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从一开始我就特别注重在认真学好专业课的同时努力培养素质和提高能力,充分利用课余时间拓展知识野、完善知识结构。在竞争日益激烈的今天,我坚信有多层次、全面发展并熟练掌握专业知... 从一开始我就特别注重在认真学好专业课的同时努力培养素质和提高能力,充分利用课余时间拓展知识野、完善知识结构。在竞争日益激烈的今天,我坚信有多层次、全面发展并熟练掌握专业知识的人才,才符合社会发展的需要和用人单位的满意,才能立于不败之地。通过努力学习我每学期都能获得奖学金。在学习的同时,我积极参加了学校的各项活动,使德志体美得到均衡发展。在校的学习生活中,我努力进取,乐于助人的作风和表现嬴得了老师和同学的信任和赞赏
我是一个平凡但不平庸的男孩,我乐观、自信、好进心强、爱好广泛、能很好的处理人际关系、有协调、沟通方面的特长,并且有很强的责任心和使命感。现在我即将毕业,面对新的人生选择和挑战,我信心十足! 从一开始我就特别注重在认真学好专业课的同时努力培养素质和提高能力,充分利用课余时间拓展知识野、完善知识结构。在竞争日益激烈的今天,我坚信有多层次、全面发展并熟练掌握专业知识的人才,才符合社会发展的需要和用人单位的满意,才能立于不败之地。通过努力学习我每学期都能获得奖学金。在学习的同时,我积极参加了学校的各项活动,使德志体美得到均衡发展。在校的学习生活中,我努力进取,乐于助人的作风和表现嬴得了老师和同学的信任和赞赏
 我来答
2009-09-25 · TA获得超过160个赞
From the start, I will pay special attention to in the careful study of the major efforts to foster and improve the quality and ability, and fully utilize their spare time expanding knowledge, improving knowledge structure of wild. In the increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that a multi-level and comprehensive development and mastering of professional knowledge, just accord with the demand of social development and unit of choose and employ persons can be satisfied, and remain invincible. Through the study hard every semester I can get a scholarship. In the study, at the same time, I actively participate in school activities, so get the balanced development of body beauty volunteers. Academic life, I is diligently enterprising, accommodating attitude and performance of the teachers and students won the trust and praise

I am an ordinary but not mediocrity boy, I am optimistic, self-confident heart is strong, and a hobby is widespread, good interpersonal skills, coordination, and communication skill, and the strong sense of responsibility and mission. Now I graduate, facing new challenges and life choices, my confidence! From the start, I will pay special attention to in the careful study of the major efforts to foster and improve the quality and ability, and fully utilize their spare time expanding knowledge, improving knowledge structure of wild. In the increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that a multi-level and comprehensive development and mastering of professional knowledge, just accord with the demand of social development and unit of choose and employ persons can be satisfied, and remain invincible. Through the study hard every semester I can get a scholarship. In the study, at the same time, I actively participate in school activities, so get the balanced development of body beauty volunteers. Academic life, I is diligently enterprising, accommodating attitude and performance of the teachers and students won the trust and praise
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2009-09-27 · TA获得超过814个赞
From the beginning, I pay particular attention to seriously study the quality of specialized courses at the same time strive to cultivate and improve the ability to make full use of spare time to develop knowledge and wild, improve the knowledge structure. In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that a number of levels, all-round development and mastery of professional knowledge and talents, are consistent with the social development needs and satisfaction of the employing unit, to be invincible. Through efforts to study and I have access to scholarships each semester. In learning at the same time, I have actively participated in school activities, so that De-zhi body of the United States have balanced development. Learning in school life, I have the hard work and helpfulness of the style and performance of the teacher and students had won the trust and appreciation of

I am an ordinary boy, but not mediocre, I am optimistic, confident, well into the heart strong, loving broad enough to handle interpersonal relations well, there is coordination and communication of expertise, and has a strong sense of responsibility and mission. Now I am about to graduate, faced with new choices and challenges in life, I am confident! From the beginning, I pay particular attention to seriously study the quality of specialized courses at the same time strive to cultivate and improve the ability to make full use of spare time to develop knowledge and wild, improve the knowledge structure. In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that a number of levels, all-round development and mastery of professional knowledge and talents, are consistent with the social development needs and satisfaction of the employing unit, to be invincible. Through efforts to study and I have access to scholarships each semester. In learning at the same time, I have actively participated in school activities, so that De-zhi body of the United States have balanced development. Learning in school life, I have the hard work and helpfulness of the style and performance of the teacher and students had won the trust and appreciation of
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