card的中文意思是:纸牌,明信片,卡牌,节目单等,它也是个缩写词,在高数中代表集合元悉握素的个数。 card这个英文单词,在日常生活中经仔尘常会使用到,通常的理解念陆禅就是名片的意思,可是card这个英文单词还有其他的意思,下面让我们一起去了解card这个单词的吧。 01 a big card [口]风云人物, 要人; 大亨;
This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day from cash dispensers.
Unfortunately, I didn't have my credit card with me or I'd certainly have bought it.
Put your plastic card in the slot, and the machine will read it and identify who you are.
Entry to the club is only permitted on production of a membership card.
The introduction of identity cards has been opposed by the campaign for civil liberties.