单词 "stand" 是一个动词,读音为 [stænd]。它有多个含义,下面是一些常见的定义和例句:
1. 站立:支撑身体以保持直立的姿势。
- He stood at the edge of the cliff, enjoying the view.
- The students stood in a line for the morning assembly.
2. 忍受,承受:忍受某种情况或行为。
- She couldn't stand the pain and had to go to the hospital.
- I can't stand people who are always late.
3. 立场,态度:持有的观点、立场或态度。
- He took a stand against animal cruelty.
- The company's stand on environmental issues is well-known.
4. 位于:位于某个位置或方向上。
- The bookcase stands against the wall.
- Their house stands on top of the hill.
5. 举行:组织或举办某种活动。
- The school is planning to stand a charity event next month.
- They stood a fundraiser to support local community projects.