
一、SamBell爱上了一个叫Tess的女孩并和她结婚了,然而不久他们的婚姻出了问题。于是Sam受雇于LunarIndustries作为一个赴月球的宇航员,签署了为期3年... 一、Sam Bell爱上了一个叫Tess的女孩并和她结婚了,然而不久他们的婚姻出了问题。于是Sam受雇于Lunar Industries作为一个赴月球的宇航员,签署了为期3年的合同,呆在月球上开采新能源。
三年期满,Sam回到地球。但是Lunar Industries觉得这样每三年雇一个新人的运输费用太高昂了。于是为了节约成本,他们造了无数个Sam的克隆人,并且将Sam本人的记忆植入他们的大脑中。这些克隆人被冷冻在月球基地的地下室里。
第一个克隆人Sam-2被月球上的机器人Gerty唤醒。Sam-2开始执行他在月球上的三年契约。Gerty告诉他月球上的通信天线被太阳风暴损坏,不能与地球进行实时通信(实际上是Lunar Industries在他们的基地旁盖了干扰发射塔)。这样Sam-2只能“观看”事实上是Tess以前发来的旧的视频消息。而实际上Tess此时和真正的Sam在地球上生活。
病重的Sam-5觉得自己活不长了,于是不忍心杀死Sam-7。他决定自己回到出事故的车上,而让Sam-6逃回地球。最后Sam-6临走之前还修改了程序,让helium harvester撞毁了干扰发射塔。
Sam Bell fell in love with a girl called Tess and she married, but soon they marriage problems. So Sam employed by Lunar offered to the moon as an astronaut, signed a three-year contract, stay on the moon for the exploitation of new energy.
Sam in the moon, only three very lonely and wife Tess through video information exchange. Through video Sam saw their daughter Eve, almost should be born when Sam go to the moon.
Expiry, Sam back to earth. But every three years that this Lunar offered to hire a couple of transportation cost is too high. So in order to save cost, they made countless Sam clone, and my memory implanted Sam their brain. The clone frozen in the moon base in the basement.
The first clone Sam - 2 is the moon Gerty robot. Sam - 2 start his three-year contract on the moon. Gerty told him the communication on the moon by solar storms damage, the antenna with earth can real-time communication (which is actually the Lunar base in their side offered to cover the interference towers). So Sam - 2 only "watch" is actually before the old Tess from video message. In the real time and Tess Sam life on earth.
And expiry, Sam - 2 was informed that he will return to the earth, and his wife Tess reunion, and to return to earth Gerty told him before to be frozen. Actually Sam - 2 be incinerated.
The second clone Sam - 3 awakened, three years later he was equally incineration. This earth has 9 years old daughter Eve, and his wife Tess had already died.
Sam - 4, then we repeat the movie actor Sam - 5 finally appeared. Movie at the beginning, he is almost three years when the term expires.
The story is a movie, Sam - five starts hallucinating found himself, then an accident. Gerty thought he was dead, they advance aroused Sam - 6. Sam - 6 determined to go to the scene of the accident, found and rescued Sam - 5. Then they finally found himself is actually clone. Sam - 5 in critically ill than drive to electromagnetic interference zone, call on earth "home", and finally saw was already 15 years old, also know the Eve of news, and Tess died that the real earth Sam.
The earth was sent to rescue team ". Sam - 6 know, if both of them were found to be killed. So Sam - 6-7 and decided to awaken Sam killed him, to put the car for Sam - 5, Sam - 5 sneaking back to earth.
Sam - 5 critically ill feeling not live long, so don't bear to kill Sam - 7. He decided to return the car accidents, and let Sam - 6 to flee to the earth. Finally Sam - 6 before leaving also changed the helium, harvester program crashed interference towers.

参考资料: http://fanyi.youdao.com/

2009-11-22 · TA获得超过105个赞
1, Sam Bell fell in love with a girl called Tess, and her married, but their marriage soon out of a problem. So Sam employed Lunar Industries went to the moon as an astronaut, signed a three-year contract to stay on the moon mining new energy sources.
Sam is very lonely on the moon three years only and his wife Tess communication via video message. Sam saw a video of their daughter, Eve, almost to the moon should be in when Sam was born.
Three-year period, Sam returned to the Earth. But the Lunar Industries feel that employed a new three-year cost of transport is too expensive. So in order to save costs, they made countless Sam of human cloning, and will the memory of Sam I implanted in their brains. These clones were frozen in the basement of a lunar base.
The first clone Sam-2 was Gerty wake-up robot on the moon. Sam-2 began to carry out his three-year contract on the Moon. Gerty told him that the communications antenna on the moon by the sun storms damaged and can not communicate with the Earth in real time (actually, Lunar Industries covered in their base next to the towers of interference). This Sam-2 can only "watch" is in fact the old Tess previously sent a video message. Fact Tess at this time and the real life of Sam on earth.
Another three-year period, Sam-2 was told that he would return to Earth to reunite with his wife Tess, but to return to Earth before the Gerty was frozen up to tell him first. In fact Sam-2 have been incinerated.
The second clone Sam-3 has been awakened, three years later, he was also incinerated. At this time the Earth has 9-year-old daughter, Eve, while his wife Tess have already died.
Sam-4 repeat the same mistakes, then we are the protagonist of the film was finally played by Sam-5. Film at the beginning is that he is about to expire when the three-year term.
The next story is a movie plot, Sam-5 was found and he started to hallucinate, and then an accident happened. Gerty thought he was dead, the early wake-up call Sam-6. Sam-6 insisted on going to the scene, found and rescued Sam-5. Then they finally found themselves in fact human cloning. Sam-5 in the critically ill while outside the area to drive to electromagnetic interference, called the Earth "own" at home, at last, the time for 15-year-old Eve, is also aware of Tess's death, and found the real The Earth Sam.
The Earth sent to the "rescue team." Sam-6 know that if the two of them were found will be killed. So Sam-6 decided to wake up Sam-7 and to kill him in order to put the incident site replacement Sam-5, then secretly returned to Earth Sam-5.
Fall seriously ill, Sam-5 feel that they not live long, so could not bear to kill Sam-7. He decided to back out of his car accident, and let Sam-6 fled back into the Earth. Before leaving the final Sam-6 has also modified the procedures so that the helium harvester crashing into the towers interference.
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