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【不是英译中,要人工的】每个都要有自己的观点,然后给出2-3条原因.1.Whatdoyouthinkisthemostdifficultthingaboutbeingap... 【不是英译中,要人工的】
1.What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a parent?
2.How does a parent's behavior affect his or her child?
3.what do you think of the change of family structure in the past years?
4.what's your opinion about " one- child policy " ?
5.How do you think it will affect society ?
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2009-10-30 · TA获得超过1678个赞
1. The most difficult thing it to get understand by children. When children grow up, especially to the teenage, they get their own ideas about things, but their experiences on living are so limited, and they may not tell apart right and wrong. What's more important, they are in a treachery age, and seldom accept parent's advises. That's the most difficult thing I think.

2. Child has little experience on living a life. they are curious about everything. When parents do something unconsciously, child will probably follow them, such like smoking, saying something bad. And if parents quarrel or even fight with each other, child will be psychologically affected.

3. Family used to be big decades ago. Couples have several children, and several generations live together. More and more parents are having only one child in the past years, and child have no brother and sister, and baby born in recent few years have no uncle and aunty. Families are getting smaller and smaller. And with the living surounding changes, people have less and less comunications with orthers.

4. "one-child policy" in long term can slow down the rapid growth of population, and this is good for the living environment of entire human race anf other life-form on the planete Earth. But it also bring heavy burden to new generation and the whole society in raising the old. As mentioned above, the structure is changing and one young couple have to facing four parents, once the parents get older and sick, you can imagin the embarrass condition of the young couple. Actually, many young couples are facing this problem now and this is social problem. If this phenomena goes on, today of olds will be the tomorrow of our young. Government have to do something to solve this problem.


2009-10-30 · 关注我学习会变得更厉害哦
1.What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a parent?
Firstly, he or she must consider how to bring up his/her child. When the child is old enough to go to school, he/she should try his/her best to send him/her to a best primary school. Six years later, he/she has to be busy to find a way for his/her child to be able to enter a top middle school in order that he/she can be recruited into a top-ranking university. Besides, he/she must pay much attention to control their behaviour.
2.How does a parent's behavior affect his or her child?
It is important to behave himself/herself so as to affect his/her child. He/she should set himself/herself up as a model for his/her children to follow. He must be strict with himself/herself and should always govern his/her own conduct.
3.what do you think of the change of family structure in the past years?
A happy and perfect family will give the next generation an excellent surrounding to grow up. Nowadays, a great chang has taken place in th family structure in our country. generally speaking, there are only three members in a family. Thus, a child lives a live with sufficien nutrition, suitable opportunity for education and good care of.
4.How do you think it will affect society ? what's your opinion about "one-child policy" ?
China is a country with large population. The more population a country has, the more land and food need providing, the more rapid increasing of GDP needs developing, so it is necessary to control bearing to grow more rapidly. The family planning is the policy for in our country." One family on child will promote to realize our near-term target to built an affluent society in our country.
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