
 我来答
2023-03-12 · 超过19用户采纳过TA的回答

1.表示强调   可以用「do + 动词原型」来表示强调。看下面的句子:   Do write and let me know how you're getting on. 务必写信告诉我你的情况。   Do stay and have dinner with us. 一定得留下来和我们一起吃饭。   Your garden does look nice. 你的花园的确很漂亮。   My memory isn't very good, but I do remember what she was wearing.   我记忆力不太好,但我确实记得她穿了什么。

2.用来表示「足够」「适合」   同样是高中英语知识点,DO 的这一层含义常出现在语法单选题里。但在日常的对话中的确很常用。   关于「足够」,你可能想到了 be enough,或者动词 suffice;关于「适合」,你可能想到了 be suitable /appropriate 等等;   但在口语里,一个 DO 就足够了,看下面的句子:   —— Can you lend me some money? 你能借我点钱吗?   —— Certainly, will £10 do? 当然,10英镑够吗?   The box will do fine as a table. 那个盒子当桌子刚刚好。   Will next Friday do for our meeting? 我们的会议下星期五开行吗?   This room will do us very nicely. 这个房间非常适合我们。   These shoes won't do for climbing. 这些鞋不适合登山。   DO 的这一层含义常常使用 will do 这样的组合。  

3.*动词   在口语里,有时要是找不到合适的动词,那就尝试着用 DO 吧。看了下面的这些「*用法」 你就知道 DO 的魔力了:   do a song 唱一首歌   do a dance 跳一支舞   do a movie 看一场电影   do lunch 吃午饭(三餐前不加冠词)   do the dishes 洗盘子   do the bedroom 整理房间   do the hair 整理头发   do the laundry 洗衣服   do chicken 烹饪鸡肉   当然还有「do + 动词ing」这样的「*组合」   do the cleaning 打扫*   do the cooking 做饭   do the shopping 购物   

4. 各种「短语动词」   DO 的后面跟上不同介词、副词之后可以延伸出许多简单生动的「短语动词」,一起来看下面的这些句子:   A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with.   许多对进口的限制已经取消了。   What I do on my own time has nothing to do with you. 我私人时间干什么都和你没有关系。 

5.各种口语短句   再来看和 do 相关的那些常用口语短句,同样非常具有「表现力」:   —— Can you lend me ten dollars? 你能借我10美元吗?   —— Nothing doing! 没门!   That'll do, children ― you're getting far too noisy. 歇歇吧,孩子们,你们太吵了。   That does it! I've had enough of your sarcasm. I'm leaving.   够了!你那些挖苦人的话我已经受不了啦,我走!   助动词do的用法:   do的*种时态为:一般现在时。表示对某件事的陈述。用原形do表示。   do的第二种时态:一般过去时。表示所做的事都已经过去了。用did表示。   do的第三种时态:过去完成时。表示所做的事情都已过去,但对现在有影响。用过去分词done表示。   do 在*二人称时,是用它的原形do ;而在第三人称时,就用does   英语助动词【be】【do】【have】详解:   do:   do / dose:现在时   did:过去时   do:+will / going to 用于将来时   例:   We do(一般要省略,不省略有强调的意思) eat meet on Fridays.   They don't want to go.   He doesn't eat meat.   Did you like it?   Doesn't Mike know about it?   I will do it later.     be:   am / are / is:现在进行时   was / were:过去进行时   be:用于将来时   注意:主动词用ing形式。   例:   We are following your brother.   I am trying to call him now.   It isn't raining now.   Is she bringing her friend?   Aren't we taking Mike?   He will be presenting at 6pm.   Will you be going to work today?   除了以上讲的以外,be还经常用于被动式:   I was given five minutes to finish.   have:   have / has:现在完成时   had:过去完成时   have:+will / going to 用于将来时   注意:主动词用过去分词形式。   例:   Mike has taken the car.   We have tried it many times.   He hasn't arrived yet.   Have the brought the umbrella?   We have been waiting for hours.   He will have finished by 5pm.   英语助动词的用法:   只有实意动词作谓语时才涉及使用助动词。以like为例:   1)当句子为肯定句时不涉及使用助动词,只涉及"主谓一致"原则。   eg : I like English a lot.   Michael likes Chinese food very much.   2)当句子为否定句时,要根据主语的人称来决定使用相应的助动词:当主语为"三单"时,要使用does;当主语为"非三单"时,用助动词原形do。例如把下列句子变否定句:   Kangkang likes math.----Kangkang doesn't like math.   They like sports.------They don't like sports.   3)当句子变疑问句时,同样要根据句子的主语来决定在句首使用Do或Does.例如下列句子变问句:   Michael likes Chinese Food.----Does Michael like Chinese food? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.   Jane and Helen like music.----Do Jand and Helen like music? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.

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