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2023-01-26 · TA获得超过336个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】演讲稿具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点。在日常生活和工作中,需要使用演讲稿的场合越来越多,如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Distinguished leaders, judges, teachers and dear colleagues: Good afternoon! I'm XX. The topic of my speech is youth and dreams.

  I am not a poet and can't eulogize my career with beautiful poems; I am not a scholar and can not think about my value with profound thoughts; I'm not a singer. I can't sing my post with a beautiful voice. I am an ordinary cadre. I want to pick up flowery words in my mind and build the best poetry in my heart; I will use deep thinking to deduce the most mysterious philosophy in my heart; I want to sing the most sincere oath in my heart with dignified feelings - when I choose the Development Zone, I choose dedication. I want to sprinkle my youth on this hot land full of dreams!

  If the education in the development zone is compared to a big ship, I am the sailor on this big ship. I feel happy for my tense and full life every day and feel heartfelt pride for witnessing the vigorous development of education in the whole region. Some people say that entering the development zone is the most beautiful place in the urban area. When you see a modern school with complete facilities standing among tall buildings, you will be glad to find that the decision-makers led by director Wang in the development zone have not forgotten to modernize our education while making efforts to carry out economic construction under the guidance of science, Don't forget to build a strong education area!

  Young I think of myself, the responsibility and mission on my shoulders, and how to make my youth more dazzling and bright in my selfless dedication to the cause of education! Einstein once said: "I think, for everything, only love is the teacher, he is far more than the sense of responsibility." I think the value I want to realize is to love my career, integrate the sense of responsibility into the work bit by bit, and integrate into the committed pursuit of "love and dedication, integrity and honest service". With their own hard work and sweat, they will contribute to accelerating the scientific development of the development zone and boosting the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone.

  Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world. Let's base ourselves on our own work, strengthen service awareness, improve service quality, and focus our work on hot issues and difficult issues of concern to the masses. With our good service, we will create a fair and harmonious environment for the development of education in the development zone. Let's pursue the new development of education with greater mind and spirit, stronger knowledge and ability, in work, learning and innovation, and jointly create a more brilliant tomorrow of the development zone!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Maybe you are struggling with the gains and losses of life, maybe you are wandering on the edge of pain, maybe you have waited hard, maybe you have failed, but please remember, in fact, all this is important. The important thing is that we have youth and we have dreams!

  Youth with dreams is simple and happy, youth with dreams is forge ahead, youth with dreams is fearless, youth with dreams is invincible! Come on, carry the heart of youth with the wings of dreams, and let youth fly with dreams!

  In a developing society, in the reality that things have changed, youth is our qualification to work hard; In the busy and impermanent life, in the reinforced concrete buildings, dreams are the driving force of our struggle! The heart of youth is ready to move. Let the dream take us on a long voyage. Even if the mountain is high into the sky, even if the water depth is not bottomed out, even if the gap is boundless, the heart of youth has a dream to carry, young we raise the wings of dreams, cross difficulties and fly over the limit.

  Youth with a dream, we can enjoy the scenery of small mountains at the top of the mountain, watch the play of fish at the bottom of the water, and grasp the magic of the earth in the sky. Yes, it is the dream that makes the impossible possible, and it is youth that makes the unrealistic come true! In fact, between dream and reality, there is only a pitiful layer of black gauze. It cruelly separates dream from reality. Only those with dreams can tear it, make the perfect combination of dream and reality, and collide with the brightest brilliance in the world. In fact, there is only a regrettable period of time between youth and aging. It ruthlessly generates people into two stages. Only those who have a good grasp of youth can fight against aging and call aging concession with firm faith. There is only a linear difference between dream and reality. Youth and aging are only one step away. Shouldn't we grasp youth, let dreams fly over and let dreams and reality spark? Youth is a ship and dream is a sail. Take the ship of youth, raise the sail of dream and sail to the other side of reality; Dream is the road and youth is the lamp. Embark on the road of dream, light the lamp of youth and move towards a bright and broad road.


  Everyone has colorful dreams and many dreams to be a teacher. doctor. Soldiers... These dreams are a beacon that will guide you to the other side of success.

  My dream is to be a dancer. The reason why I have such a dream is that I have loved dancing since I was a child. I want to fight for my dream. If I want to fight, there will be setbacks. No matter how many setbacks there are, I will fight for my dream. I can't let my dream come to naught.

  The dream of this dancer began when I was 5 years old. As long as I heard music, I couldn't help dancing. Slowly, I fell in love with dance. I like the graceful posture, difficult movements and elegant figure of dance.

  In the process of learning dance, I practice hard. Sometimes it hurts. Sweat flows down from my forehead. I can take a rain bath! But if you don't do this action in place, you will be criticized by the teacher and ridiculed by the students. At this time, you will always shed tears and ask yourself, why can't I do it well? In this way, I will study harder. Practice, because I don't want to be ridiculed by my classmates and criticized by my teachers, which has become my motivation to practice dance.

  Sometimes I want to give up, but as long as I think of "as long as I have perseverance, an iron pestle will be ground into a needle", I will pay my own efforts to make myself a“ Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." as long as I have perseverance, I will become a dancer.

  If I become a dancer, I will encourage my students to strive for their goal of becoming a dancer and encounter setbacks. This is my exercise. Don't be discouraged. In difficult times, we should see efforts and struggle, so that they won't fail.

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