
三国时杰出的政治家、军事家。父母早亡,由叔父玄抚养长大,后因徐州之乱,避乱荆州,潜心向学,淡泊明志。后受刘备三顾之礼,提出著名的《隆中对》,策动孙、刘联盟,于赤壁之战中大... 三国时杰出的政治家、军事家。父母早亡,由叔父玄抚养长大,后因徐州之乱,避乱荆州,潜心向学,淡泊明志。后受刘备三顾之礼,提出著名的《隆中对》,策动孙、刘联盟,于赤壁之战中大破曹操,奠定三国鼎立的基础。蜀汉建立,拜为丞相。刘备伐吴失败,受托孤于永安,辅佐幼主,外联东吴,内修政理,南征平叛,北抗强魏。为完成统一中原,兴复汉室的大业,先后五次进攻魏国,在治国、治军等方面发挥了非凡的才能,是以民用其力,百姓不忿;又推演兵法,作“八阵图”,造损益连弩、木牛流马,与名将司马懿、张郃等交锋,屡操胜算,最后一次北伐时采取分兵屯田之策,与司马懿大军相持百余日,但不幸因积劳成疾而逝世,享年五十四岁,谥曰忠武侯。其“鞠躬尽力,死而后已”的高尚品格,千百年来一直为人们所敬仰和怀念。 展开
2009-09-14 · TA获得超过2832个赞
Liu Bei (161–June 21, 223), styled Xuándé (玄德), was a general, warlord, and later the founding emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China. Despite having a later start than his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned modern day Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, part of Hubei, and part of Gansu.

orn in Zhuo Commandery (涿, present day Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei), Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Zhen, the son of Liu Sheng, a son of Emperor Jing. His grandfather Liu Xiong (刘雄) and father Liu Hong (刘弘) were both employed as local clerks.

Liu Bei grew up poor, having lost his father when he was still a child. To support themselves, he and his mother sold shoes and straw-woven mats. At age fourteen, Liu Bei, sponsored by a more well-off relative who saw his potential, went to study under Lu Zhi (a prominent scholar and, at the time, former Administrator of Jiujiang). There he met and befriended Gongsun Zan.

The adolescent Liu Bei was said to be unenthusiastic in studying but rather fond of hunting, music, and nice clothing. Few of words, calm in demeanor, and kind to his friends, Liu Bei was well-liked by his contemporaries. He was said to have long arms and large earlobes.

Culturally, due to the tremendously popular novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, Liu Bei is widely known as the ideal benevolent, humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. His character was to advocate the Confucian set of moral values, such as loyalty and compassion.
2009-09-14 · TA获得超过2859个赞
Liu Bei (161–June 21, 223), styled Xuándé (玄德), was a general, warlord, and later the founding emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China. Despite having a later start than his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned modern day Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, part of Hubei, and part of Gansu.

orn in Zhuo Commandery (涿, present day Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei), Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Zhen, the son of Liu Sheng, a son of Emperor Jing. His grandfather Liu Xiong (刘雄) and father Liu Hong (刘弘) were both employed as local clerks.

Liu Bei grew up poor, having lost his father when he was still a child. To support themselves, he and his mother sold shoes and straw-woven mats. At age fourteen, Liu Bei, sponsored by a more well-off relative who saw his potential, went to study under Lu Zhi (a prominent scholar and, at the time, former Administrator of Jiujiang).
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2009-09-23 · TA获得超过4695个赞
Liu Bei (161–June 21, 223), styled Xuándé (玄德), was a general, warlord, and later the founding emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China. Despite having a later start than his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned modern day Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, part of Hubei, and part of Gansu.

orn in Zhuo Commandery (涿, present day Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei), Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Zhen, the son of Liu Sheng, a son of Emperor Jing. His grandfather Liu Xiong (刘雄) and father Liu Hong (刘弘) were both employed as local clerks.

Liu Bei grew up poor, having lost his father when he was still a child. To support themselves, he and his mother sold shoes and straw-woven mats. At age fourteen, Liu Bei, sponsored by a more well-off relative who saw his potential, went to study under Lu Zhi (a prominent scholar and, at the time, former Administrator of Jiujiang). There he met and befriended Gongsun Zan.

The adolescent Liu Bei was said to be unenthusiastic in studying but rather fond of hunting, music, and nice clothing. Few of words, calm in demeanor, and kind to his friends, Liu Bei was well-liked by his contemporaries. He was said to have long arms and large earlobes.

