
汉末,鹄奔刘表,魏武破荆获鹄,雅好其书,恒悬帐下以玩之。鹄弟子毛宏教於秘书,今八分楷法是也。安平崔瑗父子作草势,宏农张芝转加其巧,即王逸少所言临池学业书,池水尽黑;韦仲将... 汉末,鹄奔刘表,魏武破荆获鹄,雅好其书,恒悬帐下以玩之。鹄弟子毛宏教於秘书,今八分楷法是也。安平崔瑗父子作草势,宏农张芝转加其巧,即王逸少所言临池学业书,池水尽黑;韦仲将所谓草圣。芝弟黄门郎昶亚焉。魏太和中,韦诞自武都太守以善书至侍郎,宫观宝器,皆诞之迹,尝登淩云台题榜,下而白首。太尉钟繇,一时之妙,冠於前,垂於后。繇子会,晋太保卫权父子,吴人皇象。晋征西司马索靖,中书郎李克母卫夫人,并得钟、张之楷,擅价当时。中兴后,王丞相茂宏父子,庾征西稚恭兄弟,咸著盛名於江西。其穷神极变,龙翔天逸,今古独立者,见乎晋会稽内史右将军琅琊王羲之。羲之子献之亦传其妙,而不知逮也。先贤所评子敬之比逸少,犹士季之比元常,言去之远矣。故二王之迹,历代宝之,宋文、齐高,洎梁武父子、湘东、邵陵,咸以为师楷。梁大同中,武帝敕周兴嗣撰千字文,使殷铁石模次羲之之迹,以赐八王,右军之书,咸归梁室。属侯景乱,兵火之后,多从湮阙,而西台诸宫,尚积余宝,元帝之死,一皆自焚,可为悲也!历周至隋,初并天下,大业之始,后主颇求其书,往往有献者。及隋之季,王师入秦,又於洛阳擒二伪主,西京秘阁之宝,扬都扈从之书,绵为吾有。太宗於右军之书,特留睿赏,贞观初,下诏购求,殆尽遗逸。万机之暇,备加执玩,《兰亭》、《乐毅》,尤闻宝重,常令拓书人汤普徽等拓《兰亭》,赐梁公房玄龄已下八人。普彻窃拓以出,故在外传之。及太宗晏驾,本入玄宫。至高宗又敕冯承素、诸葛真拓《乐毅论》及杂帖数本,赐长孙无忌等主人,在外方有。洎大圣天后御极也,尤为宝啬。平一龆龀之岁,见育宫中,切睹先后阅书法数轴,将拓以赐藩邸。时见宫人出六十余函,於亿岁殿曝之,多装以镂牙轴、紫罗票,云是太宗时装。中有故青绫缥、毒瑁轴者,云梁朝旧迹,褾首各题篇目行字等数,草书多於其侧帖真字楷书,每函可二十余卷。别有以小函,可十有余卷,所记忆者,是扇书《乐毅》、《告誓》、《黄庭》。当时私访所主女学,问其函尽出以否,答云尚有,未知几许。至中宗神龙中,贵戚宠盛,宫禁不严,御府之珍,多归私宅,先尽金璧,次及法书,嫔主之冢,因此而出。或有报安乐公主者,主於内出二十余函。驸马武延秀,久践虏庭无功,於此徒闻二王之迹,强学宝重,乃呼薛稷、郑惜及平一评善恶。诸人随事答为上者,登时去牙轴紫褾,只以漆轴黄麻纸褾,题云特健药,云是虏语,其书合作者。时有太宗御笔於后题之,叹其雄逸,太宗公主闻之,遽於内取数函及《乐毅》等小函以归。延秀之死,侧闻睿宗命薛稷择而进之,薛窃留佳者十余轴。薛之败也,为簿录官所盗。平一任郴州日,与太平子薛崇裔、堂兄子崇允连官,说太平之败。崇裔怀《乐毅》等七轴,请崇允托其叔驸马。敬略歧王,以求免戾,此书因归邸第。崇裔弟崇简娶梁宣王女,主家室之书,亦为其所有。后获罪谪五溪,书归御府,而朝士王公亦往往观之。夫龟文以来,鸟迹之后,六书八体,时咸宝之。而代易百王,年移千叶,旧文残阙。遗篇湮散,非穷微极精,博雅好古,孰能辨以问之?学以聚之?豫州刺史东海徐公峤之,怀才蕴艺,依仁践礼,自许笔精,人称草圣。九邱七略,五车百氏,未遇仲尼之贤,犹繁茂先之室。至於魏陵逸策,鲁室前书,字辨阳循,疑招束皙,师宜削去之版,逸少为题之扇,莫不烟霏露凝,鸟歧鱼跃,填彩筐,溢雕厨,贻之后昆,永为家宝。季子浩,并有羲、献之妙,待诏金门,家多法书。见托斯文,题其篇目行字,列之如后。詹事张庭珪之家,抑其次也。 展开
Han, flies rush biao3, weiwu broken thorns, and hid in the book, the suspension to play under the bill. MaoHong hid from disciple, eight secretary is also fixed. Father was Yuan anping cui, macro ZhangZhi farming turn add, namely the WangYi less academic books, which LinChi as black pool, WeiZhong our so-called. His brother huang zhi LangChang door and stillness. Wei wei, Christmas in tai since wu is in good books to ShiLang prefect, jewels, and all the monastic Christmas, taste, put in yuntai problem under BaiShou instead. TaiWei ZhongYao, the wonderful, in the vertical. Son, jin's interpretation will defend the rights, wu emperor and people. SuoJing syma west jin levy, books, and WeiFuRen female brown li ke to clock, ZhangZhi fixed price, then. Zte, wang leehom, convergence and metallocene prime minister, zhou benchi brother for west -- the fame in jiangxi salt. The very poor, TianYi dragon god, see the ancient independent, jin will take general civil right wares wang xizhi. The sons of humanistic and preach the offer, but not catch. The evaluation of worship less than the sons of judah, and from the season than yuan, often go away. Therefore, the two Kings of the SongWen dynasties, and treasure, Ji LiangWu Triassic, ShaoLing, salty, ShiJie thought. Beam in datong, emperor wudi ZhouXingSi miserable QianZiWen writes that the YanTieShi mode, the semantic times to give the king eight, the right to beam, salty. HouJing genera, after more than BingHuo, Yan from the west, and revealed JiYu, Taiwan palace, the death of a YuanDi, whether can be sad, are also! Alex drives, and sui, cause, the better its books, quite often have offered. And the king of the season, sui dynasty, and the division in luoyang piano two false Lord, the treasure, secret pavilion fissura young lamb, the book is squire for us. The book, YuYouJun emperor, leave early tai-zong Co., letter, away from purchasing left. The leisure