He answered to the question.
先你补充的内容回应,你见到有些时候wer to不于「对」的写法,甚至是高官或议员的讲稿都会是用/写错英文的。 wer to只有一个解释:向某上级或高层负责。或以中国香港的用语:「问责」。例如问责官员是否向市民问责还只是向特首问责 - 便会用 xxx (Head of a Bureau) wers to the public or only wers to the Chief Eexcutive? Answer to不是带不带出要问/答的意思,你意会错了。 (1) ? Jack wered to the question. 请问 wer 之后要不要用 to 来引介所回答的事物? Jack wered the question. (2a) ? Jack wered the question to his teacher. (2b) ? Jack wered his teacher the question. 如果同时要引介所回答的人以及事物
要不要用 to 来引介所回答的人? 2a错 2b对 (3a) ? "I will not join the party
" wered Jack to his friends. (3b) ? "I will not join the party
" wered Jack to the invitation. 如果已经有个 quotation 做 direct object
可不可以用 to 来引介所回答的人(如3a)或事物(如3b)? 3a错 3b错 (4) ? Jack wered to the invitation that he would not join the party. 把(3b)转为 reported speech
可不可以用 to 来引介所回答的事物? 错,不会/不需要用to. Jack wered the invitation that he would not join the party. 以上所有你用错的wer to如果照写法译为中文意思是: 1. Jack向一条问题负责任。 2. 画蛇 4.Jack对邀请负上责任,就是他不会出席。
要不要用 to 来引介所回答的人? 2a错 2b对 (3a) ? "I will not join the party
" wered Jack to his friends. (3b) ? "I will not join the party
" wered Jack to the invitation. 如果已经有个 quotation 做 direct object
可不可以用 to 来引介所回答的人(如3a)或事物(如3b)? 3a错 3b错 (4) ? Jack wered to the invitation that he would not join the party. 把(3b)转为 reported speech
可不可以用 to 来引介所回答的事物? 错,不会/不需要用to. Jack wered the invitation that he would not join the party. 以上所有你用错的wer to如果照写法译为中文意思是: 1. Jack向一条问题负责任。 2. 画蛇 4.Jack对邀请负上责任,就是他不会出席。