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悬赏200分,请把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,截止时间10月28日中午软件翻译、网络翻译者绕行,谢谢!突发新闻“小镇消失了”华盛顿电星期天,惊魂未定的幸存者在他们一片狼藉的社... 悬赏200分,请把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,截止时间10月28日中午

华盛顿电 星期天,惊魂未定的幸存者在他们一片狼藉的社区里徘徊,寻找被飓风刮得七零八落的财产,悼念死去的6个邻居。

华盛顿11月28 电 从航空母舰以及美国和英国机场发射的巡航导弹与出发的远程轰炸机在今晚攻击了阿富汗。它们的目标是摧毁奥沙马•本•拉登的恐怖分子训练营以及保护它的塔利班政府。

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2009-10-26 · 超过18用户采纳过TA的回答
Breaking News
"Town disappeared"
Washington Sunday, panic-stricken survivors in their communities in a messy wandered in search of the hurricane blew Qilingbala property, mourning the death of six neighbors.
Saturday was a cruel market turmoil, the whole community devastated.
"It's like a bomb hit us," Tom • Simmons said, "It's like a bomb flying over."
Most of the houses have turned into a pile of rubble.
"This town disappears." Governor Bill • Young, coro said.

WASHINGTON, November 28 electricity from the aircraft carrier and the United States and Britain launched cruise missiles with the departure airport, long-range bombers attacked Afghanistan in the evening. Their goal is to destroy bin Laden • The • Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps and the protection of its Taliban government.
President ordered the launching of this military strike. "They are well-chosen course of action designed to prevent the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities, but also against the Taliban regime's military capabilities." President Bush's White House at 1 pm in a televised speech that the attack had begun a half-time hours.

When the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, one of the Twin Towers, the residents living in the vicinity • Mike Hewitt is at home for breakfast. He saw a huge smoke surrounded by floor, he witnessed among the people crazy in order to escape from that hell on earth jumped from the windows down.
At this point precisely, ABC journalist Don • Dale is also at home, he saw through the window all this. Dale grabbed the phone calls to ABC. "The whole building had collapsed." He reported. Then he went downstairs and washed now known as the "zero zone" areas, on-site full of twisted steel beams, and thick smoke filled the air, flaming, and the relief efforts in vain. He remained in the front of the camera to be a full 18 hours.
3 weeks later, Dale was sent to Pakistan to report the ongoing war against the Taliban.
In Washington, when the third plane hit the Pentagon, the "USA Today" and several journalists are driving through the Pentagon to work. • Mike Waller said: "When I saw the plane landed, and then head crashed into the building, the time stagnated. A huge fireball into the sky, and then is a very horrible scene."
"I do not know, how I will sleep after this." He thought. However, he came to office, to help publish a newspaper.
Terrorist attacks on the occasion of the World Trade Center, "Daily News" photographer David • Han Shu nearby. Gas explosion waves his Xiandao 100 feet away. He lost his glasses, cell phones and notebooks, but his digital camera in good condition. Endure the pain of fractures and loss of glasses, he left to record the horrors of the next scene. He struggled through the ruins, once again fell to the ground, disoriented.
The same day, rescue workers three times that he will be rescued from the rubble. "They saved my life," he said.

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2009-10-26 · TA获得超过439个赞
Breaking News
"Ciudad del desaparecido"
Washington, el domingo, el pánico sobrevivientes en sus comunidades en un desordenado vagaban en busca de que el huracán sopló propiedad Qilingbala, de luto por la muerte de seis vecinos.
El sábado fue un turbulencias de los mercados crueles, toda la comunidad devastada.
"Es como una bomba nos golpeó", Tom • Simmons dijo, "Es como volar sobre una bomba".
La mayoría de las casas se han convertido en un montón de escombros.
"Este pueblo desaparece". • El Gobernador Bill Young, Coro, dijo.

WASHINGTON, 28 de noviembre de electricidad a partir del portaaviones y los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña lanzaron misiles de crucero con el aeropuerto de salida, a largo bombarderos gama atacó Afganistán en la noche. Su objetivo es destruir a bin Laden • Los campos de entrenamiento terrorista de Osama bin Laden, y • la protección de su gobierno de los talibanes.
Presidente ordenó la puesta en marcha de este ataque militar. "Ellos están bien elegidos curso de acción destinado a prevenir el uso de Afganistán como base para actividades terroristas, pero también en contra de las capacidades militares del régimen talibán." Blanca del presidente Bush en la Casa a la 1 pm en un discurso televisado que el ataque había comenzado una media jornada horas.

