这项工作)。
3. We left in such a hurry____leaving the door unlocked____(门都忘了锁)。
4. We arrived early, _and we god good seats_______(结果我们得到了好座位)。
5. He was so worried about his son’s health_so that he can’t fall asleep_______(以致晚上无法入睡)。
6. _____Whether being fine___(天气很好),I opened all the windows.
7. ____Now that everyone is here____(既然大家都在这里),let’s begin.
8. The train had left_____when___(when,while) I go to the railway station.
9. I have written her twenty letters_since_______(when,since) she left here
10. Don’t say anything while John is here.Wait_until_______(when,until) he has gone
11. We hadn’t waited long__before______(before,until)he came out
12. I have known Grandma Li____since____(when,since) I was a boy
13. I didn’t realize how much time I had wasted__after______(after,until) I began to work
14. It is eight years___since_____(since,before) he began to smoke
15. It will be two months___before_____(since,before) he comes back
16. How can I explain it to you ___if_____(if,unless) you don’t want to listen?
17. He will not come___unless_____(unless,only if)he is invited
18. ___in case_____(In case,Since) it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?
19. I will surely finish the job on time_in case_______(so long as,in case) he’s left to do it in his own way
20. Mr Green didn’t begin his class__until______(until,as )all the students arrived
21. Jack has learnde a lot ____since____(because,since) he entered the school
22. they had __such______(such,so)a big that no one dared to go near their house
23. There was_____so___(so,such)much dust that we couldn’t see what was happen-ing
24. He spoke for ____such____(such,so)a long time that people began to fall asleep
25. The storm was ___so_____(so,unless)it is getting dark
26. ___since_____(since,thought)there is no bus service there,we have to walk
27. The streets in Tokyo are just________(和北京的街道一样拥挤)
28. The teacher is speaking aloud_as it she is angry_______(好像是生气了)
29. He likes to take a walk after supper___as many old men_____(像很多老年人一样)
30. She sat there closing her eyes__as if she’s _tired(似乎是累了)
31. You have to answer the questions carefully____like your classmate
32. Learning Japanese is ____much easier than ……
33. He asked us to do everything_____as if he was our teather_
34. It is _less sfer_____to say in the house_than in the field_______(不如到田地里去安全)
35. People are told not to eat so many hamburgers__like weasterners______(像西方人那样)
36. Many people in the street watched the big fire__las if they’ were wayching an exciting performance______(好像是在看一场令人激动的节目似的)
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