下面:underneath/below/under。例:under the bridge大桥下面;the caption below the picture图片下面的说明;Put the date underneath the address把日期写在地址下面。,雨水通过漏斗落进下面的罐子里。,Rain falls through the funnel into the jar below. ,在他的下面,小镇温暖地坐落在山坳里。,Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill. ,距下面的岩石有五十米的垂直距离。,There was a sheer drop of fifty metres to the rocks below. ,熊熊烈焰烧碎了窗户,玻璃碎片飞溅到了下面的街道上。,The intensity of the blaze shattered windows, spraying glass on the streets below. ,有些人认为从梯子下面走过不吉利。,Some people think it's unlucky to walk under a ladder. ,下面选登了部分读者的意见。,A selection of readers' ments are published below. ,他衬衫下面的肌肉紧绷绷的。,His muscles bunched under his shirt. ,他把菸蒂扔到了下面的街上。,He dropped his cigarette butt into the street below. ,检测显示一楼下面的横梁已经有大面积的腐烂。,Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor. ,暴风雨来临时,所有的人都躲到甲板下面去了。,As the storm began, everyone disappeared below deck(s). ,他掉到下面20米处的岩石上。,He fell 20 metres onto the rocks below. ,一丝幽暗阴冷的光从窗帘下面透过来。,A cold grey light crept under the curtains. ,在我们下面,你能瞥见一些小村庄的屋顶。,Below us you could glimpse the rooftops of a few *** all villages. ,射击场被一排排宝石红照明装置从下面照亮。,The shooting-range is lit from underneath by rows of ruby-red light fixtures. ,下面所描述的混合物会与之近似,但不完全一样。,The mixture described below will approximate it, but is not exactly the same. ,某个正好从下面路过的倒霉的人会太容易严重受伤。,Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured. ,他冲向楼顶,向下面的购物者扫射。,He ran to the top of the building, spraying bullets into shoppers below. ,把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。,Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted. ,这把椅子下面有一个棘轮来调整高度。,The chair has a ratchet below it to adjust the height. ,下面选登了部分读者评论。,A selection of reader's ments are published below. ,他下面只是一片漆黑。,Below him was nothing but a black void. ,她把钱存放在牀垫下面。,She kept her money under the mattress. ,他们爬回到瀑布下面以便将卡在锯齿状岩石间的小艇拉出来。,They clambered back under the falls to detach the raft from a jagged rock. ,一条新地铁在广场下面运行,载着数以千计过去骑自行车上班的人们。,A new metro runs under the square, carrying hundreds of thousands who used to cycle to work. ,惟一的阴凉处是机身下面。,The only shade was under the body of the plane. ,许多静脉就在皮肤下面。,Many veins are found just under the skin. ,下面的食谱是另一种表述–食物就是乐趣!,The following recipe is a statement of another kind – food is fun! ,他暂停下来,觉着帽子下面的头皮刺痒难耐。,He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat. ,下面的说法对不对?,Are the following statements true or false? ,她迅速地把胳膊放在他的胳膊下面,给了他轻轻一推。,She slipped her arm under his and gave him a nudge.