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2022-10-13 · TA获得超过5489个赞


It's so good to hear from you.You said you were unhappy these day.
I think everything happens for a reason,so you should first calm down,and make out what's going on with you leading to being no friends,then you must think out ways to solve your problem being lonely.Also I have some suggestions for you to follow,wish you best:First,you can wear some bright-color clothes to lighten you,only if you are happy that you can e well with others easily.Second,you shouldn't ask for others' concern if you don't care others,so you should open your mind to everyone around you,talk to them, find some ics that both of you are interested in.I think in my way you can be happy very soon.
Best wish to you.

Once, I was sitting at home reading, I tasteless read, read for a long time I think reading is very interesting, I also learned a lot of knowledge.

I'am Daming. I went to supermarket by bike yesterday. Nighbour Laowang told that the price of milk is attractive there. I like milk, I bought a box of it. My sister like juice, so I bought some for her.Suddenly I found a strange cake there, actually people always put apple or other fruit on a cake, but they put meat on that cake, How strange! It is really funny.
Suddenly a buautifull gril Shot my shoulder and say
Hi, little brother, I want give you something, Would you wish ?
Give me What? I asked
Do you want me? She asked
I told her ofcourse, My pleasure
The gril also bought some milk and juice, I paid the money for her, Spend 800 Yuan altogether.
Left the supermarket, I send the gril home by bike, I had a good time on my riding way.

What's vividly shown in the cartoon is that certain people think there should be a regular distance beeen a boy and girl in daily life, especially in school.
Well, this sounds reasonable in some sence, since there are a number of (well, maybe a bit more than a number of) cases caught out that seemingly showed that boys and girls tend to rather "waste" their time on each other, than to spend time on the "business", which is, in this case, learning.
But, there are problems with that. First of all, "civilized munication" is supposed to be the opposite to "rude munication", both of which has nothing to do with the physical distance. It's only about manner. Apart from that, a restriction like that would hardly help leading the correct way for the pupils, since they will more likely just work on not being seen by the teachers while doing the same old stuff. If anything, this will only force pupil to be darker inside, and teach them to be o-sided, which is obviously not the intention.
Another question would be, are dates beeen pupils really a waste of their time? In a sence, municating with people is a key ability for every single person, and dates actually provide them quite a good environment to learn how to talk with different genders, when to say what, and when to shut up, etc. Of course there's flip side as well. The point mentioned above about time wasting is very valid, and it's being a part of the systematic problem in our school-education.
But overall, I think this is a really naive concept, and there must be other ways to solve the so called "puppy love problematic".


我想到一个主意,随即,把书揣在怀里,如逃窜的兔子般冲进了卫生间,一 *** 坐在马桶上,对妈妈大声说:“我要上卫生间!”然后,飞快地把书拿了出来,津津有味地看着。


i will be glad to be your pen friend.i want have a wonderful visit to Australia.i hope you xan be my tour guide. you can introduce your country’s a place of interest.such as Opera House,Harbour Bridge and Chinatown.


With the improvement of people's living standard, the problems will be everywhere, for example: in many places can see waste discarded everywhere phenomenon, to know the litter will not only bring environmental pollution but also a person's quality and acplishment. Cultural and recreational activities in the lack of material life, many people have put away in the first row and ignore the spiritual life. Migrant workers children lack of care, many parents in foreign minister working neglect of children's care, etc.. I suggest we improve the material life but also we should not do litter things, we also need to take some of the cultural and entertainment events, more to their own children to give more care! This not only our living environment will be improved, our family will bee a happy.


I'm huang tao. How are you? I am very happy to travel during the summer vacation. I feel very grateful to live in your home. You have arranged a good week for me and I am very happy. I have taken time off to take me to many places. The west lake in hangzhou is very beautiful. Your mother cooked delicious food and I thought it was delicious. Thank you. I hope you can visit my hometown.

Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure. This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class. I agree with him. For example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. I will remember his word forever,” never lose courage .” 勇气是很重要的。每个人都需要勇气。我们在生活中会遇到很多困难,有时我们会失败,但是我们不能失去勇气。如果我们失去了勇气,我们将会一事无成,因为我们什么都不敢做;我们害怕失败。这是我的语文老师在第一节课的时候说的。我同意他的说法。例如,我们没有勇气举手说出我们的答案,我们怎么能知道我们的答案是对的还是错的呢。我会永远记住他的话,“永远不要失去勇气。”

Once, I was sitting at home reading, I tasteless read, read for a long time I think reading is very interesting, I also learned a lot of knowledge. In an...

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