war secret carefully pale dying army soldier save treat bring enemy decide protect north pursue hurt risk
1.Please keep this_________ for me,because I don't want others to know it.
2.The man lost a leg in the________.
3.The police are________ an escaped prisoner.
4.Our_______ has defeated the enemy!
5.The docter managed to_______his life.
6.This boy is being________for a heart condition.
7.The______leaves became brown and curled up.
8.These brave_______will______our country.
9.Russia lies on the_______of China.
10.You should not_______your parents.
11._______the book to me tomorrws.
12.After several reverses the______was forced to retreat.
13.They_____to buy the house in the country.
14.You are looking rather_______,are you ill?
15.The doctor examined me_______.
16.She was willing to_______her life to save her motherland.
谢谢!!!很急很急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 展开
war secret carefully pale dying army soldier save treat bring enemy decide protect north pursue hurt risk
1.Please keep this_________ for me,because I don't want others to know it.
2.The man lost a leg in the________.
3.The police are________ an escaped prisoner.
4.Our_______ has defeated the enemy!
5.The docter managed to_______his life.
6.This boy is being________for a heart condition.
7.The______leaves became brown and curled up.
8.These brave_______will______our country.
9.Russia lies on the_______of China.
10.You should not_______your parents.
11._______the book to me tomorrws.
12.After several reverses the______was forced to retreat.
13.They_____to buy the house in the country.
14.You are looking rather_______,are you ill?
15.The doctor examined me_______.
16.She was willing to_______her life to save her motherland.
谢谢!!!很急很急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 展开
1. secret
2. war
3. pursuing
4. army
5. save
6. treated
7. dying
8. soldiers, protect
9. north
10. hurt
11. Bring
12. enemy
13. decided
14. pale
15. carefully
16. risk
1. secret
2. war
3. pursuing
4. army
5. save
6. treated
7. dying
8. soldiers, protect
9. north
10. hurt
11. Bring
12. enemy
13. decided
14. pale
15. carefully
16. risk