写给Michael Jackson如题 谢谢了

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2014-09-26 · TA获得超过173个赞
我喜欢你的浅浅一笑,那么请不要走,好不好。幸福是什么,永远又有多远啊,你浅笑的样子就是无数人幸福的含义,而永远就是从现在到我不再热爱你的那一天 。 迈克尔·杰克逊,这个曾使世界年轻人热血沸腾的传奇,如今静默了。当他静静躺着,不知他善舞的灵魂将以何种姿态飞向天堂,不知他纯净的嗓音是否给天堂带来了些许欢乐?沉睡着的迈克尔·杰克逊,永远不会再次歌唱了。 也许命运从来不是公平的。尽管他才华横溢招来嫉妒,尽管娈童的丑闻让他几乎身败名裂,尽管白化病让他疲于应付,尽管当时的世界怀疑他。但当他顶着巨大的舆论压力复出的时候,没有人在意他是否是一个“变态歌星”,没有人在意他是否漂白了皮肤,没有人在意在那些记者的笔下他是怎样的一个形象,没有人在意他的鼻子是否真的会掉下来,只有歌迷为他欢呼为他鼓掌,为他的坚强和淡泊所震撼,感谢世界还给了我们一个天王。可叹的是,他的一生从他生命结束的一刻就开始被漂白,生前对他进行诋毁诽谤的所有谎言全部不攻自破地澄清,它们结束的一笔竟出人意料地简洁。当当年娈童案的主角钱德勒承认这是他撒下的一个弥天大谎之后,不会有人没有欲哭无泪的感觉。因为那确实是一个残酷的事实,对他,对我们。 对音乐的热爱早已深深印进了杰克逊的血液,纵是再令人无奈的命运也无法将它抹去。记得他用《2 Bad》反击那些毫无根据的诋毁与攻击,他用《黑或白》控诉到底为什么肤色成为了一种标签,他用《拯救世界》唤醒人们麻木的心灵。舞台上歌唱的他像一个奇迹,舞台下的他又仿佛遭受了魔鬼的诅咒。我们也会想象,如果他不是一个黑人,如果他没有白化病,如果他拥有正常而快乐的童年,如果没有人觊觎他的巨大成功,我们也就不会有一个会惹得人有些心疼的迈克尔·杰克逊,没有一个感动世界的流行音乐之王。迈克尔·杰克逊,你可以休息了,你会在天堂跳着你那令人不可思议的舞蹈,我依旧会在人间为你鼓掌! 因为,你是那带着伤痕的天使。你像风一样去了。
2014-09-26 · TA获得超过118个赞
I like your shallow smile, then please do not go, okay. What is happiness, there is always far ah, you look like Smile Happiness is the meaning of countless people, but never that now and I do not love you that day. Michael Jackson, this has to enthuse young people, the legend of the world, and now silence. When he lay quietly, not knowing he was the soul of good dance posture which will fly to heaven, I do not know whether his voice is pure heaven to bring a little joy? Sleeping with Michael Jackson, will never again sing. Perhaps fate has never been fair. Despite his brilliant provoke jealousy, although the scandal of child molestation nearly ruin him, despite him struggling with albinism, even though the world was suspected. But when he withstood tremendous pressure from public opinion back in time, no one cares whether he is an "abnormal star", no one cares whether he has bleached the skin, no one cares who's in the pen in what he is an image, no people really care about his nose would fall off, only the fans cheer him applaud him for his strong and indifferent to the shock, for the world's gave us a king. Alas, his life ended the moment his life began to be bleached, vilification against him before his death all the lies all the collapsed of itself to clarify, they actually ended a surprisingly simple. When the protagonist of that year of child molestation Chandler admitted that this was after he planted a big lie, do not feel it was not in tears. Because it really is a cruel fact, to him, on us. Love of music has already etched into Jackson's blood, vertical is the fate of another cause of tension can not erase it. I remember he used "2 Bad" counter those who slander and baseless attacks, he used "black or white" accusation in the end why the color as a label, he used to "save the world" to awaken people to numb the mind. His singing on stage like a miracle, under the stage as if he suffered the curse of the devil. We also imagine that if he is not a black man, if he did not albino, if he has a normal and happy childhood, if no one coveted his great success, we would not have a person would be angered some distressed Michael Jackson, no one touched the king of the world's popular music. Michael Jackson, you can rest, you will be dancing in heaven you that incredible dance, I still applaud you in the world! Because, you are angels that bear the scars. You like the wind went. 这个是楼上那位的翻译。如果给分就我们两个都给吧~呵呵
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