
当地货币支付部分(如果需要的话)当所有货物均被完满交付于尼泊尔电信相关仓库后的30天内,100%的当地货币支付部分(如货物的内际运输部分等等)会被支付给供应商。参见第六章... 当地货币支付部分 (如果需要的话 )当所有货物均被完满交付于尼泊尔电信相关仓库后的 30天内, 100%的当地货币支付部分(如货物的内际运输部分等等)会被支付给供应商。参见第六章日期要求和服务的完满交付。
对于发生在尼泊尔之外的关税、印花税、许可费用和其它关税,供应商负有全部责任。对于在货物进口时发生在尼泊尔的费用,如海关关税, VAT,当天发展税,安全税等,对于不超出合同价部分由尼泊尔电信承担,超出部分则由供应商承担。
税收和支付的扣减根据第四章节合同条款第 11.2款的有关规定,本合同下的所有付款均为在扣减代扣所得税数量之后清偿损失额,货物短数和任何需要尼泊尔电信支付的其它费用等均会在支付时作扣减。
如果供应商未能完成在合同本章第 5条款规定的时间内完成交付,尼泊尔电信在不损害合同其它的条款执行的前提下,可以延迟一周,则扣减未能到货部分的货物和服务的合同金额的 0.5%作为清偿损失额,直至所有货物到货完结或扣减额已达至总合同额的 10%为止。一旦达到最大扣减额,尼泊尔电信可能考虑中止合同。清偿损失额适用于按时到货的货物或服务。LQD的计算以周为单位,此意味着一周可能是七天或者更少(例如,一天的延误也会被视为一周的延误。)
 我来答
2009-10-17 · TA获得超过576个赞
The local currency to pay part (if required) When all the goods were satisfactory delivery of the telecommunications-related warehouse in Nepal within 30 days after 100% of the local currency to pay part (such as the transport of goods within the inter-section, etc.) will be paid to the supplier . See Chapter VI requirements and the date of satisfactory delivery of services.
Revision and effective date of the letter of credit
If the letter of credit due to suppliers in a reason to change, then the effective date of the letter of credit letter of credit opened immediately the original date. If the letter of credit due to Nepal's telecommunications reason to change, then the effective date of the letter of credit letter of credit the date changes. Nepal outside the letter of credit to pay for all costs involved borne by the supplier. As the supplier in the event of reasons need to modify the letter of credit, all of Nepal's internal and external costs involved borne by the supplier (including re-confirmation fees, negotiation fees, etc.)
Contract amendment signed by both parties confirmed the non-written changes to the terms of this contract, any transaction or editor shall not be carried out.
Subcontracting of non-through Nepal Telecom's prior written consent of, the supplier shall not subcontract all or part of the contract.
Applicable law
In accordance with this Law, the law has priority in Nepal to monitor and interpret
Tax and customs
Which occurs in Nepal, outside of customs duties, stamp duties, license fees and other duties, the supplier bears full responsibility. For imports of goods occurs when the cost in Nepal, such as customs duties, VAT, the same day the development of tax, security tax, etc. that do not exceed the contract price in part by the Nepal Telecom commitment to the excess borne by the supplier.
The Government of Nepal in accordance with income tax law, the supplier responsible for paying income tax withholding.
The deduction of taxes and payment of the contract under the terms of the fourth chapter of the relevant provisions of paragraph 11.2, all payments under this contract are in the amount of withholding tax deducted the amount of liquidated damages after the goods number and any required short-Nepal Telecom to pay Other costs will be paid when Deng Jun deduction.
The amount of liquidated damages
If the vendor fails to complete the contract provisions of paragraph 5 of this chapter within the time to complete delivery, Nepal Telecom, without prejudice to other provisions of the contract under the premise of the implementation can be delayed one week, then the deduction can not arrive part of the goods and services the contract amount of 0.5% of the amount of liquidated damages until the arrival of all goods has reached the end or reduce the amount of 10% of the total contract amount until. Once the maximum deductions, Nepal Telecom may consider termination of a contract. The amount of liquidated damages for time and the arrival of goods or services. LQD calculation in weeks as a unit, this means that may be seven days a week or less (for example, a one-day delay will also be regarded as one week delay.)
Force Majeure
The factors of force majeure, the supplier can not complete the obligations required under the contract, resulting in the forfeiture of performance bonds, liquidated damages, delay or other failure of such matters, the supplier liable for.
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