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2015-02-13 · TA获得超过2.4万个赞
早在1991年和1992年,中国长江水利委员会和在三峡工程地区的各级政府就知道,到2009年,当项目完成后,共1084平方公里的土地将被淹没,268城镇和20个区县的乡镇的1,250,000人将要被疏散。疏散分两个阶段进行,第一阶段始于1993年,在中国各地的支援下完成,它保证横渡长江三峡大坝关闭。 第二阶段的疏散于1998年开始,并在2000年8月,人们从将被淹没的地区开始迁徙到其他地方。


"I have a new house!" said Li Chaohua, an elderly farmer from Zhongxian County in Chongqing. At the end of 2000, Li, his family, and 610 other people left their native place and resettled in Guangrao County, Shandong Province. They are among the first group of evacuees moving to another province from the area of the Three Gorges Project.
As far back as 1991 and 1992, the Chinese Yangtze River Water Conservation Committee and governments at various levels in the area of the Three Gorges Project knew that by 2009, when the project is completed, a total of 1,084 square kilometers of land will be flooded and that 1,250,000 people in 268 towns and townships in 20 districts and counties will need to have been evacuated. The evacuation was to be carried out in two stages. The first stage began in 1993 and was completed with the support of people in various parts of China. It guaranteed the closure of the dam across the Yangtze River. In 1998, the second stage of evacuation was started, and in August 2000, people in the would-be flooded area began to migrate to other places.
On the morning of September 23, 2000, when the 150 families in the first migration group of Zhongxian County were leaving for Guangrao County in Shandong Province, people gathered on the dock to see them off. As the passenger liner was pulling out, the migrants on board waved their hands to those who had not yet been evacuated, tears rolling down their cheeks.
Even before the arrival of the 150 families, the people of Guangrao County put the settlement of the migrants above all else. They set apart land and built houses for them. They made arrangements for the children to go to school. They even prepared the rice and hot pepper the migrants like.
On the day of the migrants' arrival, the 39 host villages were happy. The villagers beat drums and lit firecrackers as if they were celebrating a festival. When the migrants arrived, they were invited to have dumplings, a traditional food many people have at Spring Festival, in the 150 families chosen to help them settle down.
It will take time for the 150 families from Zhongxian County to get used to life in Guangrao County. However, their migration has given them an opportunity to improve their production conditions and life style.
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