Better than me or Better than I ?

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2022-11-15 · TA获得超过5730个赞
Both "Better than me" and "Better than I" are correct
but they are used in different conditions. Just like the difference beeen "me" and "I"
""Better than me" is used when the sentence needs an object
whereas "Better than I" is used when the sentence takes a subject. Examples of "Better than me" he thinks he is better than me at ... index?qid=20070103150820AA0RNpW - 80k - "Maybe Vino is better than me at doing bench presses
but maybe I can be stronger on a bike here in this Vuelta." cyclingnews/road/2006/ /vuelta06/?id=/features/2006/astana_vuelta06 - 31k - I have no doubt that Paul Graham is better than me. waxy/archive/2004/07/29/knauss_o.s - 28k - 用 "Better than me" 前面多数有 is
are, verb to be. Examples of "Better than I" 前面 (多数) 及后面个动词是 VERB TO DO, 那便要用 I, e.g. He sings better than I (do)
但好多时后面个 VERB TO DO 会删,所以令到学生唔明,好混淆。不过,而家好多人都搞唔清,应该用 I 时用了 ME, 外国人也是,甚至有些人觉得用 DO 是扮野,太 FORMAL。 Better than I could've said it- blind followers edition. Fixer at Alternate Brain is sick of armchair generals and sheep. Labels: Why? posted by Sharon GR at 1/02/2007 08:58:00 AM ... centernjlife.blogspot/2007/ 01/better-than-i-couldve-said-it-blind - 16k - I Lead Better Than I Follow. Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures has a great post up on why he prefers to be the lead investor in the panies he invests in. Posted in: Venture Capital ... feld/blog/archives/002005 - 10k - This is better than I thought! Reader post by: markperk123. Posted on: November 19
9:14 PM PST. Story: Next-gen console war off and running. I have been convinced for months that the Wii would outsell the PS3 over the long haul
... news/5208-1043_3-0?forumID=1& threadID=22960&messageID=203349&start=-1 - 39k Hard Times (No One Knows Better Than I) by Ray Charles has 3098 listeners at _/Hard+Times+(No+One+Knows+Better+Than+I) - 45k - 最后,看看下面讲 CASUAL 和 FORMAL 的问题。不过如果是考试,当然是跟我上面讲最 FORMAL 那种。 bartleby/68/25/825 Kenh G. Wilson (1923–). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993. better than I
better than me Edited English and most Standard levels of speech above Casual
plus all written levels above Informal
insist on He is better [at basketball] than I [am]. Than is a subordinating conjunction introducing a clause whose subject should be in the nominative case; the clause serves as adverbial modifier of better
in many instances with the full clause suppressed and only the conjunction and pronoun actually spoken or written. In Casual
and some Informal use
you will also find He is better [at basketball] than me
where than is construed as a preposition
with its object properly accusative. The prepositional phrase then is an adverbial modifier of better. My sister is better at math than me is Casual and Impromptu
and appropriate only at those levels and in their written imitations.
Better than me never use better than i because the sentence should have to subject example: you are better than me so
we should use the object form "me"
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