Culturally, due to the tremendously popular novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, Liu Bei is widely known as the ideal benevolent, humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. His character was to advocate the Confucian set of moral values, such as loyalty and compassion.
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The Three Kingdoms, an outstanding statesman, military strategist. Parents of premature deaths, brought up by a mysterious uncle, the latter due to the chaos of Xuzhou, avoid chaos Jingzhou, with great concentration to the study, being indifferent to Ming. After the ceremony by Liu Bei Gu 3, made his famous "Longzhong", instigated Sun, Liu Union, at the Battle of Red Cliff Cao Cao of destroying, laying the basis for Three Kingdoms. Shu Han established, thanks to the prime minister. Liu Bei Wu failure of cutting by Tuo Gu Yu Wing, which assists young master, outreach, Soochow University, will be repaired within political science, who often had mishaps counter-insurgency, anti-Qiang Wei north. For the completion of the heartland, Xing Fu Han Dynasty of the cause, and has five offensive Wei, in the country, army has played an extraordinary talent, based on its civilian power, the people unconvinced; and deduction Art of War, as "Eight Array map ", making the profit and loss Liannu, wood ox, and famous Sima Yi, Chang-he and other encounters, repeated Caosheng Suan, the last time the Northern Expedition to adopt a policy of divide our forces Mita, and Sima Yi force a stalemate over a hundred days, but, unfortunately, have died because of falling sick from overwork at the age of 54 years old, posthumous Marquis Wu Yue-Zhong. Its "best bow I die," the noble character, for thousands of years has been revered by people and memories.
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Liu Bei (161–June 21, 223), styled Xuándé (玄德), was a general, warlord, and later the founding emperor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms era of China. Despite having a later start than his rivals and lacking both the material resources and social status they commanded, Liu Bei overcame his many defeats to carve out his own realm, which at its peak spanned modern day Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, part of Hubei, and part of Gansu.

orn in Zhuo Commandery (涿, present day Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei), Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Zhen, the son of Liu Sheng, a son of Emperor Jing. His grandfather Liu Xiong (刘雄) and father Liu Hong (刘弘) were both employed as local clerks.

Liu Bei grew up poor, having lost his father when he was still a child. To support themselves, he and his mother sold shoes and straw-woven mats. At age fourteen, Liu Bei, sponsored by a more well-off relative who saw his potential, went to study under Lu Zhi (a prominent scholar and, at the time, former Administrator of Jiujiang). There he met and befriended Gongsun Zan.

The adolescent Liu Bei was said to be unenthusiastic in studying but rather fond of hunting, music, and nice clothing. Few of words, calm in demeanor, and kind to his friends, Liu Bei was well-liked by his contemporaries. He was said to have long arms and large earlobes.

Culturally, due to the tremendously popular novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, Liu Bei is widely known as the ideal benevolent, humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. His character was to advocate the Confucian set of moral values, such as loyalty and compassion.
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The Three Kingdoms, an outstanding statesman, military strategist. Parents of premature deaths, brought up by a mysterious uncle, the latter due to the chaos of Xuzhou, avoid chaos Jingzhou, with great concentration to the study, being indifferent to Ming. After the ceremony by Liu Bei Gu 3, made his famous "Longzhong", instigated Sun, Liu Union, at the Battle of Red Cliff Cao Cao of destroying, laying the basis for Three Kingdoms. Shu Han established, thanks to the prime minister. Liu Bei Wu failure of cutting by Tuo Gu Yu Wing, which assists young master, outreach, Soochow University, will be repaired within political science, who often had mishaps counter-insurgency, anti-Qiang Wei north. For the completion of the heartland, Xing Fu Han Dynasty of the cause, and has five offensive Wei, in the country, army has played an extraordinary talent, based on its civilian power,
People unconvinced; and deduction Art of War, as "the Eight Diagrams," making the profit and loss Liannu the wooden ox, and famous Sima Yi, Chang-he and other encounters, repeated Caosheng Suan, the last time the Northern Expedition to adopt a policy of divide our forces Mita, and Sima Yi armies locked in a stalemate over a hundred days, but unfortunately due to falling sick from overwork and died at the age of 54 years old, posthumous Marquis Wu Yue-Zhong. Its "best bow I die," the noble character, for thousands of years has been revered by people and memories.
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