JAVA checking password
Some Web sites impose certain rules for passwords. Write a method that checks whether a string is a valid password. suppose the password rule is as follows:
*A password must have at least eight characters
*A password consists of only letter and digits
*A password must contain at least two digits.
个路老大谁知道这个JAVA程序大概要怎么写啊 小弟在此谢过。。。。
我不急着要 主要是要对!! 不急 展开
*A password must have at least eight characters
*A password consists of only letter and digits
*A password must contain at least two digits.
个路老大谁知道这个JAVA程序大概要怎么写啊 小弟在此谢过。。。。
我不急着要 主要是要对!! 不急 展开