
 我来答
2009-11-17 · TA获得超过149个赞
The cold coffee left the cup mat
The motion that I endure at very behind
The previously that try very hard to want to save
In my on the face still clear it is thus clear that

The most beautiful is not a rainy day
Once hid with you the eaves of rain
Appearance of recall
Start to be not sweet in the move swing dream

You say that let go of gradually the love and will walk more far
Time that go to change why the need for again to have already miss
Imagine you before just losing completely nearby

Probably the label of the destiny let us meet only
Let us love the autumn of this quarterly mutually only
Float to fall behind to just discover this happy fragment
Want I how does muo pick up

The cold coffee left the cup mat
The motion that I endure at very behind
The previously that try very hard to want to save

In my on the face still clear it is thus clear that

The most beautiful is not a rainy day
Once hid with you the eaves oh of rain
Appearance of recall
Start to be not sweet in the move swing dream

You say that let go of gradually the love and will walk more far
Time that go to change why the need for again to have already miss
You keep me from say to see again with your finger tip
Imagine you before just losing completely nearby

You say that let go of gradually the love and will walk more far
Probably the label of the destiny let us meet only
Let us love the autumn of this quarterly mutually only
Float to fall behind to just discover this happy fragment
Want I how does muo pick up
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