Cuando el primer avión chocando con el Centro Mundial del Comercio, una de las Torres Gemelas, los residentes que viven en las cercanías • Mike Hewitt está en casa para el desayuno. Vio un enorme rodeado de humo por piso, fue testigo de uno de los locos, a fin de escapar de ese infierno en la tierra pasó de las ventanas abajo.
En este punto, precisamente, el periodista de ABC • Don Dale es también en casa, vio a través de la ventana de todo esto. Dale tomó las llamadas de teléfono a ABC. "Todo el edificio se había derrumbado.", Informó. Luego se bajó y se lavó ahora se conoce como la zona de "cero" en las zonas, en el lugar lleno de vigas de acero retorcido, y denso humo llenaba el aire, de fuego, y los esfuerzos de socorro en vano. Permaneció en la parte frontal de la cámara a un total de 18 horas.
3 semanas más tarde, Dale fue enviado a Pakistán el informe de la actual guerra contra los talibanes.
En Washington, cuando el tercer avión impactó en el Pentágono, el "EE.UU. Hoy" y varios periodistas que están conduciendo a través del Pentágono para el trabajo. • Mike Waller dijo: "Cuando vi el avión aterrizó, y luego la cabeza se estrelló en el edificio, el tiempo estancado. Una enorme bola de fuego en el cielo, y es una escena muy horrible".
"No sé, ¿cómo voy a dormir después de esto.", Pensó. Sin embargo, llegó a la oficina, para ayudar a publicar un periódico.
Los ataques terroristas con motivo del World Trade Center, "Daily News" fotógrafo David • Han Shu cerca. Ondas de explosión de gas de su Xiandao 100 pies de distancia. Él perdió sus gafas, teléfonos celulares y computadoras portátiles, pero su cámara digital en buen estado. Soportar el dolor de las fracturas y la pérdida de las gafas, salió al registro de los horrores de la siguiente escena. Luchó por las ruinas, una vez más, cayó al suelo, desorientado.
El mismo día, tres veces los trabajadores de rescate que va a ser rescatados de los escombros. "Me salvaron la vida", dijo
(楼上的都一样的 还说什么《不是翻译器所翻。人工 》懂英语么???、
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2009-10-26 · TA获得超过160个赞
Breaking News
"Town disappeared"
Washington Sunday, panic-stricken survivors in their communities in a messy wandered in search of the hurricane blew Qilingbala property, mourning the death of six neighbors.
Saturday was a cruel market turmoil, the whole community devastated.
"It's like a bomb hit us," Tom • Simmons said, "It's like a bomb flying over."
Most of the houses have turned into a pile of rubble.
"This town disappears." Governor Bill • Young, coro said.

WASHINGTON, November 28 electricity from the aircraft carrier and the United States and Britain launched cruise missiles with the departure airport, long-range bombers attacked Afghanistan in the evening. Their goal is to destroy bin Laden • The • Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps and the protection of its Taliban government.
President ordered the launching of this military strike. "They are well-chosen course of action designed to prevent the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities, but also against the Taliban regime's military capabilities." President Bush's White House at 1 pm in a televised speech that the attack had begun a half-time hours.

When the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, one of the Twin Towers, the residents living in the vicinity • Mike Hewitt is at home for breakfast. He saw a huge smoke surrounded by floor, he witnessed among the people crazy in order to escape from that hell on earth jumped from the windows down.
At this point precisely, ABC journalist Don • Dale is also at home, he saw through the window all this. Dale grabbed the phone calls to ABC. "The whole building had collapsed." He reported. Then he went downstairs and washed now known as the "zero zone" areas, on-site full of twisted steel beams, and thick smoke filled the air, flaming, and the relief efforts in vain. He remained in the front of the camera to be a full 18 hours.
3 weeks later, Dale was sent to Pakistan to report the ongoing war against the Taliban.
In Washington, when the third plane hit the Pentagon, the "USA Today" and several journalists are driving through the Pentagon to work. • Mike Waller said: "When I saw the plane landed, and then head crashed into the building, the time stagnated. A huge fireball into the sky, and then is a very horrible scene."
"I do not know, how I will sleep after this." He thought. However, he came to office, to help publish a newspaper.
Terrorist attacks on the occasion of the World Trade Center, "Daily News" photographer David • Han Shu nearby. Gas explosion waves his Xiandao 100 feet away. He lost his glasses, cell phones and notebooks, but his digital camera in good condition. Endure the pain of fractures and loss of glasses, he left to record the horrors of the next scene. He struggled through the ruins, once again fell to the ground, disoriented.
The same day, rescue workers three times that he will be rescued from the rubble. "They saved my life," he said.
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