lifestyle, holding the LAN play, appreciated tube zhong joy yi ", "", especially BaoChong smell, often make ShangPuHui book such extension of the LAN topology, give LiangGong FangXuanLing has eight people. PuChe theft in the extension of the outgoing. And much lamentation followed the death of the emperor xuan into. To the emperor and the FengChengSu miserable ZhuGeZhen, extension tube zhong joy yi "and the chairman of the TieShu, master, etc. Mowgli is in foreign. Ji after another, particularly on extremely also increase treasure. Even the old Tiao Chen, see, see the yukon palaces, will read model calligraphy has given extension to SAN mansion. You then GongRen out 60 million years, in the temple and much to aerating its teeth axis, purple ROM, a cloud is too fashion. In Piao poplin, poison is green, YunLiang decided axis, Biao JiuJi toward each topic reveals the words, more than the number of such cursive script, lateral esther's words every letter May 20 volumes. Don't have to small letter, but ten more volume, memory, the book is door tube zhong joy yi ", "tell", "HuangTing oath. Then the woman, which SiFang as to ask whether the letter, a cloud is unknown, how much. To GuiQi pets, liaison dragon, the royal GongJin lax, Jane, much return home, do JinBi, times and lesbian book, the Lord, therefore. Or have reported happiness, the princess in a more than 20. Fu MaWuYan show, long practice of reactive power sensor in the court, the two Kings smells ACTS, BaoChong learned, but XueJi, zheng pity and cried and trying to evaluation. All the people answered, as for the company to Biao teeth, only with purple axle shaft jute paper Biao, paint, medicine, health problem clouds cloud is lu, the book collaborator. When the emperor YuBi in question, after escaping the emperor, the sigh of princess smell, dropped to take several letters within the letter of small tube zhong joy yi to return. The death of lateral extension show, WenRuiZong XueJi life choices, xue theft in the left ten axis. Also, for the record; judges recorded books stolen. Even as chenzhou, and XueChong African Cousins, son son, chung acceptable even said of peace. The worship of African conceived tube zhong joy yi 7-axis, please allow the bridegroom's uncle chung. And the king, in order to avoid slightly discrepancy, the crime to the mansion for. Chung African brother marry Jane LiangXuanWang female, chung, also used for the book room all. After the book was Zhe five streams, and the royal government, unto the princes also tend to view. Since the husband turtle wen, birds, six eight body after mark, when the salty treasure. And the king, and move to 100 years old, chiba residual que. YiPian Yan scattered, the poor micro extremely fine, boya good, which can cause to ask? Learn to gather? And the east Jiao XuGong emissary-system in Wyoming, according to accumulate art, RenJian conceited, pure, our person pen. Nine, five car slightly high seven hundred degrees, ZhongNi encounter of judah first, luxuriant. But, before the room WeiLingYi robust, word, yi bian Yang xi, the teacher should gather bundle of edition, cut off from the window title is less, Fei dew, birds of smoke discrepancy, colouring basket, overflowing carved hutch, after the excellent GuBao for ever. JiZiHao, and has offered the semantic and ennui, kinmen, home of many. See, its marked "gentle words, the following. Gianluigi Zhang Tinggui things, or next.
2009-11-09 · TA获得超过2984个赞
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2009-11-13 · TA获得超过319个赞
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2009-11-13 · TA获得超过3401个赞
Han, flies rush biao3, weiwu broken thorns, and hid in the book, the suspension to play under the bill. MaoHong hid from disciple, eight secretary is also fixed. Father was Yuan anping cui, macro ZhangZhi farming turn add, namely the WangYi less academic books, which LinChi as black pool, WeiZhong our so-called. His brother huang zhi LangChang door and stillness. Wei wei, Christmas in tai since wu is in good books to ShiLang prefect, jewels, and all the monastic Christmas, taste, put in yuntai problem under BaiShou instead. TaiWei ZhongYao, the wonderful, in the vertical. Son, jin's interpretation will defend the rights, wu emperor and people. SuoJing syma west jin levy, books, and WeiFuRen female brown li ke to clock, ZhangZhi fixed price, then. Zte, wang leehom, convergence and metallocene prime minister, zhou benchi brother for west -- the fame in jiangxi salt. The very poor, TianYi dragon god, see the ancient independent, jin will take general civil right wares wang xizhi. The sons of humanistic and preach the offer, but not catch. The evaluation of worship less than the sons of judah, and from the season than yuan, often go away. Therefore, the two Kings of the SongWen dynasties, and treasure, Ji LiangWu Triassic, ShaoLing, salty, ShiJie thought. Beam in datong, emperor wudi ZhouXingSi miserable QianZiWen writes that the YanTieShi mode, the semantic times to give the king eight, the right to beam, salty. HouJing genera, after more than BingHuo, Yan from the west, and revealed JiYu, Taiwan palace, the death of a YuanDi, whether can be sad, are also! Alex drives, and sui, cause, the better its books, quite often have offered. And the king of the season, sui dynasty, and the division in luoyang piano two false Lord, the treasure, secret pavilion fissura young lamb, the book is squire for us. The book, YuYouJun emperor, leave early tai-zong Co., letter, away from purchasing left. The leisure lifestyle, holding the LAN play, appreciated tube zhong joy yi ", "", especially BaoChong smell, often make ShangPuHui book such extension of the LAN topology, give LiangGong FangXuanLing has eight people. PuChe theft in the extension of the outgoing. And much lamentation followed the death of the emperor xuan into. To the emperor and the FengChengSu miserable ZhuGeZhen, extension tube zhong joy yi "and the chairman of the TieShu, master, etc. Mowgli is in foreign. Ji after another, particularly on extremely also increase treasure. Even the old Tiao Chen, see, see the yukon palaces, will read model calligraphy has given extension to SAN mansion. You then GongRen out 60 million years, in the temple and much to aerating its teeth axis, purple ROM, a cloud is too fashion. In Piao poplin, poison is green, YunLiang decided axis, Biao JiuJi toward each topic reveals the words, more than the number of such cursive script, lateral esther's words every letter May 20 volumes. Don't have to small letter, but ten more volume, memory, the book is door tube zhong joy yi ", "tell", "HuangTing oath. Then the woman, which SiFang as to ask whether the letter, a cloud is unknown, how much. To GuiQi pets, liaison dragon, the royal GongJin lax, Jane, much return home, do JinBi, times and lesbian book, the Lord, therefore. Or have reported happiness, the princess in a more than 20. Fu MaWuYan show, long practice of reactive power sensor in the court, the two Kings smells ACTS, BaoChong learned, but XueJi, zheng pity and cried and trying to evaluation. All the people answered, as for the company to Biao teeth, only with purple axle shaft jute paper Biao, paint, medicine, health problem clouds cloud is lu, the book collaborator. When the emperor YuBi in question, after escaping the emperor, the sigh of princess smell, dropped to take several letters within the letter of small tube zhong joy yi to return. The death of lateral extension show, WenRuiZong XueJi life choices, xue theft in the left ten axis. Also, for the record; judges recorded books stolen. Even as chenzhou, and XueChong African Cousins, son son, chung acceptable even said of peace. The worship of African conceived tube zhong joy yi 7-axis, please allow the bridegroom's uncle chung. And the king, in order to avoid slightly discrepancy, the crime to the mansion for. Chung African brother marry Jane LiangXuanWang female, chung, also used for the book room all. After the book was Zhe five streams, and the royal government, unto the princes also tend to view. Since the husband turtle wen, birds, six eight body after mark, when the salty treasure. And the king, and move to 100 years old, chiba residual que. YiPian Yan scattered, the poor micro extremely fine, boya good, which can cause to ask? Learn to gather? And the east Jiao XuGong emissary-system in Wyoming, according to accumulate art, RenJian conceited, pure, our person pen. Nine, five car slightly high seven hundred degrees, ZhongNi encounter of judah first, luxuriant. But, before the room WeiLingYi robust, word, yi bian Yang xi, the teacher should gather bundle of edition, cut off from the window title is less, Fei dew, birds of smoke discrepancy, colouring basket, overflowing carved hutch, after the excellent GuBao for ever. JiZiHao, and has offered the semantic and ennui, kinmen, home of many. See, its marked "gentle words, the following. Gianluigi Zhang Tinggui things, or next.
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2009-11-20 · TA获得超过4766个赞
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